fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg. 
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  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Qualitative and quantitative determination of xylazine in oral fluid. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 21, 2024   
    Xylazine has emerged in recent years as a dangerous adulterant in illicit fentanyl use, and methods for the detection of xylazine in toxicology panels are still lagging...Presumptive positive samples were confirmed using the validated method. Xylazine confirmed living human subject OF sample concentrations ranged from 1.2 to 23.3?ng/mL.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg., morphine sulphate / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Mitigating Medication Tampering and Diversion via Real-time Intravenous Opioid Quantification. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 21, 2024   
    Finally, we demonstrate real-time fluidic measurements connected to a flow cell to simulate IV administration and a blind study classified using a machine-learning algorithm. The system achieves limits of detection (LODs) of 1.26 ?g/mL and 2.75 ?g/mL for fentanyl and morphine, respectively, while operating with >1-month battery lifetime due to an optimized ultra-low power 36 ?A sleep mode.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg., morphine sulphate / Generic mfg., hydromorphone hydrochloride / Generic mfg.
    Clinical, Journal, Surgery:  Opioid Dose Variation in Cardiac Surgery: A Multicenter Study of Practice. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 21, 2024   
    Much of this variation is attributable to practice variability rather than patient or surgical differences. This suggests an opportunity to optimize opioid use in cardiac surgery.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg.
    Review, Journal:  Implications of xylazine exposure in pregnancy: a narrative review. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 21, 2024   
    The rise in pregnancy-related overdose deaths has been driven by the use of high-potency illicitly-manufactured synthetic opioids including fentanyl...Because xylazine exposure presents unique risks to pregnant persons, management of xylazine exposure and related clinical sequelae in pregnant persons warrants nuanced clinical management. Further, additional research is critically needed to develop best practice guidelines related to the management of co-occurring xylazine-opioid exposure during pregnancy including harm reduction strategies to reduce exposure risk during pregnancy.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Heroin or fentanyl: Prevalence of confirmed fentanyl in ED patients with suspected heroin overdose. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 20, 2024   
    There was a high degree of mismatch between the opioids believed to be the overdose agent versus the actual opioids identified on serum toxicology. Clinicians in the United States should presume that fentanyl is involved in all illicit opioid overdoses and should counsel patients on harm reduction measures.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Monoclonal Antibodies Engineered with Fc Region Mutations to Extend Protection against Fentanyl Toxicity. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 19, 2024   
    After administration of 40 mg/kg HY6-F9WT, HY6-F9DF215, HY6-F9DHS, and HY6-F9YTE, the mAbs showed half-lives of 6.3, 26.4, 14.7, and 6.9 d, respectively. These data suggest that modification of mAbs against fentanyl to bind to FcRn with higher affinity can increase their half-life relative to WT mAbs while maintaining efficacy against the toxic effects of fentanyl, further supporting their potential role as a therapeutic treatment option for opioid use disorder and overdose.
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  Analysis of 132 Submandibular Salivary Glands Using the Randox Evidence Investigator and Randox DOA ULTRA WB Array. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 19, 2024   
    Tramadol demonstrated fair agreement (Cohen's Kappa Score = 0.41-0.60)...An application of the techniques described in this study could be implemented in postmortem toxicology laboratories as well as medical examiners offices to provide preliminary drugs of abuse test results that can be used to direct additional testing. This study highlights the successful integration of a novel specimen matrix and an "off-label" use of an established analytical technique.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  A Case Report of Delayed Opioid Toxidrome After Administration of Naloxone. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 19, 2024   
    We present multiple theories as to why his opioid toxidrome may have presented in a delayed manner, including ingestion of fentanyl analogues and variability in metabolization of both opioids and naloxone...This case suggests that the correct amount of time to monitor patients after naloxone administration may be longer than originally thought. Our aim in this article was to further the discussion regarding the most appropriate observation period in cases of opioid toxicity.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Is there a role for vaccines in combatting the opioid epidemic? (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 19, 2024   
    Fentanyl is at the center of the opioid crisis in the USA, causing an increasing number of overdoses and deaths. Casey Nevins, Assistant Editor, Vaccine Insights, speaks with Elizabeth Norton, Associate Professor, Tulane School of Medicine, about her work in developing a mucosal vaccination tailored to protect the brain from the effects of fentanyl.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg.
    Review, Journal:  Fentanyl harm reduction strategies among Latinx communities in the United States: a scoping review. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 17, 2024   
    Even fewer publications exist on the targeting and cultural adaptation of harm reduction interventions responsive to Latinx communities, especially those using theoretical approaches or frameworks to support these interventions. Future research is needed to assess the unique needs of Latinx populations and to develop culturally responsive programs to prevent opioid-related overdose deaths among this population.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Law enforcement fentanyl seizures and overdose mortality in US counties, 2013-2020. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 15, 2024   
    Law enforcement data on fentanyl seizures predicts drug overdose mortality at the county-level. Integrating these data with more traditional epidemiologic surveillance approaches has the potential to inform community overdose response efforts.
  • ||||||||||  Olinvyk (oliceridine) / Trevena
    Journal:  Activation of ? receptors by SR-17018 through a distinctive mechanism. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 15, 2024   
    Integrating these data with more traditional epidemiologic surveillance approaches has the potential to inform community overdose response efforts. Limiting receptor availability by prior exposure to ?-FNA (100
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg., sevoflurane / Generic mfg.
