Glucocorticoid Receptor 

 186 Products   186 Products   1696 Diseases   94663 News 

  • ||||||||||  WHEN HEAD TRAUMA UNCOVERS A COLLISION PITUITARY SELLA LESION! () -  Mar 17, 2024 - Abstract #ICEEDEC2024ICE_EDEC_696;    
    Collision sella tumours are an exceptionally rare phenomenon and histological studies are essential to confirm the diagnosis. Future research advances in molecular genetics will hopefully clarify how they develop.
  • ||||||||||  MODERATE TO SEVERE GRAVE'S ORBITOPATHY IN THE FIRST TRIMESTER () -  Mar 17, 2024 - Abstract #ICEEDEC2024ICE_EDEC_620;    
    Given low blood pressure and fatigue, random cortisol was checked and it was 72nmol/l (110-460nmol/l) and ACTH was 6ng/l (0-50ng/l), this necessitated starting Hydrocortisone replacement...The pregnancy test was positive and the patient was commenced on propylthiouracil and propranolol...Given GO grade, a discussion with the obstetrics team concluded commencing Azathioprine as a safe immunosuppression option during pregnancy to halt GO progression... GO poses vision threats, this necessitates high vigilance, prompt diagnosis, severity assessment, and swift treatment initiation to prevent progression.
  • ||||||||||  dexamethasone / Generic mfg., progesterone / Generic mfg.
    Patients with MACS showed lower (P<0.0001) plasma concentrations of dehydroepiandrosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate, progesterone and androstenedione than subjects without MACS... Distinct plasma steroid profiles combined with machine learning may provide a simplified and improved screening method for establishing the diagnosis of MACS.
  • ||||||||||  De Novo Asthma in Post COVID-19 Patients in Lima, Peru (San Diego Convention Center, Area D (Hall A-B2, Ground Level)) -  Mar 17, 2024 - Abstract #ATS2024ATS_8859;    
    Pathophysiology of this causality is unknown but there are some possible mechanisms as a hypothesis: 1. Bradykinin, 2.
  • ||||||||||  Ventavis (iloprost) / Bayer, J&J, University of Copenhagen, Opsumit (macitentan) / Nippon Shinyaku, J&J, Tracleer (bosentan) / J&J, Roche
    A PAH Drug Ranking Strategy for Individualized Combination Therapy Via Pulmonary Endoarterial Biopsy (San Diego Convention Center, Room 25A-C (Upper Level)) -  Mar 17, 2024 - Abstract #ATS2024ATS_8762;    
    This study demonstrates the utility of combining an endoarterial biopsy technique with genetic expression studies to generate a ranking system that can be used to select a potentially more effective drug or drug combination regimen for an individual patient at a certain a stage of PAH disease. Human studies will be necessary to demonstrate the utility of this approach.
  • ||||||||||  Dupixent (dupilumab) / Sanofi, Regeneron
    Efficacy and Safety of Dupilumab in Patients With Moderate-to-Severe COPD and Type 2 Inflammation: Phase 3 NOTUS Trial (Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina, Grand Ballroom 11-13 (Lobby Level, North Tower)) -  Mar 17, 2024 - Abstract #ATS2024ATS_8456;    
    Dupilumab is the first biologic to significantly reduce moderate-severe exacerbations and improve lung function in patients with COPD and type 2 inflammation in two phase 3 trials. Dupilumab was well tolerated, and the safety profile is generally consistent with other dupilumab indications.
  • ||||||||||  dexamethasone / Generic mfg.
    Review:  Effects of postnatal corticosteroids on lung development in newborn animals. A systematic review. (Pubmed Central) -  Mar 17, 2024   
    This is the first systematic review and meta-analysis of preclinical newborn animal studies reviewing the effect of postnatal systemic corticosteroids on lung development. In newborn rodent models, postnatal corticosteroids have a persistent negative effect on body weight and lung alveolarization, especially in healthy animals.
  • ||||||||||  dexamethasone / Generic mfg.
    Sex-Specific Transcriptional Profiles Associate With Severe SARS-CoV-2 Infection (Poster hall) -  Mar 16, 2024 - Abstract #CROI2024CROI_1097;    
    Dexamethasone treatment ablates the transcriptional response in males with severe disease, with less impact in females. Both quantitative and qualitative differences in neutrophils contribute, and N antigen levels suggest that severe disease in males was linked to inflammation.
  • ||||||||||  remdesivir / Generic mfg., dexamethasone / Generic mfg.
