- |||||||||| Xcopri (cenobamate) / SK Bio
The Fruit Fly Drosophila Melanogaster as a Screening Tool for Antiseizure Medications (South Hall H - Level 1 - LACC) - Nov 26, 2024 - Abstract #AES2024AES_1954; These findings further demonstrate the usability of Drosophila for assaying drugs with antiseizure properties. Next, the same ASMs will be tested in another bang-sensitive mutant (paralyticbss1) that serves as a model for intractable epilepsy.
- |||||||||| Seizure Management in Creutzfeldt-jakob Disease (South Hall H - Level 1 - LACC) - Nov 26, 2024 - Abstract #AES2024AES_1912;
Benzodiazepines showed some efficacy on EEG, with limited clinical benefit. Considering ASMs such as Clonazepam, Lorazepam, and probably try Clobazam as possible options.
- |||||||||| levetiracetam / Generic mfg., carbamazepine / Generic mfg.
Seizure Frequency During Different Trimesters In Pregnancy (South Hall H - Level 1 - LACC) - Nov 26, 2024 - Abstract #AES2024AES_1911; This may be related to relatively higher progesterone than estrogen concentrations during this time. Further prospective studies should be conducted to validate our findings, determine their causes and their impact on clinical practice.
- |||||||||| vigabatrin / Generic mfg., phenobarbital / Generic mfg., levetiracetam / Generic mfg.
Seizure Burden in Infants with Hemimegalencephaly Before and After Staged Transarterial Embolization (South Hall H - Level 1 - LACC) - Nov 26, 2024 - Abstract #AES2024AES_1910; TAE is an effective alternative approach to reduce seizure burden in neonates or infants who are too young to undergo anatomic/functional hemispherectomy. Following the final TAE procedure, there was a complete resolution of electroclinical seizures in all patients, with resolution of the electrographic seizures in 75% of the cohort, and rare seizures in 25% of the patients.
- |||||||||| brivaracetam / Generic mfg.
Patient Characteristics, Treatment Patterns, and Healthcare Resource Utilization Among Patients with Epilepsy on Brivaracetam Monotherapy: A Cohort Study Using US Claims Data (South Hall H - Level 1 - LACC) - Nov 26, 2024 - Abstract #AES2024AES_1833; The results indicated that in patients who completed 12 mos of adjunctive BRV treatment, improvements in clinical condition, HRQoL, treatment satisfaction, cognitive effects after seizures, and depressive symptoms were observed, as assessed by patient-reported outcomes. In the year before BRV initiation, 91.6% were taking ?1 ASM (94.3%, 90.9%, and 94.4% of patients < 16, 16
- |||||||||| levetiracetam / Generic mfg., carbamazepine / Generic mfg.
New Onset Focal Seizures in Children: Aetiology, Comorbidities and Outcomes (South Hall H - Level 1 - LACC) - Nov 26, 2024 - Abstract #AES2024AES_1815; In the year before BRV initiation, 91.6% were taking ?1 ASM (94.3%, 90.9%, and 94.4% of patients < 16, 16 After adjustment for these risk factors, first-line anti-seizure medications that were the strongest predictors for therapeutic responsiveness were carbamazepine (OR 11.9; 95% CI 3.03
- |||||||||| levetiracetam / Generic mfg.
MONEAD Age 6 Fetal ASM Exposure-dependent Effects (South Hall H - Level 1 - LACC) - Nov 26, 2024 - Abstract #AES2024AES_1794; Our findings suggest that even for safer ASMs, dosing need to be adjusted to levels that prevent convulsions but balance risks to the fetus that high levels may pose. Additional studies are needed to understand neurodevelopmental effects of fetal exposure for the majority ASMs.
- |||||||||| levetiracetam / Generic mfg., diazepam / Generic mfg.
