- |||||||||| Fycompa (perampanel) / Eisai
Review, Journal: Paediatric status epilepticus (Pubmed Central) - Oct 18, 2022 Early identification and treatment of a prolonged crisis are essential to prevent progression to status. Although with fewer sequelae than in adults, status epilepticus in children represents a cause of mortality of up to 3-5%, while 25% of them will develop subsequent epilepsy, as well as a considerable percentage of neurological sequelae.
- |||||||||| phenobarbital / Generic mfg., levetiracetam / Generic mfg., fosphenytoin / Generic mfg.
Anti-Seizure Prophylaxis in Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury () - Oct 17, 2022 - Abstract #ANA2022ANA_470; Based on current literature, phenytoin and fosphenytoin have been noted as effectively reducing early post-traumatic seizures after pediatric traumatic brain injury. Phenobarbital has also been effective with significantly less usage in clinical practice, while there is still insufficient evidence to recommend levetiracetam.
- |||||||||| levetiracetam / Generic mfg.
Diversity of Neurologic Disorders at a Free Neurology Community Health Clinic () - Oct 17, 2022 - Abstract #ANA2022ANA_434; The diverse patient population offers the opportunity for clinicians in training to and give back to their community. Further investigation into resident feedback can provide insight on the clinic’s impact on resident education and wellness.
- |||||||||| lamotrigine liquid oral suspension / OWP Pharma
Actigraphic Correlates of Psychiatric Disability in Patients with Focal Epilepsy () - Oct 17, 2022 - Abstract #ANA2022ANA_419; Can we achieve similar therapeutic effects by instituting behavioral modifications that reshape a subject’s RAR? In ongoing stud ies, we are characterizing RAR structure in PWE with broader comorbidities, including intellectual disability, lim ited/no verbal abilities and/or static motor impairments (e.g., quadriparesis).
- |||||||||| levetiracetam / Generic mfg.
CNS Tuberculoma Mimicking Malignancy in a Patient from Africa () - Oct 17, 2022 - Abstract #ANA2022ANA_298; Our patient lacked findings of meningitis and presented with a radiographic appearance that initially suggested a CNS malignancy. AFB smears on tissue were negative; however, a definitive diagnosis of CNS tuberculoma was made following a “third” biopsy when tissue was sent for AFB culture.
- |||||||||| Octreosphere (octreotide extended release) / Xbrane, Seizalam (midazolam intramuscular) / Pfizer
Severe Hypoglycemic encephalopathy () - Oct 17, 2022 - Abstract #EUSEM2022EUSEM_1341; 27-years-old male with a history of depression, previous suicide attempt and a recent diagnosis of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus found unconsciousness surrounded by a diazepam blister and lots of rapid-acting (1800 UI) and slow-acting (600 UI) insulin-pens...Tracheal intubation was performed using midazolam, etomidate and rocuronium and fluid management with three units of 50%glucose, 500ml of 10%glucose and 500 ml of 5%glucose was started with a capillary glycemic of 130mg/dL prior the transfer to the emergency room (ER)...The electroencephalography showed periodic 1 Hz activity that during the ICU stay progressed to a pattern of cortical damage and epileptics crisis that were controlled with the use of antiepileptic drugs (levetiracetam, lacosamide and clonazepam)...Besides it, we can use iv or im glucagon, iv octreotide, iv hydrocortisone and support with complex carbohydrates...Half of the patients will have good outcomes while the other half will end-up in death or in several neurological damage without further improving. The initial management with the specific treatment and airway and hemodynamical support is a key point in the survival rate of these patients.
- |||||||||| Octreosphere (octreotide extended release) / Xbrane, Seizalam (midazolam intramuscular) / Pfizer
Severe Hypoglycemic encephalopathy () - Oct 17, 2022 - Abstract #EUSEM2022EUSEM_1340; 27-years-old male with a history of depression, previous suicide attempt and a recent diagnosis of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus found unconsciousness surrounded by a diazepam blister and lots of rapid-acting (1800 UI) and slow-acting (600 UI) insulin-pens...Tracheal intubation was performed using midazolam, etomidate and rocuronium and fluid management with three units of 50%glucose, 500ml of 10%glucose and 500 ml of 5%glucose was started with a capillary glycemic of 130mg/dL prior the transfer to the emergency room (ER)...The electroencephalography showed periodic 1 Hz activity that during the ICU stay progressed to a pattern of cortical damage and epileptics crisis that were controlled with the use of antiepileptic drugs (levetiracetam, lacosamide and clonazepam)...Besides it, we can use iv or im glucagon, iv octreotide, iv hydrocortisone and support with complex carbohydrates...Half of the patients will have good outcomes while the other half will end-up in death or in several neurological damage without further improving. The initial management with the specific treatment and airway and hemodynamical support is a key point in the survival rate of these patients.
- |||||||||| Octreosphere (octreotide extended release) / Xbrane, Seizalam (midazolam intramuscular) / Pfizer
Severe Hypoglycemic encephalopathy () - Oct 17, 2022 - Abstract #EUSEM2022EUSEM_1339; 27-years-old male with a history of depression, previous suicide attempt and a recent diagnosis of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus found unconsciousness surrounded by a diazepam blister and lots of rapid-acting (1800 UI) and slow-acting (600 UI) insulin-pens...Tracheal intubation was performed using midazolam, etomidate and rocuronium and fluid management with three units of 50%glucose, 500ml of 10%glucose and 500 ml of 5%glucose was started with a capillary glycemic of 130mg/dL prior the transfer to the emergency room (ER)...The electroencephalography showed periodic 1 Hz activity that during the ICU stay progressed to a pattern of cortical damage and epileptics crisis that were controlled with the use of antiepileptic drugs (levetiracetam, lacosamide and clonazepam)...Besides it, we can use iv or im glucagon, iv octreotide, iv hydrocortisone and support with complex carbohydrates...Half of the patients will have good outcomes while the other half will end-up in death or in several neurological damage without further improving. The initial management with the specific treatment and airway and hemodynamical support is a key point in the survival rate of these patients.
- |||||||||| Octreosphere (octreotide extended release) / Xbrane, Seizalam (midazolam intramuscular) / Pfizer
Severe Hypoglycemic encephalopathy () - Oct 17, 2022 - Abstract #EUSEM2022EUSEM_1338; 27-years-old male with a history of depression, previous suicide attempt and a recent diagnosis of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus found unconsciousness surrounded by a diazepam blister and lots of rapid-acting (1800 UI) and slow-acting (600 UI) insulin-pens...Tracheal intubation was performed using midazolam, etomidate and rocuronium and fluid management with three units of 50%glucose, 500ml of 10%glucose and 500 ml of 5%glucose was started with a capillary glycemic of 130mg/dL prior the transfer to the emergency room (ER)...The electroencephalography showed periodic 1 Hz activity that during the ICU stay progressed to a pattern of cortical damage and epileptics crisis that were controlled with the use of antiepileptic drugs (levetiracetam, lacosamide and clonazepam)...Besides it, we can use iv or im glucagon, iv octreotide, iv hydrocortisone and support with complex carbohydrates...Half of the patients will have good outcomes while the other half will end-up in death or in several neurological damage without further improving. The initial management with the specific treatment and airway and hemodynamical support is a key point in the survival rate of these patients.
