- |||||||||| Journal: Oligomers of hepatitis A virus (HAV) capsid protein VP1 generated in a heterologous expression system. (Pubmed Central) - Apr 15, 2022
Taken together, we propose that ANPH might provide a new structural scaffold to design a new anti-HBV drug in medicinal chemistry as well as chemical probes for HBV core protein functions in the future. VP1 oligomers generated in the bacterial expression system can be utilized for understanding the molecular pathway of HAV capsid assembly and may also have potential biomedical usages in prevention and diagnostics of HAV infections.
- |||||||||| Journal: Structural basis of bacteriophage lambda capsid maturation. (Pubmed Central) - Apr 13, 2022
Upon conformational expansion of the capsid shell, the missing top layer is fulfilled by cementing the gpD protein against the internal pressure of DNA packaging. Our structures illuminate the assembly mechanisms of dsDNA viruses.
- |||||||||| Journal: Hysteresis in Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Requires Assembly of Near-Perfect Capsids. (Pubmed Central) - Apr 7, 2022
These results suggest that hysteresis arises from an ideal capsid lattice, even when some of the substituents in that lattice have defects. Consistent with structural studies that show a subtle difference between Cp dimers and Cp in capsid, we propose that hysteresis arises when HBV capsids undergo a lattice-dependent structural transition.
- |||||||||| Journal: Cryo-EM structure of the cetacean morbillivirus nucleoprotein-RNA complex. (Pubmed Central) - Apr 5, 2022
The CeMV structure reveals exclusive interactions leading to more extensive protomer-RNA and protomer-protomer interfaces. We identified twelve residues, among those varying between CeMV strains, as putatively important for the stabilization of the RNP complex, which highlights the need to study the potential of CeMV N mutations that modulate nucleocapsid assembly to also affect viral phenotype and host adaptation.
- |||||||||| JNJ-64530440 / J&J
Clinical, PK/PD data, Journal, Monotherapy: Safety, antiviral activity and pharmacokinetics of JNJ-64530440, a novel capsid assembly modulator, as 4 week monotherapy in treatment-naive patients with chronic hepatitis B virus infection. (Pubmed Central) - Apr 2, 2022 P1 We identified twelve residues, among those varying between CeMV strains, as putatively important for the stabilization of the RNP complex, which highlights the need to study the potential of CeMV N mutations that modulate nucleocapsid assembly to also affect viral phenotype and host adaptation. JNJ-64530440 750 mg once-daily or twice-daily for 28 days was well tolerated and achieved potent antiviral activity in CHB patients.
- |||||||||| Journal: CryoEM structure of the Nipah virus nucleocapsid assembly. (Pubmed Central) - Mar 25, 2022
The structure reveals commonalities in RNA binding pockets and in the conformation of bound RNA, not only with members of the Paramyxoviridae family, but also with the evolutionarily distant Filoviridae Ebola virus. Significant structural differences with other Paramyxoviridae members are also observed, particularly in the position and length of the exposed α-helix, residues 123-139, which may serve as a valuable epitope for surveillance and diagnostics.
- |||||||||| Review, Journal: Targeting the Virus Capsid as a Tool to Fight RNA Viruses. (Pubmed Central) - Mar 23, 2022
Here, we focus on compounds targeting viral structural capsid proteins, thereby inhibiting virus assembly or disassembly, virus binding to cellular receptors, or acting by inhibiting other virus replication mechanisms. This review is an update of existing papers on a similar topic, by focusing on the most recent advances in the rapidly evolving research of compounds targeting capsid proteins of RNA viruses.
- |||||||||| Journal: Discovery of SHR5133, a Highly Potent and Novel HBV Capsid Assembly Modulator. (Pubmed Central) - Mar 19, 2022
Lead optimization resulted in compound 8 with an EC value of 511 nM, and then methyl substitution on the piperazine was found to improve the in vitro potency remarkably. Further SAR studies established the key compound SHR5133, which showed high in vitro antiviral potency, favorable pharmacokinetic profiles across species, and robust in vivo efficacy.
- |||||||||| HEC121120 / HEC Pharm
HEC121120, a novel allosteric modulator of HBV core protein demonstrates potent antiviral activities in vitro and in vivo (Poster Area) - Mar 16, 2022 - Abstract #EASLILC2022EASL_ILC_1763; In PHH isolated from chronically infected humanized liver mouse, 14 days of GLS4 (5 μM) and HEC121120 (2 μM) treatment resulted in suppression of HBV DNA, HBsAg and HBeAg while entecavir (ETV) had no effect on either viral antigen. HEC121120 is a novel class I CAM, which demonstrated improved antiviral properties both in vitro and in vivo, further clinical study will be conducted to evaluate the antiviral potency in CHB patients.