Levetiracetam Aggravates but Diazepam Reduces Chronic Aggression Following Status Epilepticus in Juvenile Rats (South Hall H - Level 1 - LACC) - Nov 26, 2024 - Abstract #AES2024AES_1778; There was a dissociation between the effects of treatment on SRS frequency and behavior. While diazepam and dizocilpine reduced both, high-dose levetiracetam treatment of SE paradoxically improved SRS frequency but worsened some aspects of the chronic increase in aggressive behavior seen in this model of SE in juvenile rats..
- |||||||||| Fycompa (perampanel) / Eisai, Catalyst Pharma, Xcopri (cenobamate) / SK Bio
Leveraging EPIC Workbench Reporting to Create an Epilepsy Clinic Dashboard (South Hall H - Level 1 - LACC) - Nov 26, 2024 - Abstract #AES2024AES_1777; Our results reveal that between 2013 and 2023, (i) the population of patients that we serve has almost doubled in size, (ii) their seizure severity has increased and (iii) rates of valproate and topiramate use have remained constant in female patients of reproductive age. We design a "clinic dashboard" prototype that can seamlessly sort and identify patients by polytherapy burden and visit compliance.
- |||||||||| levetiracetam / Generic mfg., topiramate / Generic mfg.
Lennox-gastaut & West Syndromes in Korea: Nationwide Clinical Study (South Hall H - Level 1 - LACC) - Nov 26, 2024 - Abstract #AES2024AES_1775; This study represents the first nationwide investigation into the clinical characteristics of LGS and WS in Korea, utilizing a national database. Additionally, this study found that many LGS and WS patients have not been diagnosed with MR or ASD, and those without MR/ASD had a lower clinical burden than those with MR/ASD.
- |||||||||| Actemra IV (tocilizumab) / Roche, JW Pharma, Kineret (anakinra) / SOBI, Yescarta (axicabtagene ciloleucel) / Gilead
Full Neurological Recovery in Icans-related Super-refractory Status Epilepticus (South Hall H - Level 1 - LACC) - Nov 26, 2024 - Abstract #AES2024AES_1698; IT methotrexate and hydrocortisone were initiated... Resolution of focal deficits, and seizures, as well as ASM cessation is possible in ICANS related SE when neuro-inflammation is stopped before structural damage is established.
- |||||||||| levetiracetam / Generic mfg.
Electrographic Seizures in a Blind Patient: Do They Imply a Diagnosis of Epilepsy? (South Hall H - Level 1 - LACC) - Nov 26, 2024 - Abstract #AES2024AES_1644; Given that, interictal epileptiform discharges have been reported in patients with blindness without clinical evidence of epilepsy, the findings identified in our patient may be a different electrographic expression of epileptiform activity in blind patients that have no clinical significance. Therefore, these patients do not need to be treated with antiseizure medications.
- |||||||||| Effect of Ketogenic Diet Initiation Free Patients with Super Refractory Status Epilepticus Case Series (South Hall H - Level 1 - LACC) - Nov 26, 2024 - Abstract #AES2024AES_1620;
Total VPA concentrations decreased while free VPA concentrations increased after KD initiation, potentially increasing the risk of AEs. Critical illness, hypoalbuminemia, uremia, and elevated free fatty acids (FFAs) can increase VPA FF, and this series suggests KD initiation also increases VPA FF and that free VPA concentrations should be monitored in patients initiated on KD.
- |||||||||| primidone / Generic mfg., levetiracetam / Generic mfg.
Cost Comparison of Antiseizure Medications Under Medicare Part D and Medicaid (South Hall H - Level 1 - LACC) - Nov 26, 2024 - Abstract #AES2024AES_1568; Despite the cost-effectiveness of generics, their utilization has decreased, suggesting impacts from prescribing habits and policy changes. The widening price gap, particularly for medications like primidone and levetiracetam, underscores the urgency for policies promoting generic use to help control escalating healthcare costs and improve access to essential treatments.
