Nimenrix (MenACWY-TT) / Pfizer  >>  Phase 4
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5 Trials

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Nimenrix (MenACWY-TT) / Pfizer
2013-001823-38: Second meningococcal vaccination in Dutch children: Study to compare the tetravalent MenACWY-TT conjugate vaccine with the monovalent MenC-TT conjugate vaccine. Tweede meningokokken vaccinatie bij nederlandse kinderen: Een onderzoek waarbij het tetravelente MenACWY-TT vaccin vergeleken zal worden met het monovalente MenC-TT vaccin.

NeisVac-C, Nimenrix, NeisVac-C, Nimenrix, NeisVac-C, Nimenrix, NeisVac-C, Nimenrix
National Institute of Public Health and Environment (RIVM, the Netherlands), National Institute of Public Health and Environment (RIVM, the Netherlands)
The monovalent MenC-TT vaccin administered in this study is used to prevent invasive disease caused by Meningococcal group C. The tetravelent MenACWY-TT vaccin administered in this study is used to prevent invasive disease caused by Meningococcal serogroup A, C, W and Y. Het monovalente MenC-TT vaccine beschermt tegen invasieve meningokokkenziekte van type C. Het tetravalente MenACWY-TT vaccine beschermt tegen invasieve meningokokkenziekte van type A, C, W en Y.
2014-000967-42: Strengthening memory immunity in the aged population by vaccinating pre-elderly Stimuleren van geheugen immuniteit in de ouder wordende populatie door mensen op middelbare leeftijd te vaccineren

Nimenrix, Zostavax, Nimenrix, Zostavax, Nimenrix, Zostavax, Nimenrix, Zostavax
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM, Netherlands), National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM, The Netherlands)
The vaccine administered in this study is used to prevent meningococcal disease caused by the bacteria Neisseria meningitidis group A,C,W,Y (Nimenrix) and Herpes Zoster disease caused by the Varicella zoster virus (Zostavax). The vaccinaties toegediend in de studie worden gebruikt om meningokokkenziekte veroorzaakt door Neisseria meningitidis groep A,C,W,Y (Nimenrix) en Herpes Zoster veroorzaakt door het herpes zoster virus (Zostavax) te voorkomen.
2016-002381-31: follow up of participants in a previous study of quadrivalent meningitis vaccine.

Menveo, Nimenrix, Powder and solvent for solution for injection in pre-filled syringe, Menveo, Nimenrix
Public Health England, Department of Health Policy Research Programme
No specific medical condition(s) - responses to vaccination against meningococcal disease., Vaccination against different types of bacteria that cause meningitis., Body processes [G] - Immune system processes [G12]
2019-001301-24: Study to investigate the immune response and determine functional antibodies after a MenACWY-vaccination Studie naar de werkzaamheid van een MenACWY-vaccinatie bij volwassenen van 65 jaar en ouder

Not yet recruiting
Nimenrix, Powder and solution for solution for injection, Nimenrix
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
The tetravelent MenACWY-TT vaccin administered in this study is used to prevent invasive disease caused by Meningococcal serogroup A, C, W and Y. Het tetravalente MenACWY-TT vaccin beschermt tegen invasieve meningokokkenziekte van type A, C, W en Y., Invasive meningococcal disease, meningitis, sepsis Invasieve meningokokkenziekte, hersenvliesontsteking, bloedvergiftiging, Diseases [C] - Bacterial Infections and Mycoses [C01]
NCT05929651: Study of Immunogenicity and Safety of MenQuadfi® as a Booster Vaccine in Toddlers 12 to 23 Months, Regardless of the Quadrivalent Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine Used for Priming in Infancy

MenACYW conjugate vaccine, MenQuadfi®
Sanofi Pasteur, a Sanofi Company
Meningococcal Immunisation, Healthy Volunteers

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