Erbitux (cetuximab) / Eli Lilly 
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 245 Diseases   389 Trials   389 Trials   11400 News 

  • ||||||||||  Erbitux (cetuximab) / Eli Lilly, EMD Serono
    Our preliminary experience with pre-emptive use of Fairest-RT is very effective in reducing severe cutaneous toxicity. The low incidence of G3 toxicity is very similar to that observed in pre-emptive trials and this has induced a low number of CET withdrowal with a maintenance of a good quality of life.
  • ||||||||||  Erbitux (cetuximab) / Eli Lilly, EMD Serono
    We have validated our 3D-collagen scaffold device that might have an high impact to in vitro preclinical research, improving the existing standard culturing techniques. This system provides an innovative technology for the evaluation of HNCs drug efficacy.
  • ||||||||||  Avastin (bevacizumab) / Roche, Erbitux (cetuximab) / Eli Lilly, EMD Serono
    LTS met the need of an innovative clinical parameter of patient-related toxicity burden, indicating global and individual toxicity, including differential spectrum/intensities of TS related to cancer treatment, according to clinical status of individual patient. LTS integrated with conventional toxicity can also represent the proper indicator to evaluate predictive relevance of pharmacogenomic biomarkers to properly select patients fit for intensive medical treatments in mGI cancers, at risk of limiting gastrointestinal toxicity.
  • ||||||||||  Erbitux (cetuximab) / Eli Lilly, EMD Serono, paclitaxel / Generic mfg., Rituxan (rituximab) / Biogen, Zenyaku Kogyo, Roche
    Retrospective data, Journal:  Cetirizine versus diphenhydramine in the prevention of chemotherapy-related hypersensitivity reactions. (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 22, 2019   
    Cetirizine appears to be a viable substitute for diphenhydramine for the prevention of infusions reactions with cetuximab, paclitaxel, and rituximab infusions in adults. Prospective studies are needed to determine the efficacy and safety of cetirizine compared with diphenhydramine in the prevention of chemotherapy-related infusion reactions.
  • ||||||||||  Erbitux (cetuximab) / Eli Lilly, EMD Serono, Herceptin (trastuzumab) / Roche, Tagrisso (osimertinib) / AstraZeneca
    Journal:  A Combination Of Approved Antibodies Overcomes Resistance Of Lung Cancer To Osimertinib By Blocking Bypass Pathways. (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 21, 2019   
    Our in vitro assays and animal studies identified an effective combination of clinically approved drugs, which might overcome resistance to irreversible TKIs in clinical settings. The results we present attribute the long-lasting effect of the drug combination to simultaneous blockade of several well-characterized mechanisms of drug resistance.
  • ||||||||||  Erbitux (cetuximab) / Eli Lilly, EMD Serono
    Preclinical, Journal, Heterogeneity:  Quantitative Spatial Analysis of Metabolic Heterogeneity Across in vivo and in vitro Tumor Models. (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 19, 2019   
    This analysis captures spatial distributions of tumor cell sub-populations influenced by treatment conditions and model-specific environments. Overall, this novel spatial analysis could provide new insights into tumor growth, treatment resistance, and more effective drug treatments across a range of microscopic imaging modalities (e.g., immunofluorescence, imaging mass spectrometry).
  • ||||||||||  Erbitux (cetuximab) / Eli Lilly, EMD Serono, paclitaxel / Generic Mfg., Rituxan (rituximab) / Roche, Biogen
    Clinical, Journal:  Outcome of 490 Desensitizations to Chemotherapy Drugs with a Rapid One-Solution Protocol. (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 19, 2019   
    This 1-solution protocol for desensitization has demonstrated to be safe and useful in our study population, especially for mild-to-moderate reactions and nonplatinum drugs. If our results were reproducible in other centers and larger populations, they could contribute to simplifying protocols and making desensitization available for more patients.
  • ||||||||||  Avastin (bevacizumab) / Roche, Erbitux (cetuximab) / Eli Lilly, EMD Serono
    Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date, Surgery:  Consolidative Radiotherapy for Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastases Receiving Surgery or Radiofrequency Ablation ( -  Nov 19, 2019   
    P2,  N=120, Recruiting, 
    FCGR2A is a promising biomarker for clinical management for these patients. Trial completion date: Jun 2020 --> Jun 2023 | Trial primary completion date: Jun 2019 --> Jun 2021
  • ||||||||||  Avastin (bevacizumab) / Roche, Erbitux (cetuximab) / Eli Lilly, EMD Serono
    Review, Clinical Trial,Phase I, Clinical Trial,Phase II, Journal:  PTEN in Colorectal Cancer: Shedding Light on Its Role as Predictor and Target. (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 17, 2019   
    PTEN (phosphatase and tensin homologue), a tumor suppressor, regulating cell division and apoptosis, has been explored, and significant evidence suggests a role in cetuximab and panitumumab resistance linked to the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signal transduction pathway...Therefore, an in-depth knowledge of the PI3K-Akt pathway-one of the major cancer survival pathways-and the role of PTEN-a major brake of this pathway-is essential in the era of precision medicine. The purpose of this literature review is to summarize the role of PTEN as a predictive factor and possible therapeutic target in CRC, focusing on ongoing studies and the possible implications in clinical practice.