- |||||||||| Liver transplant in acute intoxication from Amanita phalloides. A case report. () - Oct 17, 2022 - Abstract #EUSEM2022EUSEM_1305;
Antiepileptic therapy with levetiracetam is initiated, with clinical improvement, but the neurological state worsens again after some weeks due to the onset of a drug-induced delirium caused by tacrolimus, which is then substituted by cyclosporin, with resolution of symptoms.The patient is also treated with different antibiotics for multiple severe bacterial infections.She is discharged after a 5-months hospitalization with good renal and liver function.RelevanceThis case demonstrates how subtle an acute food intoxication (in particular, an Amanita phalloides intoxication) is and, for this reason, why an accurate recollection of the patient's history is extremely important. The patient described in this case presented to the ED with aspecific symptoms, that could have been easily interpreted as an acute gastroenteritis; only the recent history of the patient and the presence of liver failure at the laboratory tests could suggest an intoxication.Amanita phalloides intoxication can be extremely severe, can bring to acute liver failure needing urgent liver transplant and can be accompanied by severe complications; for this reason, it is crucial to think of a possible ingestion of mushrooms when a patients comes to the ED with aspecific gastroenteric symptoms and the ED physician must always investigate what the patients have eaten the hours before the onset of symptoms (in the case of Amanita phalloides intoxication, the symptoms appear between 6 and 24 hours).
- |||||||||| Liver transplant in acute intoxication from Amanita phalloides. A case report. () - Oct 17, 2022 - Abstract #EUSEM2022EUSEM_1304;
Antiepileptic therapy with levetiracetam is initiated, with clinical improvement, but the neurological state worsens again after some weeks due to the onset of a drug-induced delirium caused by tacrolimus, which is then substituted by cyclosporin, with resolution of symptoms.The patient is also treated with different antibiotics for multiple severe bacterial infections.She is discharged after a 5-months hospitalization with good renal and liver function.RelevanceThis case demonstrates how subtle an acute food intoxication (in particular, an Amanita phalloides intoxication) is and, for this reason, why an accurate recollection of the patient's history is extremely important. The patient described in this case presented to the ED with aspecific symptoms, that could have been easily interpreted as an acute gastroenteritis; only the recent history of the patient and the presence of liver failure at the laboratory tests could suggest an intoxication.Amanita phalloides intoxication can be extremely severe, can bring to acute liver failure needing urgent liver transplant and can be accompanied by severe complications; for this reason, it is crucial to think of a possible ingestion of mushrooms when a patients comes to the ED with aspecific gastroenteric symptoms and the ED physician must always investigate what the patients have eaten the hours before the onset of symptoms (in the case of Amanita phalloides intoxication, the symptoms appear between 6 and 24 hours).
- |||||||||| Liver transplant in acute intoxication from Amanita phalloides. A case report. () - Oct 17, 2022 - Abstract #EUSEM2022EUSEM_1303;
Antiepileptic therapy with levetiracetam is initiated, with clinical improvement, but the neurological state worsens again after some weeks due to the onset of a drug-induced delirium caused by tacrolimus, which is then substituted by cyclosporin, with resolution of symptoms.The patient is also treated with different antibiotics for multiple severe bacterial infections.She is discharged after a 5-months hospitalization with good renal and liver function.RelevanceThis case demonstrates how subtle an acute food intoxication (in particular, an Amanita phalloides intoxication) is and, for this reason, why an accurate recollection of the patient's history is extremely important. The patient described in this case presented to the ED with aspecific symptoms, that could have been easily interpreted as an acute gastroenteritis; only the recent history of the patient and the presence of liver failure at the laboratory tests could suggest an intoxication.Amanita phalloides intoxication can be extremely severe, can bring to acute liver failure needing urgent liver transplant and can be accompanied by severe complications; for this reason, it is crucial to think of a possible ingestion of mushrooms when a patients comes to the ED with aspecific gastroenteric symptoms and the ED physician must always investigate what the patients have eaten the hours before the onset of symptoms (in the case of Amanita phalloides intoxication, the symptoms appear between 6 and 24 hours).
