Lenocta (sodium stibogluconate) / VioQuest 
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 24 Diseases   5 Trials   5 Trials   253 News 

  • ||||||||||  Lenocta (sodium stibogluconate) / VioQuest
    Journal:  Promastigotes of Leishmania donovani exhibited sensitivity towards the high altitudinal plant Cicer microphyllu m. (Pubmed Central) -  Mar 15, 2022   
    The 50% inhibitory concentrations against L. donovani sensitive strain were 14.40 μg/ml and 23.03 μg/ml whereas for resistant promastigotes these were 49.84 μg/ml and 26.77 μg/ml after SAG (sodium stibogluconate) and CM exposure, respectively...GC-MS screening of the extract revealed the richness of active chemical components in CM. The presence of diverse phytochemicals, no cytotoxicity to human macrophages, and the antileishmanial action of CM depicted its potential as an alternative future drug.
  • ||||||||||  Lenocta (sodium stibogluconate) / VioQuest
    Preclinical, Journal:  In vitro leishmanicidal activity of two cholesterol derivatives. (Pubmed Central) -  Mar 12, 2022   
    We included in all experiments a control group of parasites treated with 2% DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide) and another one treated with the reference drug sodium stibogluconate (Sb)...The therapeutic index of the equimolar mixture was 10,000-16,000 times higher than the one recorded by Sb and was not cytotoxic to macrophages. Therefore, the equimolar mixture of 5α-Chol and (+)-4-chol may represent a potential alternative for the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis.
  • ||||||||||  Lenocta (sodium stibogluconate) / VioQuest
    Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  Documentation of Patient Outcomes for SSG/Allopurinol Combination Treatment in Ethiopia (clinicaltrials.gov) -  Mar 8, 2022   
    P=N/A,  N=117, Recruiting, 
    Therefore, the equimolar mixture of 5α-Chol and (+)-4-chol may represent a potential alternative for the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis. Trial completion date: Dec 2021 --> Dec 2022 | Trial primary completion date: Dec 2021 --> Dec 2022
  • ||||||||||  Lenocta (sodium stibogluconate) / VioQuest
    Clinical, Journal:  A Novel Bioimpedance-Based Detection of Miltefosine Susceptibility Among Clinical Leishmania donovani Isolates of the Indian Subcontinent Exhibiting Resistance to Multiple Drugs. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 28, 2022   
    Thirteen of these clinical isolates were reported to exhibit low susceptibility towards sodium stibogluconate (SSG-R), while six of them were highly susceptible (SSG-S)...Our analysis points out that while non-protein thiol content can be an attribute of SSG-R, lower impedimetric values can be linked with lower Mil susceptibility, although neither of these parameters seems to get influenced by the degree of susceptibility towards AmpB/Paro. Finally, a correlation analysis with established biological methods suggests that impedance spectral analysis can be used for the accurate determination of lower Mil susceptibility among LD isolates, which is further validated in the LD-infected in vivo hamster model.
  • ||||||||||  Lenocta (sodium stibogluconate) / VioQuest
    Preclinical, Journal:  Safety and Efficacy of Prosopis juliflora Leaf Extract as a Potential Treatment against Visceral Leishmaniasis in Balb/c Mice. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 28, 2022   
    Group I treated with 100 mg/kg of P. juliflora extract, Group II -1 mg/kg of Sodium stibogluconate (SSG) and Group III treated with normal saline...juliflora exhibited higher inhibitory effects against L. donovani promastigotes as well as amastigotes and induced significantly higher IgG antibody levels as compared to SSG (P<0.05). Furthermore, it was safer than SSG on Vero E6 cells.
  • ||||||||||  Lenocta (sodium stibogluconate) / VioQuest
    Geometry of pentaphenylantimony in solution (Room 10 (San Diego Convention Center)) -  Jan 28, 2022 - Abstract #ACSSp2022ACS_Sp_323;    
    Two Sb(V) compounds, meglumine antimoniate (GlucantimeTM) and sodium stibogluconate (PentostamTM), are currently frontline treatments for the neglected tropical disease leishmaniasis...In summary, our Sb LIII-edge XAS and Raman spectroscopic data suggest that SbPh5 possesses the VSEPR-compliant TBP geometry in solution. Furthermore, these data display the validity of using XAS as a technique for investigating the structure of Sb-containing molecules in solution.
