Musculoskeletal Diseases  >>  dronabinol oral  >>  Phase 2
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1 Trials

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dronabinol oral / Generic mfg.
2017-004226-15: Can-ArtEffect and safety of using Canabis derivatives for the treatment of pain in patients with inflammatory Arthritis, such as reumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis, the latter being a type of arthritis that causes a long term inflammation of the joints of the spine. A randomized, double blinded, placebo controlled trial, i.e. in this drug trial, a control group is given a placebo while another group is given the Cannabis derivative being studied. Can-ArtEffekt og sikkerhed ved anvendelse af Canabis-derivater til behandling af smerte hos patienter med inflammatorisk arthritis, såsom rheumatoid arthritis og ankyloserende spondylitis (sidstnævnte er en type arthritis, der forårsager langvarig betændelse i rygsøjlen og bækkenet).En randomiseret, dobbeltblindet, placebokontrolleret forsøg, dvs. i denne lægemiddelforsøg, gives en kontrolgruppe en placebo, mens en anden gruppe får substansen, der undersøges, dvs. Cannabis derivatet.

Cannabidiol tablet 10 mg, Dronabinol capsule 2.5. mg, Tablet, Capsule
King Christian 10th Hospital for Rheumatology, The Danish Rheumatism Association, The Region of Southern Denmark
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS), RA and AS are autoimmune diseases. In RA the immune system attacks the membranes lining the joints, typically initially in small joints. AS affects the joints of the spine and the pelvic girdle., Diseases [C] - Musculoskeletal Diseases [C05]

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