oxcarbazepine / Generic mfg. 
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 51 Diseases   15 Trials   15 Trials   1554 News 

  • ||||||||||  Imcivree (setmelanotide) / Rhythm Pharma
    Advantages of genetic testing in the evaluation of pediatric obesity () -  Mar 14, 2023 - Abstract #PAS2023PAS_2177;    
    Genetic testing revealed heterozygosity for two MC4R gene variants. The hypothalamic melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R) pathway regulates weight by influencing hunger, satiety, metabolic rate and energy balance.
  • ||||||||||  carbamazepine / Generic mfg., oxcarbazepine / Generic mfg.
    Lamotrigine as a First-line Agent in the Management of Paroxysmal Kinesigenic Dyskinesia (Both in-person and online) -  Mar 12, 2023 - Abstract #AAN2023AAN_4293;    
    Conclusions Lamotrigine is an effective first line alternative to carbamazepine and oxcarbazepine for PKD. It is a safer choice for females of child bearing potential and may have increased tolerability.
  • ||||||||||  gabapentin / Generic mfg., oxcarbazepine / Generic mfg.
    Multiple Sclerosis Related Trigeminal Neuralgia  (Both in-person and online) -  Mar 12, 2023 - Abstract #AAN2023AAN_3868;    
    It is a safer choice for females of child bearing potential and may have increased tolerability. Conclusions MS patients with TN experienced neurogenic pain of multiple types and high severity.
  • ||||||||||  oxcarbazepine / Generic mfg.
    Autosomal Dominant Trigeminal Neuralgia (Both in-person and online) -  Mar 12, 2023 - Abstract #AAN2023AAN_2768;    
    His symptoms were well-controlled on oxcarbazepine...There are few case reports of familial trigeminal neuralgia, and this case has a particularly high number of family members affected. Physicians should be aware that trigeminal neuralgia can rarely be a familial disorder, and should consider family history when evaluating patients for trigeminal neuralgia.
  • ||||||||||  Xcopri (cenobamate) / SK Bio, Angelini Group, Endo
    The Pharmacokinetics of Cenobamate When Used as Monotherapy (Both in-person and online) -  Mar 12, 2023 - Abstract #AAN2023AAN_1890;    
    Therefore, plasma cenobamate exposures with adjunctive therapy were comparable to monotherapy. Conclusions Based on these findings, cenobamate monotherapy should result in plasma exposures comparable to those that have been demonstrated to be safe and effective when used as adjunctive therapy for the treatment of focal seizures.
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  Features of the choice and the use of antiepileptic drugs as analgesics in elderly. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 9, 2023   
    Variety of antiepileptics used as analgesics have variable efficacy and safety profile in elderly. «Old» antiepileptics (phenobarbital, clonazepam, ethosuximide, carbamazepine, phenytoin, valproate, etc.) and «new» (gabapentin, pregabalin, oxcarbazepine, lamotrigine, levetiracetam, topiramate, zonisamide, tiagabine) are considered in this review with insights on pharmacokinetic features of these drugs in elderly, profile of side effects, parameters of analgesic efficacy.
  • ||||||||||  oxcarbazepine / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Effect of Oxcarbazepine on Language Function in Patients With Newly Diagnosed Pediatric Epilepsy. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 7, 2023   
    «Old» antiepileptics (phenobarbital, clonazepam, ethosuximide, carbamazepine, phenytoin, valproate, etc.) and «new» (gabapentin, pregabalin, oxcarbazepine, lamotrigine, levetiracetam, topiramate, zonisamide, tiagabine) are considered in this review with insights on pharmacokinetic features of these drugs in elderly, profile of side effects, parameters of analgesic efficacy. Our results suggest that OXC is safe and preserves language function in patients with pediatric epilepsy.
  • ||||||||||  oxcarbazepine / Generic mfg.
    Several BrS inducers are present in this case, including both seizures and antiepileptic medications, but fever is a more common precipitant. Consideration of all modulating factors is critical to BrS management.
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  Zebrafish EEG predicts the efficacy of antiepileptic drugs. (Pubmed Central) -  Dec 27, 2022   
    Moreover, the 50% effective doses (ED50) of valproate acid and tiagabine were determined based on zebrafish EEG for the first time, indicating that the quantitative inter-species comparison of the AED efficacy is possible between zebrafish and mammals such as rodents. Significance: The results show that zebrafish can be used to effectively and quantitatively evaluate the efficacy of AEDs based on EEG, the same method to evaluate antiepileptic effects in mammals, suggesting that the proposed method can contribute in reducing the cost and duration of search for AEDs and thus accelerate the drug development cycles.
  • ||||||||||  phenobarbital / Generic mfg., carbamazepine / Generic mfg., oxcarbazepine / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Clinical Characteristics of Seizures and Epilepsy in Individuals With Recurrent Deletions and Duplications in the 16p11.2 Region. (Pubmed Central) -  Dec 20, 2022   
    Seizures responded favorably to phenobarbital, carbamazepine, and oxcarbazepine in the deletion group, specifically in the Se(F)IE, and to various antiseizure medications in the duplication group. These findings delineate the spectrum of seizures and epilepsies in the recurrent 16p11.2 deletions and duplications and provide potential diagnostic, therapeutic, and prognostic information.
