prasinezumab (RG7935) / Roche 
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 9 Diseases   2 Trials   2 Trials   191 News 

  • ||||||||||  prasinezumab (RG7935) / Roche
    [VIRTUAL] Parkinson’s disease Mobile Application v2 detects potential disease modifying effect of prasinezumab (Room Vienna) -  May 30, 2021 - Abstract #EAN2021EAN_1296;    
    Prasinezumab had a favourable safety profile and is the first anti-alpha-synuclein antibody showing efficacy signals on clinical progression of PD motor features, warranting further study. In individuals with PD treated with prasinezumab, daily quantification of motor severity via a DHTT showed a divergence of slopes, which is consistent with an effect of disease progression.
  • ||||||||||  prasinezumab (RG7935) / Roche
    [VIRTUAL] Lessons Learned From Clinical Trials Targeting Alpha-Synuclein to Design Next-Generation Clinical Trials (Track B) -  Mar 4, 2021 - Abstract #CNSS2021CNSS_10;    
    Synopsis How the results of the Phase 2 PASADENA study of Prasinezumab, a humanized monoclonal antibody for Parkinson’s disease, can inform future clinical trials How to apply a precision medicine approach in Parkinson’s disease clinical trials? Can we predict cognitive decline in Parkinson’s Disease to design studies evaluating this endpoint (lesson learned from PRECODE studies)?
  • ||||||||||  prasinezumab (RG7935) / Roche
    Prasinezumab - yes (Twitter) -  Feb 25, 2021   
  • ||||||||||  cinpanemab (BIIB054) / Biogen, prasinezumab (RG7935) / Roche, PD03A / AFFiRiS
    To obtain active immunization AFFITOPE PD01A/PD03A has been tested in patients and healthy controls...Passsive immunization has been tested using two human antibodies PRX002/RG7935, and BIIB054...BIIB054 is actually in phase IIb since 18 months, no significant side effects have been reported during the double blind phase and interim results on clinical end-points are expected. Two other studies are starting one with UCB compound and another study with PRX.
  • ||||||||||  prasinezumab (RG7935) / Roche
    Preliminary validation of a novel, comprehensive digital biomarker smartphone application to assess motor symptoms in de-novo diagnosed Parkinson patients (Agora 2 West, Level 2) -  Sep 24, 2019 - Abstract #MDSCongress2019MDS_662;    
    A smartphone application (app) comprised of 10 active tests (tremor, bradykinesia, rigidity/postural stability, cognition) and continuous passive monitoring is deployed in a Phase II study of Prasinezumab (PASADENA) in recently diagnosed PD patients...These results suggest that a comprehensive remote monitoring approach with smartphones and smartwatches is feasible and provide preliminary evidence of that sensor features are reliable and valid measures of motor symptom severity in recently diagnosed PD patients. The frequent sampling enabled by the remote monitoring approach, coupled with the high sensitivity of smartphone/-watch sensors, promises to increase signal-to-noise in measurements of motor symptom progression in clinical research and, in the future, also routine clinical assessments.
  • ||||||||||  prasinezumab (RG7935) / Roche
    Trial completion:  Single Ascending Dose Study of PRX002 in Healthy Subjects ( -  Feb 10, 2015   
    P1,  N=40, Completed, 
    Trial primary completion date: Jan 2016 --> Oct 2016 Active, not recruiting --> Completed
  • ||||||||||  prasinezumab (RG7935) / Roche
    Enrollment closed:  Single Ascending Dose Study of PRX002 in Healthy Subjects ( -  Dec 5, 2014   
    P1,  N=40, Active, not recruiting, 
    Active, not recruiting --> Completed Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting