- |||||||||| glatiramer acetate / Generic mfg.
[VIRTUAL] Effect of disease-modifying treatments on cognitive impairment in MS (ePoster Library) - Aug 3, 2021 - Abstract #ECTRIMS2021ECTRIMS_946; However, the comparison of results is limited by inhomogeneity between groups (more severe patients in the NTZ group) and the performance of tests at different times (older tests for the NTZ and IFN/AG groups). In conclusion, in our study NTZ was a more effective treatment alternative than FTY, TRF and IFN/AG in reducing cognitive impairment.
- |||||||||| teriflunomide / Generic mfg.
[VIRTUAL] Teriflunomide and cognition: a longitudinal study (ePoster Library) - Aug 3, 2021 - Abstract #ECTRIMS2021ECTRIMS_945; Results suggest that TRF treatment in RRMS has a positive effect in cognitive functioning, and specifically on long term verbal memory, and, to a lesser extent, in inhibition. Neuroimaging correlates are currently being processed and will be presented during the meeting.
- |||||||||| Mavenclad (cladribine) / EMD Serono, Lemtrada (alemtuzumab) / Sanofi
[VIRTUAL] COVID-19 (inactivated and mRNA) vaccine and humoral response in people with multiple sclerosis: Chilean cohort (ePoster Library) - Aug 3, 2021 - Abstract #ECTRIMS2021ECTRIMS_907; In our cohort, most of the treatments are likely to produce humoral response to the COVID-19 vaccine, especially alemtuzumab, cladribine and natalizumab, regardless the infusion/administration time. Further study needs to be done that includes more patients with antiCD20 and fingolimod but also it is important that the studies take into consideration the type of vaccine (T cell dependent response), B cell reconstitution and lymphocyte subpopulations for B and T cells.
- |||||||||| glatiramer acetate / Generic mfg.
[VIRTUAL] Late onset multiple sclerosis Isfahan Iran (ePoster Library) - Aug 3, 2021 - Abstract #ECTRIMS2021ECTRIMS_835; LOMS patients have high prevalence of comorbidities that differ from adult ms. Furthermore, the family history of MS is statistically significant in our study.
- |||||||||| Mavenclad (cladribine) / EMD Serono
[VIRTUAL] Cladribine in a real world setting. The real patients (ePoster Library) - Aug 3, 2021 - Abstract #ECTRIMS2021ECTRIMS_790; 23 patients switch from teriflunomide, 16 from dimethylfumarate, 14 from fingolimod, 22 from injectables, 1 from alemtuzumab... In the real world cladribine has proved to be effective, safe and very well tolerated.
- |||||||||| Kesimpta (ofatumumab subcutaneous) / Novartis, Genmab, Mavenclad (cladribine) / EMD Serono
[VIRTUAL] Cost-effectiveness of ofatumumab in comparison with other disease modifying therapies and best supportive care for the treatment of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis in Canada (ePoster Library) - Aug 3, 2021 - Abstract #ECTRIMS2021ECTRIMS_732; Considering first-line therapies, ofatumumab was dominant (more efficacy, lower costs) over teriflunomide, interferons, dimethyl fumarate, and ocrelizumab, and resulted in incremental cost-utility ratios (ICURs) of $24,177 Canadian dollars per quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) gained versus glatiramer acetate and $28,034 versus BSC... In Canada, ofatumumab is cost effective against all comparators and dominant compared to all currently approved and reimbursed first-line DMTs for the treatment of patients with RRMS, except glatiramer acetate.
- |||||||||| Kesimpta (ofatumumab subcutaneous) / Novartis, Genmab
[VIRTUAL] Effect of ofatumumab on brain volume loss vs historical placebo in relapsing multiple sclerosis (ePoster Library) - Aug 3, 2021 - Abstract #ECTRIMS2021ECTRIMS_674; In the phase 3 ASCLEPIOS I/II trials, ofatumumab 20 mg administered subcutaneously every 4 weeks (q4w) was superior to oral teriflunomide 14 mg once daily, with significant reduction in relapse rates, lesion numbers on MRI, neurofilament light levels greater delays in disability worsening in patients with RMS...MRI scans for RMS patients treated with placebo were collected at baseline, month 6, year 1 2 in the FREEDOMS and FREEDOMS II trials, a Phase 3 trials involving fingolimod... Based on our analysis using identical MRI methodology causal inference methods, ofatumumab significantly reduced disease related BVL when compared with placebo.
- |||||||||| glatiramer acetate / Generic mfg., dimethyl fumarate / Generic mfg.
[VIRTUAL] Evaluating DMT escalation based on isolated MRI activity (ePoster Library) - Aug 3, 2021 - Abstract #ECTRIMS2021ECTRIMS_570; Methods : From the Vienna Innsbruck MS database (VIMSD), we included RMS patients (18-65 years) with a) newly initiated moderately effective DMT (interferon-beta, glatiramer acetate, dimethyl fumarate, or teriflunomide) continued for 12 months, b) clinical stability (no relapses or disability progression) on DMT for 12 months, c) MRI at baseline (MRI-0) and after 12 months of DMT (MRI-1), and d) available clinical follow-up for ≥3 years... In our real-world cohort of clinically stable patients, DMT escalation based on isolated MRI activity only changed outcome when MRI activity fulfilled at least MAGNIMS criteria (exceeding 3 new/enlarged T2 lesions).
- |||||||||| Kesimpta (ofatumumab subcutaneous) / Novartis, Genmab
[VIRTUAL] First-hand experience with ofatumumab at ASCLEPIOS study sites in Europe (ePoster Library) - Aug 3, 2021 - Abstract #ECTRIMS2021ECTRIMS_543; After gaining experience with ofatumumab within clinical trials, European neurologists consider ofatumumab a very efficient and safe treatment option. They rate the self-administered subcutaneous injection once a month as offering high convenience for patients and as facilitating processes at high-occupancy clinics and office-based practices.
- |||||||||| Ponvory (ponesimod) / J&J
[VIRTUAL] Analysis and evaluation of ponesimod hepatic safety data (ePoster Library) - Aug 3, 2021 - Abstract #ECTRIMS2021ECTRIMS_533; Introduction: In the OPTIMUM Phase III study, the efficacy and safety of ponesimod 20 mg were compared to that of teriflunomide 14 mg. The pattern of hepatic effects observed with ponesimod treatment in the entire development program is consistent with the S1P class and no cautionary statement on adverse reactions for moderate and severe hepatic impairment categories was included in the label.
- |||||||||| teriflunomide / Generic mfg.
[VIRTUAL] Pregnancy-related outcomes in persons with MS exposed to teriflunomide (ePoster Library) - Aug 3, 2021 - Abstract #ECTRIMS2021ECTRIMS_354; Whereas Live birth with birth defects in MS patients treated with Fingolimod, Dimethyl Fumarate, Teriflunomide and all Interferons were not significant compare to Glatiramer Acetate. Any adverse pregnancy outcomes reported to TFL-exposed males and females are accordant with those of the general population.
- |||||||||| Mavenclad (cladribine) / EMD Serono, Lemtrada (alemtuzumab) / Sanofi
[VIRTUAL] COVID-19 in a neuroimmunology and multiple sclerosis referral unit (ePoster Library) - Aug 3, 2021 - Abstract #ECTRIMS2021ECTRIMS_336; Los datos de nuestra serie estan en concordancia con otros estudios, mostrando que la esclerosis múltiple per se y los diferentes tratamientos immunomoduladors no son un factor de riesgo para el COVID19. Es importante acelerar la vacunación de los pacientes con esclerosis múltiple para reducir la posibilidad de infección por SARS-CoV-2.