Sarcoma  >>  irinotecan  >>  Phase 3
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6 Trials

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irinotecan / Generic mfg.
NCT00354744: High-Dose Combination Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy in Treating Patients With Newly Diagnosed Metastatic Rhabdomyosarcoma or Ectomesenchymoma

Europe, Canada, US, RoW
dactinomycin, Actinomycin-D, Cosmegen, NSC #3053, cyclophosphamide, Cytoxan, NSC #26271, doxorubicin hydrochloride, Adriamycin, NSC #123127, etoposide, VePesid, Etopophos, VP-16, NSC #141540, ifosfamide, Isophosphamide, Iphosphamide, Z4942, Ifex, NSC #109724, irinotecan hydrochloride, CPT-11, Camptothecin-11, 7-ethyl-10-(4-[1-piperidino]-1-piperidino)-carbonyloxy-camptothecin, Camptosar, NSC #616348, vincristine sulfate, Oncovin, VCR, LCR, NSC #67574, conventional surgery, radiation therapy, filgrastim, Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor, r-metHuG-CSF, G-CSF, Neupogen, NSC #614629
Children's Oncology Group, National Cancer Institute (NCI)
ARST0531, NCT00354835: Combination Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy in Treating Patients With Newly Diagnosed Rhabdomyosarcoma

Europe, Canada, US, RoW
Cyclophosphamide, (-)-Cyclophosphamide, 2H-1,3,2-Oxazaphosphorine, 2-[bis(2-chloroethyl)amino]tetrahydro-, 2-oxide, monohydrate, Carloxan, Ciclofosfamida, Ciclofosfamide, Cicloxal, Clafen, Claphene, CP monohydrate, CTX, CYCLO-cell, Cycloblastin, Cycloblastine, Cyclophospham, Cyclophosphamid monohydrate, Cyclophosphamide Monohydrate, Cyclophosphamidum, Cyclophosphan, Cyclophosphane, Cyclophosphanum, Cyclostin, Cyclostine, Cytophosphan, Cytophosphane, Cytoxan, Fosfaseron, Genoxal, Genuxal, Ledoxina, Mitoxan, Neosar, Revimmune, Syklofosfamid, WR- 138719, Dactinomycin, Actinomycin A IV, Actinomycin C1, Actinomycin D, Actinomycin I1, Actinomycin IV, Actinomycin X 1, Actinomycin-[thr-val-pro-sar-meval], Cosmegen, DACT, Dactinomycine, Lyovac Cosmegen, Meractinomycin, Irinotecan Hydrochloride, Campto, Camptosar, Camptothecin 11, Camptothecin-11, CPT 11, CPT-11, Irinomedac, Irinotecan Hydrochloride Trihydrate, Irinotecan Monohydrochloride Trihydrate, U-101440E, Laboratory Biomarker Analysis, Questionnaire Administration, Radiation Therapy, Cancer Radiotherapy, ENERGY_TYPE, Irradiate, Irradiated, Irradiation, Radiation, Radiation Therapy, NOS, Radiotherapeutics, Radiotherapy, RT, Therapy, Radiation, Vincristine Sulfate, Kyocristine, Leurocristine Sulfate, Leurocristine, sulfate, Oncovin, Vincasar, Vincosid, Vincrex, Vincristine, sulfate
Children's Oncology Group, National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Adult Rhabdomyosarcoma, Childhood Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma, Childhood Botryoid-Type Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma, Childhood Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma, Localized Childhood Soft Tissue Sarcoma, Rhabdomyosarcoma, Sarcoma, Stage I Adult Soft Tissue Sarcoma AJCC v7, Stage II Adult Soft Tissue Sarcoma AJCC v7, Stage III Adult Soft Tissue Sarcoma AJCC v7
NCT03495921: A Trial For Participants With Ewing's Sarcoma Treated With Vigil in Combination With Irinotecan and Temozolomide

