fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg. 
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 39 Diseases   6 Trials   6 Trials   15846 News 

  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg., midazolam hydrochloride / Generic mfg.
    Is BIS the answer to grant optimal sedation during EBUS procedures? (PS-31; Poster board no. 1) -  May 31, 2024 - Abstract #ERS2024ERS_870;    
    Our study shows an increase in the use of sedoanalgesia with BIS without improved patient tolerance to EBUS. Therefore, it is not possible to recommend it as an isolated method to assess sedation status in this type of procedure.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Tribally-led mobile outreach: improving access to harm reduction services in one rural reservation community. (Pubmed Central) -  May 31, 2024   
    As of December 2023, the mobile outreach vehicle has disseminated 150 Narcan kits, 150 Fentanyl testing strips, 20 self-care kits, and 500 brochures detailing Healing Center services. Preliminary results from this formative evaluation demonstrate the success of MOV efforts and the process required to purchase and launch an MOV campaign.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg., naloxone nasal spray / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Evaluation of Strategies to Enhance Community-Based Naloxone Distribution Supported by an Opioid Settlement. (Pubmed Central) -  May 30, 2024   
    This decision analytical modeling study used PROFOUND (Prevention and Rescue of Fentanyl and Other Opioid Overdoses Using Optimized Naloxone Distribution Strategies), a previously published simulation model, to forecast annual OODs between January 2023 and December 2025...The study modeled expanded naloxone distribution supported by the state's opioid settlement (50?000 naloxone nasal spray kits each year)...Notably, synergistic associations were observed when combining both interventions: increased naloxone distribution with the 2 approaches and a 60% increase in witnessed overdoses could reduce OODs in 2025 by 33.5% (95% SI, 17.1%-50.4%) and 37.4% (95% SI, 19.6%-56.3%), respectively. These findings suggest that interventions to address solitary drug use are needed to maximize the impact of continued efforts to increase community-based naloxone distribution, which may be particularly important for jurisdictions that have strong community-based naloxone distribution programs.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg., naltrexone / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Searching for Synthetic Opioid Rescue Agents: Identification of a Potent Opioid Agonist with Reduced Respiratory Depression. (Pubmed Central) -  May 29, 2024   
    In rats, while atoxifent produced complete loss of locomotor activity like fentanyl, it failed to produce deep respiratory depression associated with fentanyl-induced lethality. Assessment of brain biodistribution demonstrated ample distribution of atoxifent into the brain with a Tmax of approximately 0.25 h. These results indicate enhanced safety for atoxifent-like molecules compared to fentanyl.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg.
    PHM-03 - Riddle Me This? Unraveling Unexpected Urine Drug Tests and Strategies to Interpreting Perplexing Puzzling Results (Mont Royal Ballroom) -  May 27, 2024 - Abstract #PAINWeek2024PAINWeek_31;    
    New immunoassay tests for fentanyl and other substances have introduced new complexities to treatment that are relevant to a provider's practice and impact patient care now more than ever!...In addition to instruction on interpretation of results and further testing, this discussion will assist providers in navigating common pitfalls in navigating these discussions and demonstrate a proven approach to have these difficult conversations in a respectful and patient-centered approach. Learning Objectives: Explain the requirements for performing UDTs in adherence with clinical practice guidelines and regulations in chronic pain and OUDDescribe the methodology, instrumentation, and sensitivity/specificity of UDTs Interpret and distinguish between UDT results with detecting illicit drug use versus monitoring for treatment adherence Explain strategies to improve analysis and interpretation of UDTs including negative and false-positive results Evaluate approaches to addressing unexpected UDT results with patients
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg., morphine sulphate / Generic mfg.
    GML-01 - Opioid Odyssey: Navigating the Stewardship Seas (Gracia 3-4) -  May 27, 2024 - Abstract #PAINWeek2024PAINWeek_19;    
    This includes integrating measures that address the multifaceted aspects of opioid misuse and overdose, such as enhancing prescriber education, fostering safer prescribing practices, implementing robust screening and intervention protocols, and expanding access to evidence-based treatments for opioid use disorder (OUD). Learning Objectives: Evaluate the limitations of current opioid stewardship recommendations, including the predominant focus on reducing morphine milligram equivalents (MMEs)Propose alternative strategies for opioid stewardship that prioritize patient-centric approaches and quality metrics Discuss the importance of tailored interventions that account for socioeconomic disparities, access barriers, and cultural factors in promoting equitable and effective opioid stewardship
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg., methadone / Generic mfg.
