Palexia RP (tapentadol extended release) / Assertio, Collegium Pharma, Grunenthal, J&J  >>  Phase 4
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Palexia RP (tapentadol extended release) / Assertio, J&J, Grunenthal, Collegium Pharma
2017-000141-52: The effect of tapentadol and oxycodone on the human pain system Effekten af tapentadol og oxycodon på det humane smertenetværk

Palexia Depot, OxyContin, Modified-release tablet, Palexia Depot, OxyContin
Asbjørn Mohr Drewes, Grünenthal GmBH
Healthy volunteers - pain, Pain, Diseases [C] - Nervous System Diseases [C10]
2016-005082-31: Assessment of Tapentadol effects on patients with pain central sensitization using functional MRI Evaluación del efecto de tapentadol en pacientes con dolor por sensibilización central utilizando la resonancia magnética funcional (fMRI)

Palexia Retard, Palexia retard, Prolonged-release tablet, Palexia retard 50 mg, Palexia retard 100 mg, Palexia retard 150 mg, Palexia retard 200 mg, Palexia retard 250 mg
MRI Research Unit, Radiology Department. Hospital del Mar., Grunenthal Pharma S.A.
Patients suffering from pain due to knee osteoarthritis Pacientes con dolor por artrosis de rodilla, Patients suffering from pain due to knee osteoarthritis Pacientes con dolor por artrosis de rodilla, Diseases [C] - Musculoskeletal Diseases [C05]
2017-001285-23: A comparison of pain relief and effects on respiration from tapentadol and oxycodone after surgical removal of the uterus.

Not yet recruiting
Tablet, Modified-release tablet, Capsule, hard, Palexia® 50 mg, Palexia depot®, OxyNorm®, OxyContin®
Oslo University Hospital, Oslo University Hospital
Pain after laparoscopic hysterectomy., Pain after surgical removal of the uterus using a minimal invasive surgical technique., Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment [E] - Anesthesia and Analgesia [E03]

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