- |||||||||| Liver transplant in acute intoxication from Amanita phalloides. A case report. () - Oct 17, 2022 - Abstract #EUSEM2022EUSEM_1302;
Antiepileptic therapy with levetiracetam is initiated, with clinical improvement, but the neurological state worsens again after some weeks due to the onset of a drug-induced delirium caused by tacrolimus, which is then substituted by cyclosporin, with resolution of symptoms.The patient is also treated with different antibiotics for multiple severe bacterial infections.She is discharged after a 5-months hospitalization with good renal and liver function.RelevanceThis case demonstrates how subtle an acute food intoxication (in particular, an Amanita phalloides intoxication) is and, for this reason, why an accurate recollection of the patient's history is extremely important. The patient described in this case presented to the ED with aspecific symptoms, that could have been easily interpreted as an acute gastroenteritis; only the recent history of the patient and the presence of liver failure at the laboratory tests could suggest an intoxication.Amanita phalloides intoxication can be extremely severe, can bring to acute liver failure needing urgent liver transplant and can be accompanied by severe complications; for this reason, it is crucial to think of a possible ingestion of mushrooms when a patients comes to the ED with aspecific gastroenteric symptoms and the ED physician must always investigate what the patients have eaten the hours before the onset of symptoms (in the case of Amanita phalloides intoxication, the symptoms appear between 6 and 24 hours).
- |||||||||| Fycompa (perampanel) / Eisai
Journal: Management of epilepsy in brain tumor patients. (Pubmed Central) - Oct 15, 2022 Management of seizures in BTRE is complex and with currently available evidence levetiracetam seems the preferred choice. Comparative efficacy RCTs in BTRE are warranted.
- |||||||||| phenytoin / Generic mfg.
Phenytoin: A Rare Cause of Central Diabetes Insipidus (Exhibit Hall, Orange County Convention Center, West Building) - Oct 13, 2022 - Abstract #KIDNEYWEEK2022KIDNEY_WEEK_2876; Our case had a new-onset DI after therapeutically dosing phenytoin. Phenytoin is a rare but recognized cause of central DI, with few cases reported in the literature.
- |||||||||| lacosamide / Generic mfg., levetiracetam / Generic mfg.
Investigation of recurrent deja vu attacks: a case with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (Poster area [ONLINE]) - Oct 13, 2022 - Abstract #ECNP2022ECNP_1321; It may point some conditions like epilepsy, migraine and vestibular disease. Epileptic deja vu occurs more frequently than physiological deja vu, and epilepsy patients report some associative features like derealisation, olfactory/gustatory hallucinations, headaches, abdominal sensations, prior fatigue and fear more often[3].
- |||||||||| levetiracetam / Generic mfg., ethosuximide / Generic mfg., quetiapine / Generic mfg.
Forced Normalization: Antagonism Between Epilepsy and Psychosis. About a case (Poster area [ONLINE]) - Oct 13, 2022 - Abstract #ECNP2022ECNP_1236; [2] Ethosuximide and levetiracetam seem to be the antiepileptic drugs most commonly associated with forced normalization or alternating psychosis, but the risk is present in treatment with almost all, especially second-generation drugs...All studies were performed from the acute psychiatry unit and joint follow-up with neurology.Antipsychotic pharmacotherapy with quetiapine was instituted and the dose of antiepileptic drugs levetiracetam and lancosamide was reduced...For differential diagnosis, it is important to understand forced normalization in clinical practice.Forced normalization diagnostic criteria include: epilepsy proven by history and EEG recordings, new behavioral disturbances, halving the number of EEG spikes, one week of freedom from seizures, previous similar episodes, and the occurrence of such events in changes in antiepileptic pharmacotherapy. The patient complies with all of them, so we conclude the diagnosis of forced normalization and not that of seizure psychosis.Complete control of epilepsy can induce psychotic symptoms and worsen quality of life in some cases, so the therapeutic plan must be well balanced between good seizure control, no psychopathology, and patient functionality.
- |||||||||| levetiracetam / Generic mfg.
Epilepsy and electroencephalographic abnormalities in children with autism spectrum disorders (Poster area [IN-PERSON]) - Oct 13, 2022 - Abstract #ECNP2022ECNP_994; All children with epilepsy were treated with antiepileptic therapy, mostly with valproic acid and levetiracetam...The subclinical electroencephalographic abnormalities presented in some patients were not treated. Epilepsy was associated with decreased intellectual functioning, female sex, and adverse perinatal events.
- |||||||||| sodium valproate / Generic mfg., levetiracetam / Generic mfg.