- |||||||||| Journal: Disassembly of Single Virus Capsids Monitored in Real Time with Multicycle Resistive-Pulse Sensing. (Pubmed Central) - Mar 12, 2022
In all cases, disassembly was an accelerating process, where capsids catastrophically disassembled within a few 100 ms of reaching critical stability; disassembly rates reached tens of dimers per second just before capsids fell apart. Some disassembly events exhibited metastable intermediates that appeared to lose one or more trimers of dimers in a stepwise fashion.
- |||||||||| Journal: Targeting Chikungunya Virus Entry: alternatives for new inhibitors in drug discovery. (Pubmed Central) - Mar 3, 2022
Based on this, Phe118, Val179, and Lys181 were found to be the most frequent residues, being present in 89.6, 82.7, and 93.1% of complexes, respectively. Lastly, some chemical aspects associated with interactions of these inhibitors and mature envelope E3-E2-E1 glycoproteins' complex were discussed to provide data for scientists worldwide, supporting their search for new inhibitors against this emerging arbovirus.
- |||||||||| Review, Journal: Chronic hepatitis B: New potential therapeutic drugs target. (Pubmed Central) - Feb 5, 2022
This review will explore the up-to-date advances in the development of new direct-acting anti-HBV drugs. Hopefully, with the combination of the current antiviral drugs and the newly developed direct-acting antiviral drugs targeting the different steps of the HBV life cycle, the ultimate eradication of CHB infection will soon be achieved.
- |||||||||| Journal: The Role of Tape Measure Protein in Nucleocytoplasmic Large DNA Virus Capsid Assembly. (Pubmed Central) - Feb 3, 2022
In this study, we focused on the critical roles that TmP plays in the assembly of icosahedral NCLDV capsids, answering a question raised in a previously proposed spiral mechanism. Interestingly, basic local alignment search on the TmPs showed no significant hits in poxviruses, which might be the factor that differentiates poxviruses and icosahedral NCLDVs in their morphogenesis.
- |||||||||| Review, Journal: The remarkable viral portal vertex: structure and a plausible model for mechanism. (Pubmed Central) - Feb 2, 2022
Recent high-resolution in situ structures reveal various conformational states of the portal and the asymmetric interactions between the 12-fold portal and the fivefold capsid. These lead to a valve-like mechanism for this symmetry-mismatched portal vertex that regulates DNA flow through the channel, a critical function for high fidelity assembly of an infectious virion.
- |||||||||| Journal: The Ebola Virus Interferon Antagonist VP24 Undergoes Active Nucleocytoplasmic Trafficking. (Pubmed Central) - Jan 29, 2022
Molecular mapping indicates that cytoplasmic localization of VP24 depends on a CRM1-dependent nuclear export sequence at the VP24 C-terminus. Nuclear export is not required for STAT1 antagonism, consistent with competitive karyopherin binding being the principal antagonistic mechanism, while export mediates return of nuclear VP24 to the cytoplasm where replication/nucleocapsid assembly occurs.
- |||||||||| Using computational approach to reveal the mechanisms of viral capsid assembly (Room 25B (San Diego Convention Center)) - Jan 28, 2022 - Abstract #ACSSp2022ACS_Sp_12706;
This explains why the seam between two neighboring trisymmetrons becomes the breaking line when a giant virus capsid dissociates. Besides the viral capsid assembly, methods introduced in this study can be applied to study more complicated assembly process for other biomolecular structures.Structures of Paramecium Bursaria Chlorella Virus 1 (PBCV-1) capsid and its capsomers.
- |||||||||| Journal: Oxadiazepinone HBV Capsid Assembly Modulators. (Pubmed Central) - Jan 8, 2022
Modulation of the HBV capsid assembly has shown efficacy in early clinical trials through use of small molecule capsid assembly modulators (CAMs). Herein is described the evolution and SAR of a novel pyrazolo piperidine lead series into advanced oxadiazepinone HBV CAMs.
- |||||||||| Preclinical, Journal: In vitro assembly and evaluation of Nora virus VLPs. (Pubmed Central) - Jan 6, 2022
Assemblies that contained VP4A and/or VP3 created VLPs with similar sizes to purified empty Nora virus capsids, potentially indicating that VP4A and/or VP3 are vital for Nora virus capsid structure, assembly, and/or stability. Not only does this study provide insight into the role of Nora virus proteins, but it may also lead to a deeper understanding of how Nora virus or other picorna-like viruses undergo assembly. Keywords: RNA viruses, Nora virus, picorna-like virus, virus-like particles, capsid assembly.