Tremfya (guselkumab) / J&J 
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 11 Diseases   38 Trials   38 Trials   2772 News 

  • ||||||||||  Clinical, Review, Journal:  Intermittent use of biologic agents for the treatment of psoriasis in adults. (Pubmed Central) -  May 15, 2021   
    The exception to these general findings was infliximab, which showed the lowest rate of efficacy-endpoint achievement (25% and 38% in two dosing groups evaluated) as well as a higher incidence of adverse infusion reactions compared with continuous dosing. In conclusion, the use of biologic agents in psoriasis is changing and current clinical data suggest that intermittent treatment may provide an effective and well tolerated option for certain patients.
  • ||||||||||  Remicade (infliximab) / Merck (MSD), Mitsubishi Tanabe, J&J, Stelara (ustekinumab) / J&J, Humira (adalimumab) / Eisai, AbbVie
    Clinical, Journal:  Serum Krebs von den Lungen-6 levels in psoriatic patients under treatment with biologics. (Pubmed Central) -  May 15, 2021   
    The 26 anti-IL-17 treatments consisted of nine secukinumab, six ixekizumab and 11 brodalumab...In addition to the influence of IFX, a significantly large number of patients in the IFX group had a history of methotrexate administration associated with psoriatic arthritis, which might have influenced the KL-6 level. None of the patients with elevated serum KL-6 showed pulmonary changes by computed tomography and/or X ray.
  • ||||||||||  Entyvio (vedolizumab) / Takeda, Tremfya (guselkumab) / J&J
    [VIRTUAL] The effect of guselkumab induction therapy on early clinical outcome measures in patients with Moderately to Severely Active Crohn’s Disease: Results from the phase 2 GALAXI 1 study (Virtual Plenary Hall) -  May 5, 2021 - Abstract #ECCOIBD2021ECCO_IBD_1094;    
    GALAXI 1 is a ph2, double-blind, PBO-controlled study in pts with moderately to severely active CD with inadequate response or intolerance to conventional therapies (corticosteroid, immunosuppressant) and/or biologics (TNF antagonist, vedolizumab)...Methods Pts with moderate to severe CD (CDAI score 220-450) were randomized 1:1:1:1:1 to GUS 200, 600 or 1200mg IV at Wks 0, 4, 8; ustekinumab (UST) ~6mg/kg IV at Wk 0 and 90mg SC at Wk8; or PBO IV...This continued to increase through Wk12 with treatment. The early trend for achievement of clinical remission was also evident in sub-groups of pts who failed biologic or conventional therapy.
  • ||||||||||  Tremfya (guselkumab) / J&J
    Enrollment open:  Guselkumab (Anti-IL 23 Monoclonal Antibody) for Alcohol Associated Liver Disease ( -  May 4, 2021   
    P1,  N=24, Recruiting, 
    The early trend for achievement of clinical remission was also evident in sub-groups of pts who failed biologic or conventional therapy. Not yet recruiting --> Recruiting
  • ||||||||||  Remicade (infliximab) / Mitsubishi Tanabe, J&J, Eucrisa (crisaborole) / Pfizer
    [VIRTUAL] Update on Scalp, Nail, and Inverse Psoriasis: Symposium for Inflammatory Skin Disease 2021® Highlights () -  Apr 29, 2021 - Abstract #DERFISDS2021DERF_ISDS_21;    
    Ixekizumab is the only biologic with genital psoriasis data as part of its FDA label...For acutely ill patients, first considerations should include cyclosporine, infliximab, and the IL-17 inhibitors. For more subacute erythroderma, one may consider the anti-TNF agents, anti-IL23 agents, or anti-IL-12/23 agent, as well as nonbiologic agents including methotrexate and acitretin.
  • ||||||||||  Stelara (ustekinumab) / J&J, Humira (adalimumab) / Eisai, AbbVie
    Published costs of the most widely prescribed biologics (i.e., adalimumab, secukinumab, ixekizumab, ustekinumab, guselkumab, tildrakizumab, risankizumab) were cross-referenced with published efficacy rates, demonstrating the amount of spend that is wasted per biologic on an individual patient who does not respond during the initial loading period. This study has important implications on the need for individualized pharmacogenomic prediction before prescription and expensive failed loading periods.
  • ||||||||||  [VIRTUAL] Cumulative Clinical Benefits of Biologic Treatments for Psoriasis over 1 Year () -  Apr 10, 2021 - Abstract #AADVMX2021AAD_VMX_617;    
    Data for biologic therapies included in this analysis (adalimumab, brodalumab, etanercept, guselkumab, infliximab, ixekizumab, risankizumab, secukinumab, ustekinumab) were obtained from published phase 3 clinical trials of biologics approved for psoriasis, and analyzed by network meta-analysis at 1 year using published methodology.[1] Total cumulative benefit from weeks 0-52 was estimated using the area-under-curve (AUC) method.[2-4] The cumulative benefits for each treatment were normalized as a percentage of maximum possible AUC. IL-17 inhibitors ixekizumab and brodalumab and the IL-23 inhibitor risankizumab offer long-term cumulative clinical benefits when the treatment goal is complete skin clearance.
  • ||||||||||  [VIRTUAL] Comparative Efficacy of Treatments for Moderate-to-Severe Plaque Psoriasis: An Updated Network Meta-Analysis (NMA) () -  Apr 10, 2021 - Abstract #AADVMX2021AAD_VMX_251;    
    In the short term (N=69 RCTs), the PASI 90 rates were highest for ixekizumab (72.9%), risankizumab (72.9%), and brodalumab (72.3%), which were significantly higher than guselkumab (65.4%), secukinumab (65.4%), infliximab (56.4%), certolizumab (400 mg: 49.8%, 200 mg: 42.4%), ustekinumab (46.2%), adalimumab (44.2%), tildrakizumab (200 mg: 40.0%, 100 mg: 37.4%), etanercept (18.0%), dimethyl fumarate (12.8%), and apremilast (12.6%). Ixekizumab, risankizumab, and brodalumab had the highest short-term efficacy, and risankizumab had the highest long-term efficacy.