Targeting hippocampal circuit dysfunction in the neurodevelopmental trajectory of psychosis (Poster area [IN-PERSON]) - Oct 13, 2022 - Abstract #ECNP2022ECNP_603; We then go on to consider how and when these abnormalities may be targeted by intervention, highlighting several promising pharmacological approaches including levetiracetam, sodium valproate, N-acetylcysteine, and cannabidiol. Finally, we conclude with future research directions, underscoring the importance of multidimensional approaches with which neuroimaging techniques may both aid in the identification of those at highest risk of psychosis, as well as help characterise new targets for pharmacological interventions.
- |||||||||| ADX71149 / Addex
Trial completion date: A Study to Investigate JNJ-40411813 in Combination With Levetiracetam or Brivaracetam in Epilepsy (clinicaltrials.gov) - Oct 13, 2022 P2, N=160, Recruiting, Finally, we conclude with future research directions, underscoring the importance of multidimensional approaches with which neuroimaging techniques may both aid in the identification of those at highest risk of psychosis, as well as help characterise new targets for pharmacological interventions. Trial completion date: Apr 2024 --> Apr 2026
- |||||||||| Fycompa (perampanel) / Eisai, Diacomit (stiripentol) / Biocodex, Meiji Seika, Fintepla (low-dose fenfluramine) / UCB
Review, Journal, Adverse events: Psychobehavioural and Cognitive Adverse Events of Anti-Seizure Medications for the Treatment of Developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathies. (Pubmed Central) - Oct 13, 2022 Bromide, felbamate and other sodium channel ASMs are discussed briefly...Cannabidiol, PER and pregabalin may be associated with improvements in sleep, LTG is associated with insomnia, while VPA, TPM, LEV, ZNS and LCM do not appear to have detrimental effects...Finally, we discuss how a variety of factors can affect mood, behaviour and cognition, and untangling the associations between the effects of the underlying syndrome and those of the ASMs can be challenging. In particular, there is enormous heterogeneity in cognitive, behavioural and developmental impairments that is complex and can change naturally over time; there is a lack of standardised instruments for evaluating these outcomes in developmental and epileptic encephalopathies, with a reliance on subjective evaluations by proxy (caregivers); and treatment regimes are complex involving multiple ASMs as well as other drugs.
- |||||||||| Review, Journal: Breastfeeding while on treatment with antiseizure medications: a systematic review from the ILAE Women Task Force (Pubmed Central) - Oct 11, 2022
High infant levels (30% up to 100% of maternal serum concentrations) have been reported with ethosuximide, phenobarbital and zonisamide...It is concluded that breastfeeding should in general be encouraged in women taking ASMs, given the well-established benefits of breastfeeding with regard to both short- and long-term infant health in the general population. Counselling needs to be individualized including information on the current knowledge regarding the woman's specific ASM treatment.
- |||||||||| levetiracetam / Generic mfg., brivaracetam / Generic mfg.
Altered neuronal cooperativity in Alzheimer's disease (SDCC Halls B-H) - Oct 10, 2022 - Abstract #Neuroscience2022NEUROSCIENCE_12498; Currently, we seek to understand the relationship between sleep deprivation at different ages and AD pathology. Moreover, we are working on comparing these results with human iPS-derived neuronal networks for better insight on the mechanisms described above.
- |||||||||| levetiracetam / Generic mfg.
Long term exposure to Levetiracetam decreases pathology in a mouse model of tauopathy. (SDCC Halls B-H) - Oct 10, 2022 - Abstract #Neuroscience2022NEUROSCIENCE_12496; In addition, we found some Levetiracetam effects in the control mice but not in the Tg4510 mice, indicating a possible disruption in Levetiracetam mechanism. Further study of this pathway could bring new insight on Levetiracetam action and understanding of Alzheimer’s disease pathology.