  • ||||||||||  Lenocta (sodium stibogluconate) / VioQuest
    Clinical, Journal:  Pediatric Cutaneous Leishmaniasis: A Clinico-Epidemiological Study from North India. (Pubmed Central) -  Dec 24, 2021   
    Intralesional or systemic sodium stibogluconate (SSG) was the treatment modality used for the management of patients...CL is an emerging health problem in the pediatric population of Jammu and Kashmir. Awareness among pediatric health workers regarding this disease and recognition among the differential diagnosis of ulcerated papules or plaques in the pediatric population is imperative.
  • ||||||||||  Lenocta (sodium stibogluconate) / VioQuest
    Journal, PD(L)-1 Biomarker, IO biomarker:  Early reduction in PD-L1 expression predicts faster treatment response in human cutaneous leishmaniasis. (Pubmed Central) -  Dec 21, 2021   
    Pentavalent antimonials (e.g., sodium stibogluconate [SSG]) remain first-line drugs for CL with no new effective treatments emerging...Our data support a model whereby the initial anti-leishmanial activity of antimonial drugs alleviates checkpoint inhibition on T cells, facilitating immune-drug synergism and clinical cure. Our findings demonstrate that PD-L1 expression can be used as predictor of rapidity of clinical response to SSG treatment in Sri Lanka and support further evaluation of PD-L1 as a host directed therapy target in leishmaniasis.
  • ||||||||||  Lenocta (sodium stibogluconate) / VioQuest
    Journal:  GC-MS screening and antiparasitic action of Putranjiva roxburghii leaves against sensitive and resistant strains of Leishmania donovani. (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 21, 2021   
    It was found to be safer in cytotoxicity assay and generated ROS mediated oxidative stress in the parasitic cells which was evidenced by the increased and decreased levels of superoxide radicals, lipid peroxidation products, lipid bodies and levels of thiol, plasma membrane integrity respectively. Therefore, our results support the importance of P. roxburghii as a medicinal plant against L. donovani and showed potential for exploration as an antileishmanial agent.
  • ||||||||||  Lenocta (sodium stibogluconate) / VioQuest
    Clinical, Journal:  Genome wide comparison of Leishmania donovani strains from Indian visceral leishmaniasis and para-Kala azar dermal leishmaniasis patients. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 10, 2021   
    In the present study, whole genome sequencing is performed with sodium stibogluconate (SSG) sensitive and resistant L. donovani strains along with SSG sensitive para-KDL strains, derived from the clinical isolates of Indian patients to identify the genomic variations among them...Such distinguishing genomic changes among the para-KDL strains could be significant for the parasites to become dermatotropic. Overall, the study reveals a possible correlation of the development of SSG resistance and the transition towards the manifestation of PKDL with chromosome aneuploidy and non-synonymous genetic variations in the coding sequences of the L. donovani strains from Indian patients.
  • ||||||||||  Lenocta (sodium stibogluconate) / VioQuest
    Clinical, Journal:  Miltefosine for the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis-A pilot study from Ethiopia. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 15, 2021   
    Overall, the study reveals a possible correlation of the development of SSG resistance and the transition towards the manifestation of PKDL with chromosome aneuploidy and non-synonymous genetic variations in the coding sequences of the L. donovani strains from Indian patients. Based on miltefosine's good initial response, tolerable side-effects, tablet-form, we propose to include miltefosine for future clinical trials using extended treatment schedules, combination therapy, or targeting specific subgroups.
  • ||||||||||  Lenocta (sodium stibogluconate) / VioQuest
    Clinical, Journal:  Disseminated Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in a Pediatric Patient from Peru. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 13, 2021   
    These findings suggest differences in disease severity perception by patients and physicians. Disseminated cutaneous leishmaniasis is a clinical form that is described with increasing frequency and should be recognized and treated appropriately, mainly in the pediatric population, avoiding complications and sequelae.
  • ||||||||||  Lenocta (sodium stibogluconate) / VioQuest
    Journal:  Identification of potential anti-leishmanial agents using computational investigation and biological evaluation against Trypanothione reductase. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 30, 2021   
    Some of the drugs previously reported against the disease include sodium stibogluconate, miltefosine and amphotericin B. However, due to the resistance and toxicity problem associated with these molecules, there is an urgent need to develop new drugs against L. donovani...Enzyme inhibition assay resulted in shortlisting of four compounds that were found to inhibit Trypanothione reductase of Leishmania Donovani. Subsequently, the anti-leishmanial screening highlighted one compound as the potential anti-leishmanial agent, with IC value of 15.2µM, that can be further optimised with medicinal chemistry efforts to improve its activity.