    PHM-02 - Initiation Without Precipitation: The Nitty-Gritty of Starting Buprenorphine (Nolita 1-3) -  May 27, 2024 - Abstract #PAINWeek2024PAINWeek_14;    
    At the end of this course multidisciplinary team member should be equipped with specific case examples and successful strategies for starting buprenorphine in patients within their own practice site. Learning Objectives: Identify patients on full agonist therapy who may benefit from transition to buprenorphine for either pain management or opioid use disorder Review buprenorphine initiation strategies Explain consequences of failed buprenorphine initiations Identify the advantages and disadvantages of a buprenorphine micro initiation approach by examining case examples
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg., metamizole / Generic mfg.
    PCD-01 - Potent Poisoning: When Sleeping Beauty Gets a Bad Apple (Mont Royal Ballroom) -  May 27, 2024 - Abstract #PAINWeek2024PAINWeek_5;    
    Identify the challenges posed by adulterants in the acute management of polypharmacy fentanyl overdose, including the unpredictable nature of adulterant interactions and their impact on diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. Develop evidence-based strategies and best practices for navigating the complexities of polypharmacy overdose to optimize patient care and treatment outcomes.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  High-risk Individuals and Naloxone Use: Implications for THN Programs in Rural Appalachian Communities. (Pubmed Central) -  May 24, 2024   
    These factors, identified in a sample of 16 overdose cases, are (1) early onset age of opioid use; (2) progressive opioid use; (3) a transition from pain medication to heroin and fentanyl; (4) fears of being arrested at a naloxone intervention if first responders are contacted, and (5) limited knowledge of Good Samaritan Laws...Recommendations are made for additional research and for pursuing measures to increase efficacy of naloxone interventions. They include developing naloxone campaigns aimed at high-risk individuals, improving their knowledge of Good Samaritan Laws, increasing adherence to THN protocols that improve the possibility of treatment, and using community harm reduction specialists for community outreach.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Innovation and adaptation: The rise of a fentanyl smoking culture in San Francisco. (Pubmed Central) -  May 22, 2024   
    However, SF overdose mortality hit a record high in 2023. Recommendations to reduce fentanyl smoking overdose risks through pacing, greater awareness of dosages consumed and checking tolerance of residue recipients are potentially viable interventions deserving further exploration.
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    Journal:  Public stigma against fentanyl overdose decedents in the United States: A conjoint vignette experiment. (Pubmed Central) -  May 19, 2024   
    Results indicate that the public assesses victims of fentanyl overdose meritocratically, making judgments based on personal history and life experience rather than traditional race, class, and gender status beliefs. While certainly a signal of progress on some fronts, this meritocratic lens conflicts with the public health model of addressing the overdose crisis and exposes the alarming persistence of explicit stigma against people who use drugs.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  The fentanyl-specific antibody FenAb024 can shield against carfentanil effects. (Pubmed Central) -  May 19, 2024   
    This mAb shows protection from opioid effects in a pre-clinical murine model. mAbs could emerge as a versatile countermeasure in civilian and biodefense settings, offering a novel approach to combat opioid-associated mortality.
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    Journal:  Can Fentanyl Test Strips Modify How People Use Drugs? (Pubmed Central) -  May 19, 2024   
    Further prospective work including a randomised controlled trial between induction agents is justified to further clarify this important clinical question. No abstract available
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg.
    Dietetic and pain interventions in teenage and young adult (TYA) patients undergoing Proton therapy for Nasopharyngeal Cancer (Mezzanine level of the exhibition area) -  May 17, 2024 - Abstract #BAHNO2024BAHNO_54;    
    All patients required some level of pain control ranging from paracetamol alone to fentanyl patches, this was down to oral mucositis (table 2) in all cases...Due to small sample size we cannot recommend prophylactic gastrostomies, this should be considered on a case by case basis depending on individual patients and local protocol. Table 1 bahno.png Table 2 bahno.png
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg.
