Sarcoma  >>  INBRX-109  >>  Phase 2
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2 Trials

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INBRX-109 / Inhibrx Biosci
2021-002635-35: A Phase 2 study of INBRX-109 in adults with a type of unresectable or metastasized cancer of the bones and joints (Conventional Chondrosarcoma). Estudio de fase 2, de INBRX-109 en adultos en un tipo de cancer de huesos y articulaciones irresecable o metastasico (condrosarcoma convencional)

Not yet recruiting
Desametasone, Difenidramina, INBRX-109, INBRX-109, Lyophilisate for solution for infusion
Inhibrx, Inc., Inhibrx, INC, Inhibrx, Inc.
Unresectable or metastatic conventional chondrosarcoma condrosarcoma convencional irresecable o metastásico., Malignant bone tumor that cannot be resected or it has been spread from the primary site (place where it started) to other places in the body. Tumor óseo maligno que no puede ser resecado o que se ha extendido desde el sitio primario (lugar donde comenzó) a otros lugares del cuerpo., Diseases [C] - Cancer [C04]
ChonDRAgon, NCT04950075: Study of INBRX-109 in Conventional Chondrosarcoma

Europe, US, RoW
INBRX-109, Placebo
Inhibrx, Inc.
Conventional Chondrosarcoma

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