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  Cytochrome P450-mediated antiseizure medication interactions influence apoptosis, modulate the brain BAX/Bcl-X ratio and aggravate mitochondrial stressors in human pharmacoresistant epilepsy. (Pubmed Central) -  Dec 16, 2022   
    We divided the patients into groups-those who took combinations of NON-CYP + CYP substrate ASMs, NON-CYP + CYP inducer ASMs, CYP substrate + CYP substrate or CYP substrate + CYP inducer ASMs-to study the 1) pro- and anti-apoptotic protein levels and other apoptotic signaling proteins and levels of reactive oxygen species (reduced glutathione and lipid peroxidation) in brain tissues; 2) cytotoxicity at blood-brain barrier epileptic endothelial cells (EPI-ECs) and subsequent changes in mitochondrial membrane potential in normal neuronal cells, following treatment with LCM + OXC (CYP substrate + CYP inducer) or LCM + LEV (CYP substrate + NON-CYP-substrate) after blood-brain barrier penetration, and 3) apoptotic and mitochondrial protein targets in the cells, pre-and post-CYP3A4 inhibition by ketoconazole and drug treatments...Together, the study highlights for the first time that pro- and anti-apoptotic proteins levels are dependent on ASM combinations in epilepsy, modulated via a CYP-mediated mechanism that controls free radicals, cytotoxicity and mitochondrial activity. These findings lead to a better understanding of future drug selection choices offsetting pharmacodynamic CYP-mediated interactions.
  • ||||||||||  lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Psychopharmacological Treatment Algorithms of Manic/Mixed and Depressed Episodes in Pediatric Bipolar Disorder. (Pubmed Central) -  Dec 7, 2022   
    We offer an update to the 2005 AACAP algorithms for the treatment of pediatric bipolar mixed/manic episodes and added an evidence-based algorithm for the treatment of depression in PBD. In addition to treatment algorithms, we review current evidence for efficacy of agents proposed in the AACAP algorithm and provide tables summarizing medication side effects and efficacy.
  • ||||||||||  levetiracetam / Generic mfg., oxcarbazepine / Generic mfg.
    Retrospective data, Journal:  Effects of new antiseizure medication on bone metabolism and bone mineral density in children: A meta-analysis. (Pubmed Central) -  Dec 3, 2022   
    However, the effects of new antiseizure medication on serum calcium and bone alkaline phosphatase in children were not statistically significant. New antiseizure medication have different effects on bone metabolism and bone mineral density in children with epilepsy, and the effects of different types of new antiseizure medication are different.
  • ||||||||||  Paxlovid (nirmatrelvir and ritonavir) / Pfizer
    Journal:  Paxlovid Information From FDA and Guidance for AES Members. (Pubmed Central) -  Dec 2, 2022   
    ASMs that are metabolized, at least in part, by CYP3A4 include cannabidiol, carbamazepine, clobazam, clonazepam, diazepam, ethosuximide, everolimus, felbamate, lacosamide, midazolam, oxcarbazepine, perampanel, stiripentol, tiagabine, and zonisamide. Patients receiving these medications may warrant closer monitoring while being treated with Paxlovid.
  • ||||||||||  Xcopri (cenobamate) / SK Bio, Angelini Group, Endo
    Long-term Effect of Cenobamate in a Cohort of Therapy Refractory Adult Patients with Different Types of Epilepsies (Hall B, Level 3) -  Nov 29, 2022 - Abstract #AES2022AES_1344;    
    The comedication was lamotrigine (49), valproate (41), clobazam (35), brivaracetam/levetiracetam (37), lacosamide (15), oxcarbazepine (15), perampanel (7), zonisamide (5), stiripentol (5), topiramate (4), phenobarbital (2), rufinamide (1), felbamate (1), carbamazepine (1). Overall, adjunct CNB has been found to be generally safe and effective for treatment-resistant seizures in adult pts, a few therapy-resistant pts got seizure free and the retention rate, a mixture of effect and side effects was 91.4% after 6 months.
  • ||||||||||  The Gain of Function SCN1A Disorder Spectrum: Novel Epilepsy Phenotypes and Therapeutic Implications (Hall B, Level 3) -  Nov 29, 2022 - Abstract #AES2022AES_1288;    
    Our study expands the spectrum of gain of function SCN1A-related epilepsy phenotypes, defines key clinical features, provides novel insights into the underlying disease mechanisms between SCN1A-related epilepsy and FHM3, and identifies sodium channel blockers as potentially efficacious therapies. Gain-of-function disease should be considered in early onset epilepsies with a pathogenic SCN1A variant and non-Dravet syndrome phenotype.
  • ||||||||||  Fycompa (perampanel) / Eisai, Aptiom (eslicarbazepine) / Sumitomo Dainippon, BIAL
    Practice Trends in Women with Epilepsy (Hall B, Level 3) -  Nov 29, 2022 - Abstract #AES2022AES_1220;    
    Based on available data, several organizations including the AAN (American Academy of Neurology) and the AES (American Epilepsy Society) recommend avoidance of valproate use in women of child bearing age group due to substantial risk of major congenital malformations and adverse neuro-cognitive outcomes and recommend use of folic acid supplementation. However, our study finds that there is a practice gap between recommendations and clinician practice trends illustrating the need for more clinician education and need for involvement of epileptologists in the care of these patients to ensure best outcomes.
  • ||||||||||  Xcopri (cenobamate) / SK Bio, Angelini Group, Endo
    The Pharmacokinetics of Cenobamate When Used as Monotherapy (Hall B, Level 3) -  Nov 29, 2022 - Abstract #AES2022AES_1009;    
    The following antiseizure medications (ASMs) were tested as covariates for statistically significant effects on the apparent clearance (CL/F) of cenobamate based on their use in the clinical studies of patients with focal seizures: carbamazepine, clobazam, lacosamide, lamotrigine, levetiracetam, oxcarbazepine, topiramate, and valproate. Based on these findings, cenobamate monotherapy should result in plasma exposures comparable to those that have been demonstrated to be safe and effective when used as adjunctive therapy for the treatment of focal seizures.