- |||||||||| Zandopa (HP 200) / Zandu
Journal: Biochars and hydrochars prepared by pyrolysis and hydrothermal carbonisation of pig manure. (Pubmed Central) - Sep 14, 2019 Biochars were prepared at 300 °C (BPM300), 450 °C (BPM450) and 600 °C (BPM600) and hydrochars were obtained using a pig manure solution (ratio 30:70) that was heated at 200 °C (HPM200), 220 °C (HPM220) and 240 °C (HPM240) during 2 h...HPM220 and HPM240 showed the highest values of field capacity water content and available water probably due to their higher O/C ratios and the macroporosity development in the range from 200 to 30,000 nm. These results suggested that HTC could be an interesting method to obtain soil growing media or green roof materials with adequate hydrophysical properties.