  • ||||||||||  Lenocta (sodium stibogluconate) / VioQuest
    Clinical, Journal:  Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Treated with Miltefosine: A Case Series of 10 Paediatric Patients. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 24, 2021   
    Side-effects related to the medication were minimal. In conclusion, miltefosine treatment for paediatric patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania tropica or Leishmania major is effective and safe, even in recalcitrant cases.
  • ||||||||||  Lenocta (sodium stibogluconate) / VioQuest
    Clinical, Journal:  Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Treated with Miltefosine: A Case Series of 10 Paediatric Patients. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 24, 2021   
    In conclusion, oral miltefosine may be an effective and safe treatment for Old World cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania tropica or Leishmania major in children. However, further studies are warranted to draw a definite conclusion.
  • ||||||||||  Lenocta (sodium stibogluconate) / VioQuest
    Journal:  Leishmaniasis in Norway. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 16, 2021   
    The patients were diagnosed late in the disease course, presumably because the disease is rare and not well known in Norway. Cutaneous leishmaniasis was diagnosed with PCR, but none of the patients received local treatment as the first-line choice, as recommended in suitable cases, presumably because the drugs are not readily available in Norway and many clinicians are unfamiliar with the route of administration with local infiltration.
  • ||||||||||  Lenocta (sodium stibogluconate) / VioQuest
    Trial completion, Head-to-Head:  Miltefosine/Paromomycin Phase III Trial for Treatment of Primary Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) Patients in Eastern Africa (clinicaltrials.gov) -  Jun 11, 2021   
    P3,  N=439, Completed, 
    Cutaneous leishmaniasis was diagnosed with PCR, but none of the patients received local treatment as the first-line choice, as recommended in suitable cases, presumably because the drugs are not readily available in Norway and many clinicians are unfamiliar with the route of administration with local infiltration. Active, not recruiting --> Completed
  • ||||||||||  Lenocta (sodium stibogluconate) / VioQuest
    Clinical, Retrospective data, Review, Journal:  Clinical and epidemiological review of tegumentary leishmaniasis in a central region of Peru (Pubmed Central) -  May 22, 2021   
    The eco-environmental conditions of this area of Peru have allowed the establishment of tegumentary leishmaniasis; showing trends similar to world literature. However, more research is needed to explain the epidemiological behavior of this disease that allows the creation of epidemiological prediction models for timely and adequate control.
  • ||||||||||  Lenocta (sodium stibogluconate) / VioQuest, AmBisome (amphotericin b liposome) / Gilead, Grupo Biotoscana, Sumitomo Dainippon, Astellas
    Clinical, Review, Journal:  Visceral leishmaniasis in Saudi Arabia: from hundreds of cases to zero. (Pubmed Central) -  Mar 4, 2021   
    After reaching a zero case in 2019, the Ministry of Health (MoH) has a new commitment and facing a great challenge which are maintenance of current situation and elimination of VL. Through the support of stakeholders, encouragement of community participation, preparedness and readiness of leishmaniasis personnel, the new mission of the NLCP now is elimination of the scourge of VL from the country.
  • ||||||||||  Lenocta (sodium stibogluconate) / VioQuest
    Enrollment open:  Documentation of Patient Outcomes for SSG/Allopurinol Combination Treatment in Ethiopia (clinicaltrials.gov) -  Mar 2, 2021   
    P=N/A,  N=117, Recruiting, 
    Through the support of stakeholders, encouragement of community participation, preparedness and readiness of leishmaniasis personnel, the new mission of the NLCP now is elimination of the scourge of VL from the country. Not yet recruiting --> Recruiting
  • ||||||||||  Lenocta (sodium stibogluconate) / VioQuest
    Journal:  Identification of Phenylphthalazinones as a New Class of Leishmania infantum Inhibitors. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 23, 2021   
    Current treatments often rely on harsh regimes of pentavalent antimonials such as sodium stibogluconate, while more recent drugs suffer other shortcomings such as low stability and rapid emergence of treatment failure, amongst others...Replacement of the unsubstituted 2,3-pyrazole with 1,2,3-triazoles led to compounds with lower anti-leishmanial activity. The current scaffold is a valuable new starting point for optimization towards novel anti-leishmanial drugs.