- |||||||||| V180 / Merck (MSD), live attenuated monovalent dengue virus vaccine (rDEN3?30) / National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Phase 1 trial to model primary, secondary, and tertiary dengue infection using a monovalent vaccine (Convention Center - Hall I-1 (1st Floor); In-Person-Only) - Oct 11, 2024 - Abstract #ASTMH2024ASTMH_1987; P1 We are conducting a partially blinded phase I vaccine trial (NCT05691530) to examine how natural immunity influences the signs and symptoms, viremia, and immune responses to a dengue vaccine...Ongoing work will evaluate neutrophil and T cell responses, and germinal center changes using sequential fine needle lymph node aspirates. This study will elucidate the immunological factors driving the induction of cross-serotypic protective immunity, inform correlates of protection, and highlight potential therapeutic targets.
- |||||||||| TV003 / Medigen Biotech, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, live attenuated monovalent dengue virus vaccine (rDEN3?30) / National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Trial completion: Evaluation of the Efficacy of the Live Attenuated Tetravalent Dengue Vaccine Against DENV-2 and DENV-3 Challenge (clinicaltrials.gov) - Nov 27, 2019 P1, N=64, Completed, This study will elucidate the immunological factors driving the induction of cross-serotypic protective immunity, inform correlates of protection, and highlight potential therapeutic targets. Active, not recruiting --> Completed
- |||||||||| live attenuated monovalent dengue virus vaccine (rDEN3?30) / National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Trial completion, Trial primary completion date: Evaluation of the Safety and Immunogenicity of rDEN3?30, a Live Attenuated Monovalent Dengue Virus Vaccine (clinicaltrials.gov) - Nov 30, 2016 P1, N=14, Completed, Recruiting --> Completed | Trial primary completion date: Jun 2017 --> Nov 2017 | Trial completion date: Dec 2017 --> Nov 2017 Recruiting --> Completed | Trial primary completion date: Dec 2016 --> Jul 2016