Hanferon SC (interferon alpha-2b) / Daewoong Pharma 
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 17 Diseases   0 Trials   0 Trials   6 News 
  • ||||||||||  Hanferon SC (interferon alpha-2b) / Daewoong Pharma
    Journal, Real-world evidence:  Variability independent of mean blood pressure as a real-world measure of cardiovascular risk. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 22, 2022   
    The demonstrated prognostic ability of VIM derived from non-standardized BP readings indicates the utility of this measure for risk stratification in a real-world practice setting, although residual confounding from unmeasured variables cannot be excluded. This study was funded in part by National Institutes of Health grants R01-HL134168, R01-HL131532, R01-HL143227, R01-HL142983, U54-AG065141; R01-HL153382, K23-HL136853, K23-HL153888, and K99-HL157421; China Scholarship Council grant 201806260086; Academy of Finland (Grant no: 321351); Emil Aaltonen Foundation; Finnish Foundation for Cardiovascular Research.
  • ||||||||||  Hanferon SC (interferon alpha-2b) / Daewoong Pharma
    Examining Weight Status and Weight Loss on Menstrual Cycle Length and Variability Among Reproductive Aged Women. () -  Apr 6, 2022 - Abstract #SRI2022SRI_95;    
    These data suggest that among regularly cycling women, menstrual cycle length is remarkably preserved across weight status and during energy restriction, with rather high within-woman variability on average. Cycle length does not appear to be a good indicator of the underlying hormonal or ovulatory characteristics of the menstrual cycle that are disrupted by insufficient and surplus energy stores and low energy availability.