- |||||||||| Changes in Management of Pregnant Women with Epilepsy in China Over the Past 15 Years (South Hall H - Level 1 - LACC) - Nov 26, 2024 - Abstract #AES2024AES_1515;
P=N/A This underscores the need for comprehensive cognitive and neuropsychological evaluation in the management of young adults with epilepsy to better support their educational and occupational endeavors. In monotherapy patterns, new-generation ASMs including levetiracetam, oxcarbazepine, lamotrigine significantly increased (60.8% vs. 83.1%, ?
- |||||||||| Calm Before the Storm: Thyrotoxic Status Epilepticus (South Hall H - Level 1 - LACC) - Nov 26, 2024 - Abstract #AES2024AES_1504;
A case of status epilepticus secondary to thyroid storm in an adult is being reported. This is a reminder to consider unusual yet curable differential diagnoses of generalized seizures in routine practice.
- |||||||||| phenobarbital / Generic mfg., levetiracetam / Generic mfg.
Bridging Gaps in Understanding and Treating KCNT1 Epilepsy: Insights from a Patient Registry and EMR Study (South Hall H - Level 1 - LACC) - Nov 26, 2024 - Abstract #AES2024AES_1500; Caregiver surveys report high motivation to participate in clinical trials due to - and EMR data confirms - frequent hospitalizations, invasive medical procedures, and high mortality. The KEF also collects patient samples, including postmortem tissue, and continues to survey patients to facilitate research for much-needed treatments.
- |||||||||| TNKASE (tenecteplase) / Roche, Boehringer Ingelheim
A Case of Focal Neurologic Deficits, Seizure, and Lateralized EEG Findings After ECT (South Hall H - Level 1 - LACC) - Nov 26, 2024 - Abstract #AES2024AES_1444; Post-ECT seizures and complications are an uncommon occurrence, with only few reports in the literature, and our case is unique with left LPDs and LRDA being seen on the EEG following the procedure. This case adds further information to the limited knowledge and reporting of post-ECT complications.
- |||||||||| levetiracetam / Generic mfg., fosphenytoin / Generic mfg.
Time Is Neuron: Improving Efficiency in Medication Administration for Status Epilepticus (South Hall H - Level 1 - LACC) - Nov 26, 2024 - Abstract #AES2024AES_1381; The results of this quality improvement project reflect significant improvements in medication administration times for pediatric patients presenting in status epilepticus to the emergency room after switching the preferred second-line medication to levetiracetam. This demonstrates the importance of standardized protocols and continuous quality improvement efforts in optimizing patient care.
- |||||||||| Fintepla (low-dose fenfluramine) / UCB
Reviving Fenfluramine: A New Hope for Pediatric Apneic Seizures in SMC1A Mutations (South Hall H - Level 1 - LACC) - Nov 26, 2024 - Abstract #AES2024AES_1341; This case study reaffirms FFA's potential as a seizure treatment in pediatric neurology, particularly for patients with SMC1A mutations with apneic seizure, and underlines the imperative for further investigative efforts in this subgroup. Furthermore, the drastic reduction in apneic seizure frequency in this patient emphasized FFA's specific potential in preventing long-term hypoxic brain injury.
- |||||||||| ezogabine (XEN496) / Xenon
Pharmacological Assessment of Anti-seizure Medications in the Rat Amygdala-kindling model2. (South Hall H - Level 1 - LACC) - Nov 26, 2024 - Abstract #AES2024AES_1304; This study highlights the translational relevance of the rat amygdala-kindling model for identifying novel compounds with improved tolerability and efficacy against focal and secondarily generalized seizures. Combining this model with a cross-over design offers a decision-enabling screening platform for epilepsy prevention and treatment, particularly in cases of pharmacoresistant focal seizures.
- |||||||||| levetiracetam / Generic mfg.
NUS1 Variants Lead to Epilepsy with Myoclonic Atonic Seizures (South Hall H - Level 1 - LACC) - Nov 26, 2024 - Abstract #AES2024AES_1268; 75%) reduction in CS. NUS1 gene variants are associated with a Doose Syndrome phenotype, characterized by myoclonic and atonic seizures and an invariant EEG pattern.