    Retrospective data, Journal, Machine learning:  Machine learning-based identification of the risk factors for postoperative nausea and vomiting in adults. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 15, 2024   
    Intraoperative total blood loss was identified as the potential risk factor most strongly associated with PONV, although it may correlate with duration of surgery, and insufficient circulating blood volume. The use of sevoflurane and fentanyl and the anesthesia time were not identified as risk factors for PONV in this study.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  The quantitative and qualitative analysis of dye in fentanyl tablets via ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy-A forensic approach. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 13, 2024   
    The concentration of dye in individual tablets within a seizure proved to be very minimal, and the small sample size made it difficult to draw linkages from case to case. Analysis of the dyes could not effectively differentiate between the drug trafficking organizations in the tested population due to each DTO using the same dye; however, it is important to note that the dye found was consistent between illicit tablets.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg., methamphetamine / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Harm Reduction and Treatment Among People at High Risk of Overdose. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 12, 2024   
    Adults who used cocaine, methamphetamine, or opioids in the past 30 days called a study hotline and completed an interview in English or Spanish...Recent use of any harm reduction services, fentanyl test strips, naloxone possession, treatment, and self-reported barriers to services...In this cross-sectional study of people who used drugs in the past 30 days, findings highlighted low use of harm reduction and treatment services among people who use stimulants. Additional communication regarding their importance may help increase the use of the services amidst a rapidly changing drug supply.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Prevalence of fentanyl in the pediatric postmortem population from 2019 to 2023. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 12, 2024   
    This report contrasts the differences in postmortem pediatric fentanyl toxicology results for three groups of case histories: likely medical intervention (n?=?113), pregnancy/birth related (n?=?136), and inadvertent/intentional exposure (n?=?196). Overall, this study provides a retrospective review of postmortem pediatric fentanyl concentrations in a variety of biological matrices and highlights the need for comprehensive toxicology testing in postmortem pediatric casework.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg., rocuronium / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Stability and compatibility of an intramuscular fetal anesthetic cocktail for fetal intervention. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 11, 2024   
    Overall, this study provides a retrospective review of postmortem pediatric fentanyl concentrations in a variety of biological matrices and highlights the need for comprehensive toxicology testing in postmortem pediatric casework. The combination of rocuronium, fentanyl, and atropine for intramuscular fetal administration is physically compatible and chemically stable for 6 h.
  • ||||||||||  hydromorphone hydrochloride / Generic mfg.
    Clinical, Retrospective data, Review, Journal:  Efficacy and safety of hydromorphone for cancer pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 10, 2024   
    These findings are consistent with prior comprehensive analyses, suggesting that hydromorphone is a feasible choice for alleviating cancer-associated pain. Additional investigations are warranted to determine its efficacy in distinct patient cohorts and for different modes of administration.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg., methamphetamine / Generic mfg.
    Review, Journal:  Essential/precursor chemical control research: Giommoni's review, understanding multi-replication interrupted time series analysis, and next steps. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 10, 2024   
    in an earlier review considered several of our studies on chemical controls for methamphetamine, all centered in North America...Finally, I note that commercial chemical companies function as the silent, albeit usually unwitting, partners in the large-scale production of several illicit drugs, including fentanyl...But they are doing so largely without evaluation and study-a poor policy practice. To remedy this, I suggest establishing multi-disciplinary applied research teams to help assess, guide and improve essential/precursor chemical control efforts.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg.
    Observational data, Retrospective data, Journal:  Effectiveness and Safety of Sublingual Fentanyl in the Treatment of (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 8, 2024   
    The onset of analgesia was significantly more rapid for half of the patients ?75?years, compared with 65-69 and 70-74 age groups. SFC appears then to be effective, well-tolerated, and safe to treat BtCP in older cancer patients.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Reconsidering the usefulness of long-term high-dose buprenorphine. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 8, 2024   
    While the package insert of the combination product buprenorphinenaloxone continues to recommend a maximum dose of 16 mg daily for maintenance, the emergence of fentanyl and synthetic analogs in the current drug supply may be limiting the effectiveness of this standard dose...Some patients' path of recovery may never reach this stabilization phase (i.e., several months of adherence to medications, opioid abstinence, and other clinical indicators of stability). Side effects of buprenorphine may not have much salience when patients are struggling for survival and safety, but for those who are fortunate enough to advance in their recovery, the side effects become more problematic and can limit quality of life and adherence.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg., morphine sulphate / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Isobutyryl-carfentanyl has strong acute toxicity and analgesic effects with high addiction potential. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 7, 2024   
    Overnight exposure of co-cultures to 100 nM fentanyl severely reduced the proportion of MSNs with spontaneous action potentials, which was unaffected by co-exposure to the opioid receptor antagonist naloxone (10 In summary, isobutyryl-carfentanyl has high acute toxicity and analgesic effect, with strong psychological dependence approximately 5 times that of fentanyl and 0.5 times that of carfentanyl, and has extremely high abuse potency.
  • ||||||||||  ondansetron / Generic mfg.
    A Cautionary Tale: Polypharmacy and the Zofran Dilemma (Exhibit Hall) -  Aug 6, 2024 - Abstract #ASA2024ASA_5849;    
    Suspecting opioid-induced respiratory depression compounded by Zofran, naloxone was administered, improving his condition. Monitoring and supportive care ensued until respiratory stability and full consciousness was regained.