    Journal, Video:  Optimizing patient outcomes: the impact of multimodal preemptive analgesia in video-assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy. (Pubmed Central) -  May 16, 2024   
    We have established a novel assay that may have broad applications in clinical, environmental, occupational, and forensic scenarios for detection of trace amounts of fentanyl and its analogs. The multimodal preemptive analgesia management strategy effectively reduces postoperative pain, decreases opioid consumption, and promotes faster recovery in patients undergoing VATS lobectomy.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Substance-related poisoning hospitalizations and homelessness in Canada: a descriptive study. (Pubmed Central) -  May 15, 2024   
    The multimodal preemptive analgesia management strategy effectively reduces postoperative pain, decreases opioid consumption, and promotes faster recovery in patients undergoing VATS lobectomy. These findings can be used to strengthen strategies and interventions to reduce substance-related harms in priority populations, particularly those experiencing homelessness.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg.
    Review, Journal:  Classics in Chemical Neuroscience: Xylazine. (Pubmed Central) -  May 15, 2024   
    Xylazine (also known as "tranq") is a potent nonopioid veterinary sedative that has recently experienced a surge in use as a drug adulterant, most often combined with illicitly manufactured fentanyl...This dramatic increase in prevalence has solidified the status of xylazine as an emerging drug of abuse and an evolving threat to public health. The following narrative review outlines the synthesis, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and adverse effects of xylazine, as well as the role it may play in the ongoing opioid epidemic.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  National and regional trends in fentanyl seizures in the United States, 2017-2023. (Pubmed Central) -  May 15, 2024   
    The number and size of fentanyl seizures is increasing in the US, with the majority of seizures, especially in pill form, in the West. Continued monitoring of regional shifts in the fentanyl supply can help inform targeted prevention and public health response.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg.
    HCV reinfection among people who use drugs (PWUD) treated for HCV infection: a long-term view (Track Hub: Public Health) -  May 14, 2024 - Abstract #EASLILC2024EASL_ILC_2785;    
    Even within a very vulnerable group of individuals with a high risk of HCV reinfection, our program with systematic and comprehensive approaches to reduce the risk of reinfection are associated with rates below 5/100 py. As we treat increasing numbers of individuals who are more vulnerable, strategies such as the ones we have implemented will be important in maximizing the benefits of HCV therapy in these priority populations.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg., morphine sulphate / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Comparison Between Erector Spinae Plane Block versus Serratus Anterior Plane Block Regarding Analgesia and Stress Response After Modified Radical Mastectomy: Randomized Controlled Trial. (Pubmed Central) -  May 14, 2024   
    Statistically significant reductions in pain scores were observed in group A compared to groups B and C. Moreover, group A exhibited a significant decrease in postoperative morphine consumption, serum cortisol levels 1 hour post-surgery (P = 0.021), MAP, and postoperative vomiting and nausea compared to group B. Furthermore, groups A and B showed statistically significant improvements in all parameters compared to group C. The study demonstrates that ESPB provides superior analgesic effects compared to SAPB in patients undergoing MRM, with reduced morphine use and lower postoperative cortisol levels. Both blocks offer more effective pain control than intravenous morphine alone.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  A Series of 8 Illicit Fentanyl Intoxication Deaths in Infants and Toddlers. (Pubmed Central) -  May 13, 2024   
    As illicit fentanyl use increases, there is a potential for infant exposure and death. The investigation and certification of these deaths and the role of intentional administration versus inadvertent exposure due to caregiver neglect in the context of the certification of the manner of death are described.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg.
    Preclinical, Journal, HEOR:  Xylazine does not enhance fentanyl reinforcement in rats: A behavioral economic analysis. (Pubmed Central) -  May 11, 2024   
    The present results demonstrate that xylazine does not enhance the addictive effects of fentanyl or alter fentanyl plasma concentrations. The premise for why illicitly manufacture fentanyl has been adulterated with xylazine remains to be determined.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Correlates of overdose among 2711 people who use drugs and live in 7 rural US sites. (Pubmed Central) -  May 11, 2024   
    As in urban areas, houselessness, Hepatitis C infection, and the use of heroin and fentanyl were significant correlates of overdose. Widespread access to overdose prevention interventions - including fentanyl test strips and naloxone - is critical in this rural context, with particular outreach needed to unhoused populations, people living with Hepatitis C, and people using opioids.