  • ||||||||||  Erbitux (cetuximab) / Eli Lilly, EMD Serono
    Trial completion, Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date, Metastases:  Reduced-intensity Therapy for Oropharyngeal Cancer in Non-smoking HPV-16 Positive Patients ( -  Nov 15, 2019   
    P=N/A,  N=43, Completed, 
    The purpose of this literature review is to summarize the role of PTEN as a predictive factor and possible therapeutic target in CRC, focusing on ongoing studies and the possible implications in clinical practice. Active, not recruiting --> Completed | Trial completion date: Dec 2019 --> Sep 2019 | Trial primary completion date: Dec 2019 --> Sep 2019
  • ||||||||||  TheraCIM (nimotuzumab) / Daiichi Sankyo, Oncoscience, Biocon, Erbitux (cetuximab) / Eli Lilly, EMD Serono
    New P2 trial, Combination therapy, Metastases:  EGFR Monoclonal Antibody for Advanced Gastric Cancer ( -  Nov 15, 2019   
    P2,  N=100, Recruiting, 
  • ||||||||||  Erbitux (cetuximab) / Eli Lilly, EMD Serono
    Journal:  Near-Infrared II Dye-Protein Complex for Biomedical Imaging and Imaging-Guided Photothermal Therapy. (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 11, 2019   
    More importantly, H2a-4T@Cetuximab complex not only exhibits a remarkable cell-killing ability but also achieves highly active tumor targeting efficiency for epidermal growth factor receptor, overexpressing colorectal cancer which is beneficial to in vivo NIR-II fluorescent imaging-guided photothermal therapy of colon tumors. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time that the concept of light-harvesting complex is exploited for enhancing the NIR-II signals and photothermal energy conversion in molecule-protein complex theranostic agent, making them a promising candidate for future clinical applications in cancer theranostics.
  • ||||||||||  CDP-1 (cetuximab biosimilar) / Guilin SanJin Group
    Enrollment closed, Metastases:  A Preliminary Clinical Study on the Pharmacokinetics and Safety of CDP1 in Patients With Advanced CRC or HNSCC ( -  Nov 8, 2019   
    P1,  N=18, Active, not recruiting, 
    To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time that the concept of light-harvesting complex is exploited for enhancing the NIR-II signals and photothermal energy conversion in molecule-protein complex theranostic agent, making them a promising candidate for future clinical applications in cancer theranostics. Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting
  • ||||||||||  Erbitux (cetuximab) / Eli Lilly, EMD Serono, Braftovi (encorafenib) / Ono Pharma, Pierre Fabre, Pfizer, Mektovi (binimetinib) / Ono Pharma, Pierre Fabre, Pfizer
    Journal:  Encorafenib, Binimetinib, and Cetuximab in BRAF V600E-Mutated Colorectal Cancer. (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 8, 2019   
    A combination of encorafenib, cetuximab, and binimetinib resulted in significantly longer overall survival and a higher response rate than standard therapy in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer with the BRAF V600E mutation. (Funded by Array BioPharma and others; BEACON CRC number, NCT02928224; EudraCT number, 2015-005805-35.).
  • ||||||||||  tacrolimus / Generic mfg., Erbitux (cetuximab) / Eli Lilly, EMD Serono, Alzumab (itolizumab) / Biocon, Equillium
    Anti-CD6 Monoclonal Antibody Itolizumab Efficiently Inhibits T Cell Proliferation after in Vitro TCR Stimulation in the Setting of Acute Graft Versus Host Disease (Hall B, Level 2 (Orange County Convention Center)) -  Nov 7, 2019 - Abstract #ASH2019ASH_6270;    
    Patients received peripheral blood stem cell grafts and GVHD prophylaxis with tacrolimus and methotrexate...PBMC were stimulated with antiCD3/CD2/CD28 coated beads in the presence of itolizumab or isotype control (cetuximab) for 72 hours...Itolizumab efficiently inhibits T cell proliferation and activation after in vitro TCR stimulation of PBMC from aGvHD patients, thus representing a potential therapeutic for treating aGvHD. A phase I/II study using itolizumab as first line treatment in combination with steroids for patients with aGVHD is currently ongoing (NCT03763318).
  • ||||||||||  Erbitux (cetuximab) / Eli Lilly, EMD Serono
    Surface Density of CAR Molecules May Modulate the Kinetics of CAR-T Cells In Vivo (W414AB, Level 4 (Orange County Convention Center)) -  Nov 7, 2019 - Abstract #ASH2019ASH_1338;    
    Lower surface expression of CAR was found with reduced cytotoxicity and lower cytokine release of CAR-T in cell culture, but prolonged T cell activity in a mouse model. Human subjects treated with 1904B CAR-T developed fever later and shorter than 1904A, with slower expansion of CAR-T cells.
  • ||||||||||  Erbitux (cetuximab) / Eli Lilly, EMD Serono, Herceptin (trastuzumab) / Roche
    Activation of HER2-ELF3-KRAS axis specifically deteriorates KRASG13D mutant colorectal cancer (Hall 4) -  Nov 5, 2019 - Abstract #NCRI2019NCRI_291;    
    It also exhibited negative correlation with the cetuximab-sensitivity of KRASG13D CRCs. However, targeting the already overexpressed HER2 protein using trastuzumab was ineffective against KRASG13D CRC cell, while HER2 gene silencing induced favorable changes in their tumorigenic features and ameliorated the susceptibility to cetuximab.