101BHG-D01 / Beijing Shuobai Pharma 
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  • ||||||||||  101BHG-D01 / Beijing Shuobai Pharma
    Preclinical, Journal:  Effects of 101BHG-D01, a novel M receptor antagonism, on allergic rhinitis in animal models and its mechanism. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 14, 2023   
    Furthermore, IL-13 stimulation significantly increased JAK1 and STAT6 phosphorylation, which was suppressed by 101BHG-D01. We demonstrated that 101BHG-D01 reduced mucus secretion and inflammatory cell infiltration in the nasal mucosa, which may occur through a reduction in activation of the JAK1-STAT6 signaling pathway, indicating that 101BHG-D01 is a potent and safe anticholinergic therapy for AR.