Rabavert (purified chicken-embryo cell rabies vaccine) / Bavarian Nordic |
2021-005564-21: How well does the immune system remember vaccination against rabies five years after a single shot? Hoe goed herinnert het afweersysteem een inenting tegen hondsdolheid vijf jaar na een enkele injectie? |
| Not yet recruiting | 4 | 240 | Europe | Rabipur, Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection, Rabipur | Leiden University Medical Center, Bavarian Nordic A/S | Healthy volunteers Gezonde vrijwilligers, Rabies vaccination Vaccinatie tegen hondsdolheid, Diseases [C] - Virus Diseases [C02] | | | | |
2022-002367-29: A study to compare the efficacy of an intradermal and an intramuscular single-visit dosing regimen of the rabies vaccine in adults Een studie ter vergelijking van de doeltreffendheid van een intradermale en een intramusculaire eenmalige toedieningsschema's van het rabiësvaccin bij volwassenen Étude visant à comparer l'efficacité d'un schéma d'administration du vaccin antirabique en une seule visite, par voie intradermique et intramusculaire, chez les adultes. |
| Ongoing | 3 | 360 | Europe | Rabipur, Powder and solvent for solution for injection in pre-filled syringe, Rabipur | Instituut van Tropische Geneeskunde Antwerpen, Belgian Armed Forces | Rabies is a viral infection that affects the central nervous system. It causes encephalitis which is almost invariably fatal. Preventive vaccination alone implies no complete protection, but simplifies the postexposure procedure considerably, as the immunological response comes much more rapid in case of a booster vaccination post-exposure.This lowers the risk of morbidity and mortality. La rage est une infection virale qui affecte le système nerveux central. Elle provoque une encéphalite qui est presque toujours mortelle. Une vaccination préventive n'implique pas à elle seule une protection complète, mais simplifie considérablement la procédure post-exposition, car la réponse immunologique est beaucoup plus rapide en cas de rappel. Le risque de morbidité et de mortalité s'en trouve réduit. Hondsdolheid is een virale infectie die het centrale zenuwstelsel aantast. Hetveroorzaakt encefalitis die bijna altijd fataal is. Preventieve vaccinatie alleen biedt geen volledige bescherming, maar vereenvoudigt de postexpositieprocedure aanzienlijk, aangezien de immunologische reactie veel sneller optreedt in geval van een boostervaccinatie na de blootstelling. Dit verlaagt het risico van ziekte en sterfte., Vaccination to prevent rabies infection. Vaccination pour prévenir l'infection par la rage. Vaccinatie om besmetting met hondsdolheid te voorkomen., Diseases [C] - Virus Diseases [C02] | | | | |
NCT02545517 / 2015-000382-31: A Phase 3 Clinical Trial to Evaluate Long-term Immunogenicity and Boostability of Purified Chick-Embryo Cell Rabies Vaccine in Adults Following Primary Series of Pre/Exposure Prophylaxis. |
| Completed | 3 | 459 | Europe | Rabipur, Blood sampling, Purified Chick-Embryo Cell Rabies Vaccine | GlaxoSmithKline | Virus Diseases, Rabies | 12/22 | 12/22 | | |
NCT05667974: A Study to Evaluate a PIKA Rabies Vaccine(Vero Cell)for Human Use,Freeze-dried |
| Active, not recruiting | 3 | 4500 | RoW | PIKA Rabies Vaccine (Vero Cell) for Human use, Freeze-dried, Chirorab | Yisheng Biopharma (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. | Rabies, Prevention | 03/24 | 02/25 | | |
| Ongoing | 2 | 30 | Europe | Rabipur, Rabipur, Rabipur | Crucell Holland B.V., Crucell Holland B.V. | healthy volunteers | | | | |
NCT04882514: A Trial of a Peptide-based Group A Streptococcal (GAS) Vaccine Candidate in Healthy Individuals. |
| Active, not recruiting | 1/2 | 30 | Canada | p*17-K4S2, J8-K4S2, Rabavert vaccine | University of Alberta, Griffith University | Group A Streptococcal Infection | 05/25 | 12/25 | | |
NCT04715867: Non Inferiority Trial of Locally Manufactured Rabies Vaccine 'Rabix-VC' in Bangladesh |
| Recruiting | 1 | 440 | RoW | Rabix-VC, Rabipur | International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh | Non Inferiority Trial | 12/22 | 12/22 | | |
NCT04019444: Dosage-Escalation Study of the Safety and Immunogenicity of a Novel Rabies Vaccine ChAd155-RG vs. the Comparator RABAVERT Vaccine in Healthy Adult Subjects |
| Completed | 1 | 50 | US | ChAd155-RG, Placebo, Rabies Vaccine | National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) | Rabies, Rabies Immunisation | 03/23 | 03/23 | | |
| Terminated | 1 | 89 | US | RBI-4000, RabAvert | Replicate Bioscience | Healthy Volunteers | 07/24 | 07/24 | | |