- |||||||||| ezogabine (XEN496) / Xenon
The amygdala-kindling model: Toward the development of a high performance screening platform to accelerate the identification of novel anti-seizure medications (SDCC Halls B-H) - Oct 10, 2022 - Abstract #Neuroscience2022NEUROSCIENCE_12298; Conversely, ethosuximide at 100 mg/kg did not show any effect on motor components of the seizure nor on ADD.This study was intended to shed light on translational aspects of the amygdala-kindling model as a potential asset for characterizing new entities with improved tolerability and efficacy. The combination of this model and a cross-over design will provide a decision-enabling screening platform for the identification of novel compounds for the prevention, treatment, and modification of epilepsy, wherein pharmacoresistant seizures constitute the greatest challenge for treatment.
- |||||||||| levetiracetam / Generic mfg., haloperidol / Generic mfg.
Antipsychotic intervention reduces hippocampal hyperactivity in a mouse model of psychosis (SDCC Halls B-H) - Oct 10, 2022 - Abstract #Neuroscience2022NEUROSCIENCE_7817; Haloperidol and levetiracetam also caused a normalization of the aberrant social memory phenotype. However, there was no effect on freezing in fear conditioning.These promising findings validate this model and indicate that it could be important for the development of new, effective and safe medications that could improve clinical outcomes, increase patient adherence and advance quality of life for people with psychosis.
- |||||||||| levetiracetam / Generic mfg.
Synaptic density in Parkinson’s disease and atypical parkinsonism patients (SDCC Halls B-H) - Oct 10, 2022 - Abstract #Neuroscience2022NEUROSCIENCE_6966; Tissue was incubated for 1h with [18F](R)-SDM8 (2nM and 12,400 mCi/µmole) or with 200µM levetiracetam...Preliminary data with [18F]SynVesT-1 displays good binding distribution properties in parkinsonism patients. The use of this tracer is a promising tool for the investigation of synaptic loss in the striatum and to describe patterns of cortical synaptic depletion.
- |||||||||| levetiracetam / Generic mfg.
Journal, Adverse events: Radiosurgery effects and adverse effects in symptomatic eloquent brain-located Cavernomas. (Pubmed Central) - Oct 9, 2022 The drug was completely stopped in 14 (60.9%) out of 23 patients who received epilepsy treatment, and the dose of levetiracetam decreased from 2000 mg to 1000 mg in four (17.3%) of nine patients...Clinical response of CR was observed in 30 (56.6%) patients, PR was observed in 16 (30.2%), stable disease (SD) was observed in three (5.7%) and four (7.5%) patients progressed. In conclusion, SRS applied in the appropriate dose schedule may be an effective and reliable method in terms of symptom control and prevention of rebleeding, especially in patients with inoperable cavernomas.
- |||||||||| levetiracetam / Generic mfg.
Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date: Reducing Hippocampal Hyperactivity and Improving Cognition in Schizophrenia (clinicaltrials.gov) - Oct 7, 2022 P1/2, N=50, Recruiting, LEV may be recommended as a second-line treatment for SE along with phenytoin/FPHT. Trial completion date: Sep 2022 --> Sep 2023 | Trial primary completion date: Sep 2022 --> Sep 2023
- |||||||||| levetiracetam / Generic mfg.
Journal: Don't Break My Heart: A Case Report of Takotsubo Syndrome in a Transplanted Heart. (Pubmed Central) - Oct 5, 2022 He had breakthrough seizures posttransplant while on levetiracetam (Keppra) and was admitted for status epilepticus...The mechanism is elusive, and some hypotheses suggest exaggerated sensitivity to a plasma catecholamine surge from parasympathetic denervation. In a denervated heart, autonomic re-innervation can be seen as early as 1 year posttransplant.
- |||||||||| brivaracetam / Generic mfg.
Journal: Retention of brivaracetam in adults with drug-resistant epilepsy at a single tertiary care center. (Pubmed Central) - Oct 5, 2022 Brivaracetam was effective at a broad range of doses in managing drug-resistant epilepsy across various phenotypes, but less effective than LEV in those who switched due to poor tolerability on LEV. There were no new tolerability issues, but 77% of the individuals experiencing side effects on BRV also experienced similar side effects on LEV.