    Remdesivir+Dexamethasone vs Dexamethasone for the Treatment of COVID-19: Real-World Study in the US (Poster hall) -  Mar 16, 2024 - Abstract #CROI2024CROI_909;    
    The effectiveness of RDV+DEX in reducing mortality compared to DEX monotherapy was confirmed through two well-established methods of addressing confounding by indication bias, thus providing confidence in the observed effectiveness of RDV+DEX therapy. Appropriate methodologies such as the ones applied in this study enables the use of real-world data to complement findings from RCTs.
  • ||||||||||  Olumiant (baricitinib) / Incyte, Eli Lilly, Actemra IV (tocilizumab) / Roche, JW Pharma
    Characteristics and Outcomes of Patients with Kidney Transplant Hospitalized for COVID-19 in the US (Poster hall) -  Mar 16, 2024 - Abstract #CROI2024CROI_806;    
    In this study of kidney transplant recipients hospitalized with COVID-19, the lack of any COVID-19 treatment was seen more often as renal function diminished despite a notable increase in overall mortality observed in tandem with compromised renal function. This study sheds light on a persistent therapeutic gap that has affected these patients historically, attributed to factors such as potential drug interactions, past uncertainties regarding the renal clearance of therapeutics, and existing gaps in medical education and awareness.
  • ||||||||||  Review, Journal:  Allergic Rhinitis: A Review. (Pubmed Central) -  Mar 16, 2024   
    Patients with allergic rhinitis should be instructed to avoid inciting allergens. Therapies include second-generation H1 antihistamines (eg, cetirizine, fexofenadine, desloratadine, loratadine), intranasal antihistamines (eg, azelastine, olopatadine), and intranasal corticosteroids (eg, fluticasone, triamcinolone, budesonide, mometasone) and should be selected based on the severity and frequency of symptoms and patient preference.
  • ||||||||||  dexamethasone / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  High-Density Au Anchored to Ti3C2-Based Colorimetric-Fluorescence Dual-Mode Lateral Flow Immunoassay for All-Domain-Enhanced Performance and Signal Intercalibration. (Pubmed Central) -  Mar 16, 2024   
    The detection limits of this method for the detection of dexamethasone in milk, beef, and pork were 0.0018, 0.12, and 0.084 ?g/kg in the "turn-off" mode (colorimetric signal), and 0.0013, 0.080, and 0.070 ?g/kg in the "turn-on" mode (fluorescent signal), respectively, which was up to 231-fold more sensitive compared with that of the reported LFIAs...The results of the LC-MS/MS confirmation test on 30 real samples had a good correlation with that of our established method (R2 > 0.97). This work not only developed novel nanocarriers for antibody-based LFIA but also ensured high-performance detection.
  • ||||||||||  hydrocortisone / Generic mfg.
    PREMILOC Hydrocortisone Use and Risk of Late Onset Sepsis (Convention Center Exhibit Hall) -  Mar 16, 2024 - Abstract #PAS2024PAS_5039;    
    Infants will be stratified according to whether or not they completed a course of hydrocortisone. Statistical analysis will be completed to detect whether significant differences exist in the incidence of late onset sepsis between the groups.
  • ||||||||||  dexamethasone / Generic mfg.
    Association of lung ultrasound scores and systemic postnatal steroids: Preliminary results from a multicenter prospective study (Convention Center Exhibit Hall) -  Mar 16, 2024 - Abstract #PAS2024PAS_4845;    
    Postnatal systemic steroids (Dexamethasone, DART) are used in preterm infants to facilitate extubation and to decrease the risk of BPD...The trajectory of LUS scores for steroids is described and a comparison of LUS scores before and after a course of post-natal steroids is analyzed using a signed Wilcoxon rank sum test. Additionally, LUS scores are compared between infants who were successfully weaned of respiratory support and those who were unsuccessful.
  • ||||||||||  dexamethasone / Generic mfg.
    Delivery room management does not predict CPAP failure in extreme preterm infants (Convention Center Exhibit Hall) -  Mar 16, 2024 - Abstract #PAS2024PAS_4518;    
    Although there was no difference in gestational age, infants with CPAP success had a higher birth weight (1050 vs 1010g, p< 0.04). Compared to CPAP failure, CPAP success was associated with preterm labor, vaginal delivery and exposure to antenatal magnesium (all p< 0.01).
  • ||||||||||  dexamethasone / Generic mfg., vancomycin / Generic mfg., furosemide / Generic mfg.
    Risk Factors Of Hearing Abnormalities For Premature Infants With Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (Convention Center Exhibit Hall) -  Mar 16, 2024 - Abstract #PAS2024PAS_4389;    
    The overall incidence of hearing abnormalities in the study subjects was 28.9% (76/263). BPD increases the risk of hearing abnormalities in preterm infants?OR=2.294?95%CI 1.191-4.419?p < 0.05?.