Vigil, Bi-shRNAfurin and GMCSF Augmented Autologous Tumor Cell Immunotherapy, FANG vaccine, Irinotecan, Camptosar, Camptothecin-11, CPT-11, Temozolomide, Temodar
Gradalis, Inc.
Ewing Sarcoma, Ewing Family of Tumors, Ewing's Tumor Metastatic, Ewing's Sarcoma Metastatic, Ewing's Tumor Recurrent, Rare Diseases, Sarcoma, Neoplasms, Connective and Soft Tissue, Neoplasms by Histologic Type, Neoplasms, Bone Tissue, Neoplasms, Connective Tissue, Sarcoma, Ewing, Neoplasms
ARST1431, NCT02567435: Combination Chemotherapy With or Without Temsirolimus in Treating Patients With Intermediate Risk Rhabdomyosarcoma

Active, not recruiting
Canada, US, RoW
Cyclophosphamide, (-)-Cyclophosphamide, 2H-1,3,2-Oxazaphosphorine, 2-[bis(2-chloroethyl)amino]tetrahydro-, 2-oxide, monohydrate, Asta B 518, B-518, Carloxan, Ciclofosfamida, Ciclofosfamide, Cicloxal, Clafen, Claphene, CP monohydrate, CTX, CYCLO-cell, Cycloblastin, Cycloblastine, Cyclophospham, Cyclophosphamid monohydrate, Cyclophosphamide Monohydrate, Cyclophosphamidum, Cyclophosphan, Cyclophosphane, Cyclophosphanum, Cyclostin, Cyclostine, Cytophosphan, Cytophosphane, Cytoxan, Fosfaseron, Genoxal, Genuxal, Ledoxina, Mitoxan, Neosar, Revimmune, Syklofosfamid, WR- 138719, WR-138719, Dactinomycin, Actinomycin A IV, Actinomycin C1, Actinomycin D, Actinomycin I1, Actinomycin IV, Actinomycin X 1, Actinomycin-[thr-val-pro-sar-meval], Cosmegen, DACT, Dactinomycine, Lyovac Cosmegen, Meractinomycin, Irinotecan Hydrochloride, Campto, Camptosar, Camptothecin 11, Camptothecin-11, CPT 11, CPT-11, Irinomedac, Irinotecan Hydrochloride Trihydrate, Irinotecan Monohydrochloride Trihydrate, U-101440E, Laboratory Biomarker Analysis, Questionnaire Administration, Radiation Therapy, Cancer Radiotherapy, Energy Type, ENERGY_TYPE, Irradiate, Irradiated, Irradiation, Radiation, Radiation Therapy, NOS, Radiotherapeutics, Radiotherapy, RT, Therapy, Radiation, Temsirolimus, CCI-779, CCI-779 Rapamycin Analog, Cell Cycle Inhibitor 779, Rapamycin Analog, Rapamycin Analog CCI-779, Torisel, Vincristine Sulfate, Kyocristine, Leurocristine Sulfate, Leurocristine, sulfate, Oncovin, Vincasar, Vincosid, Vincrex, Vincristine, sulfate, Vinorelbine, Dihydroxydeoxynorvinkaleukoblastine
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma, Botryoid-Type Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma, Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma, Rhabdomyosarcoma, Sclerosing Rhabdomyosarcoma, Spindle Cell Rhabdomyosarcoma
ACTRN12618001825246: rEECur: Chemotherapy for the treatment of recurrent and primary refractory Ewing sarcoma

University of Birmingham, Canteen - Australian Young Cancer Patient Clinical Trials Initiative
Ewing Sarcoma
2014-000259-99: A comparison of four widely used chemotherapy regimens for the treatment of Ewing sarcoma, a type of bone cancer, to see which is most effective and/or has the fewest side effects.

Cyclophosphamide, Topotecan, Irinotecan, Temozolomide, Gemcitabine, Docetaxel, Ifosfamide, Cyclophosphamide, Topotecan, Irinotecan, Temozolomide, Gemcitabine, Docetaxel, Ifosfamide, Infusion, Capsule, hard, , Cyclophosphamide, HYCAMTIN, CAMPTO, Temodal, GEMZAR, TAXOTERE, Ifosfamide
University of Birmingham, UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM, European Commission, German Cancer Aid
Recurrent and refractory Ewing sarcoma, Ewing sarcoma, a type of bone cancer, that has either grown during initial treatment or has grown after the end of treatment., Diseases [C] - Cancer [C04]

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