  • ||||||||||  dexamethasone / Generic mfg.
    Multiple Courses of Dexamethasone Do Not Lead to Improved Outcomes in Premature Infants (Convention Center Exhibit Hall) -  Mar 16, 2024 - Abstract #PAS2024PAS_4382;    
    The median gestational ages (GA) and birthweight (BW) for the group receiving fewer doses of steroids and the group receiving more doses were 26 weeks and 1021g, and 25 weeks and 793g, respectively (p-value 0.07 for GA and 0.008 for BW). The median number of ventilator days for the group receiving less steroids was 27, and for the group receiving more steroids it was 39, this difference was not statistically significant (p-value 0.09).
  • ||||||||||  hydrocortisone / Generic mfg.
    Effect of Hydrocortisone (HC) on Cardiac Mass in Preterm Intubated Infants < 30 weeks Gestational Age (Convention Center Exhibit Hall) -  Mar 16, 2024 - Abstract #PAS2024PAS_4336;    
    Mean GA was 25.8 Background: Dexamethasone use in preterm infants has been associated with adverse effects including hypertension, and an increase in the left ventricular mass index (LVMI), a surrogate for left ventricular hypertrophy...None of the infants in the HC group were receiving sildenafil or bosentan at 36 weeks
  • ||||||||||  hydrocortisone / Generic mfg.
    Does prophylactic hydrocortisone treatment create an increased risk of gastrointestinal perforation in preterm babies? (Convention Center Exhibit Hall) -  Mar 16, 2024 - Abstract #PAS2024PAS_4123;    
    A propensity score matched analysis found no evidence of increased odds of gastrointestinal perforation in the group which were exposed early to hydrocortisone (aOR = 1.06, 95% CI = 0.69 - 1.62). The odds of bronchopulmonary dysplasia were not significantly different between the hydrocortisone exposed and unexposed groups (aOR = 1.07, 95% CI = 0.85
  • ||||||||||  dexamethasone / Generic mfg., hydrocortisone / Generic mfg.
    Corticosteroids enhance endothelial restitution through alterations in TGF-b signaling (Convention Center Exhibit Hall) -  Mar 16, 2024 - Abstract #PAS2024PAS_3325;    
    No significant differences were seen in those treated after TNF injury (n=9, Figure 1B, 2B). Flow cytometry demonstrated steroid treatment following inflammation significantly increases the ALK1:ALK5 ratio as compared to control (n=8, Table 1).
  • ||||||||||  Breztri Aerosphere (budesonide/formoterol fumarate/glycopyrronium) / AstraZeneca
    Multi-disciplinary Asthma Education Initiative (Convention Center Exhibit Hall) -  Mar 16, 2024 - Abstract #PAS2024PAS_3128;    
    Length of Stay (LOS) in PICU reduced by 0.9 days with a concomitant increase in LOS by 0.6 days in IP The interventions resulted in a net decrease of ~$72K in the cost of hospitalization of our asthmatics. Conclusion(s): The reduction in LOS in PICU resulted from an earlier transition from continuous albuterol to MDI than had been the practice before, and led to a faster transition to IP service, with the resultant increase in LOS in IP.
  • ||||||||||  dexamethasone / Generic mfg., prednisone / Generic mfg.
    Evolution and Efficacy of a Dexamethasone-Prednisone Combination Treatment Course for Status Asthmaticus (Convention Center Exhibit Hall) -  Mar 16, 2024 - Abstract #PAS2024PAS_3116;    
    115 (6.8%) patients received dexamethasone, 597 (35.2%) received prednisone, and 985 (58.0%) received combination therapy (Table 1). Patients prescribed combination therapy were more likely to have a lower exacerbation severity than patients prescribed prednisone alone and more severe than dexamethasone alone (p < 0.001) (Figure 1).
  • ||||||||||  hydrocortisone / Generic mfg.
    Early hydrocortisone for BPD prevention: meta-analysis and effect size modifiers (Convention Center Exhibit Hall) -  Mar 16, 2024 - Abstract #PAS2024PAS_2694;    
    Hydrocortisone treatment did not reduce BPD (RR: 0.84 (95%CI: 0.64-1.04)) although heterogeneity was evident (I2=51.6%). The effect size for BPD is greatest for 10-12 days duration of treatment (?= 0.032 (0.01); p=0.007) and tended to be greater in patients with chorioamnionitis (?= -1.5 (0.841); p=0.07).