Showing Mechanisms of Action Results 1201 - 1342 of about 1342  
       See MOAs by First Letter      ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOtherAll       

Steroid receptor inhib  (1 Products)

STIM1 inhib  (0 Products)

SULF-2 inhib  (0 Products)

SUMO1 degrader  (0 Products)

Superoxide dismutase mimetic  (0 Products)

Superoxide dismutase stim  (0 Products)

SUR1-TRPM4 channel blocker  (0 Products)

Surface antigen mod  (0 Products)

Surfactant replacement  (0 Products)

Synaptic transmission mod  (0 Products)

SYNGAP1 expression mod  (0 Products)

T-cell depletion promoter  (1 Products)

TACC3 inhib  (0 Products)

TAG72 inhib  (0 Products)

TAS2R agon  (0 Products)

Tat inhib  (0 Products)

Tau aggregation mod  (1 Products)

Tau protein inhib  (0 Products)

TauC3 inhib  (0 Products)

TEAD inhib  (0 Products)

TEAD palmitoylation inhib  (0 Products)

Telomerase  (27 Products)
Telomerase activator  (1 Products)
Telomerase antag  (1 Products)
Telomerase inhib  (11 Products)

Tetrahydrobiopterin inhib  (0 Products)

TFF2 stim  (0 Products)

TGFβ  (222 Products)
TGF-β inhib  (49 Products)
TGF-β1 antag  (2 Products)
TGF-β1 mod  (4 Products)
TGF-β1 inhib  (28 Products)
TGF-β2 inhib  (7 Products)
TGF-β1 replacement  (0 Products)
TGF-β3 inhib  (0 Products)
TGF-βRDN-targeted CAR-T immunotherapy  (0 Products)
TGFβ-targeted CAR-T immunotherapy  (0 Products)
TGF-β R2 kinase inhib  (0 Products)
TGF-β1 agon  (0 Products)
TGF-β1 ligand inhib  (0 Products)
TGF-β3 ligand inhib  (0 Products)
TGFβ-targeted antibody-drug conjugate  (0 Products)
TGM2 inhib  (0 Products)

Th1 cell inhib  (0 Products)

Th1 cell mod  (0 Products)

Th1 cell stim  (0 Products)

Th17 cell mod  (0 Products)

Th2 cell mod  (0 Products)

Thermogenesis enhancer  (0 Products)

Thiamin pyrophosphokinase 1 inhib  (0 Products)

Thioredoxin Stim  (0 Products)

THRA agon  (0 Products)

Threonine-Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors  (0 Products)
Thymidine kinase inhib  (0 Products)

Thyroid hormone receptor agon  (0 Products)

Thyrotropin receptor agon  (1 Products)

TIE  (214 Products)
TLR  (215 Products)
TLR1 agon  (0 Products)
TLR6 agon  (0 Products)
TLR8 mod  (0 Products)
TLR7 mod  (0 Products)
TLR4 mod  (0 Products)
TLR5 stim  (0 Products)
TMEFF2 mod  (0 Products)

TMPRSS2 inhib  (0 Products)

TMPRSS6 inhib  (0 Products)

TNAP inhib  (0 Products)

TNF  (378 Products)
TWEAK mod  (0 Products)
FasL inhib  (0 Products)
DR3 agon  (0 Products)
LTβR agon  (0 Products)
DR6 stim  (0 Products)
TNFα agon  (0 Products)

TPH1 inhib  (0 Products)

TPMT inhib  (0 Products)

TPP1 replacement  (0 Products)

TPP1 stim  (0 Products)

TRAIL  (33 Products)
TRAIL R2 agon  (13 Products)
Transcription factor EB mod  (0 Products)

Transthyretin dissociation inhib  (0 Products)

Transthyretin stabilizer  (0 Products)

TRAP-1 inhib  (0 Products)

TRBC1 inhib  (0 Products)

TRBV9 mod  (0 Products)

TRH receptor agon  (0 Products)

TrkA  (73 Products)
TRP inhib  (0 Products)

TRPC  (6 Products)
TRPC6 inhib  (1 Products)
TRP channel mod  (0 Products)
TRPML1 agon  (0 Products)
TRPML inhib  (0 Products)
TRPM3 antag  (0 Products)

TRPM8 agon  (0 Products)

TRPM8 antag  (0 Products)

TRPV  (56 Products)
TRPV6 inhib  (3 Products)
TRPV cation channel antag  (1 Products)
TRPV1 agon  (16 Products)
TRPV3 inhib  (1 Products)
TRPV cation channel inhib  (1 Products)
TRPV1 antag  (15 Products)
TrxR inhib  (0 Products)

Tryptase inhib  (0 Products)

TSP1 inhib  (0 Products)

TSP1 stim  (0 Products)

TUG1 inhib  (0 Products)

Tumor associated macrophages mod  (0 Products)

Tumor growth inhib  (0 Products)

TUSC2 gene stim  (0 Products)

TWEAK  (5 Products)
TWEAK inhib  (2 Products)
TWEAK-R agon  (1 Products)
TXN mod  (0 Products)

TXNRD1 inhib  (0 Products)

Type 1 cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase inhib  (0 Products)

Type 5 cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase inhib  (0 Products)

Tyrosinase inhib  (0 Products)

Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors  (0 Products)
cFMS inhib  (2 Products)
Src kinase inhib  (20 Products)
RTK antag  (1 Products)
ALK1 inhib  (3 Products)
FMS kinase inhib  (5 Products)
SYK inhib  (23 Products)
RET inhib  (41 Products)
Hepatocyte growth factor stim  (5 Products)
PDGF-BB mod  (1 Products)
RTK inhib  (6 Products)
ROS1 inhib  (23 Products)
Hepatocyte growth factor inhib  (6 Products)
PDGF-D antag  (0 Products)
FLT3 inhib  (69 Products)
ALK inhib  (27 Products)
cSRC inhib  (2 Products)
EphB4 inhib  (3 Products)
EphA2 receptor antag  (5 Products)
CSF-1R antag  (2 Products)
BTK inhib  (53 Products)
EGFL7 inhib  (1 Products)
c-MET inhib  (78 Products)
AXL inhib  (33 Products)
Bcr-abl tyrosine kinase inhib  (29 Products)
Hepatocyte growth factor agon  (2 Products)
Tyrosine kinase inhib  (31 Products)
PIM-1 inhib  (2 Products)
Lyn protein-tyrosine kinase inhib  (4 Products)
PTK7 antag  (0 Products)
TrkB receptor inhib  (7 Products)
YES1 inhib  (1 Products)
AATK inhib  (0 Products)
Multi-tyrosine kinase inhib  (1 Products)
PIM inhib  (3 Products)
FLT3 stim  (1 Products)
EphA3 inhib  (0 Products)
TYRO3 inhib  (0 Products)
HER4 agon  (0 Products)
TYK2 mod  (0 Products)
RET mod  (0 Products)
FLT3 mod  (0 Products)
RTK mod  (0 Products)
TrkB receptor mod  (0 Products)
SRC-family kinase (SFK) inhib  (0 Products)
Lck inhib  (0 Products)
c-Abl tyrosine kinase inhib  (0 Products)
DDR1 inhib  (0 Products)
AXL-targeted antibody-drug conjugate  (0 Products)
c-MET-targeted antibody-drug conjugate  (0 Products)
FGF21-targeted antibody-drug conjugate  (0 Products)
FLT3-targeted antibody-drug conjugate  (0 Products)
ROR2-targeted antibody-drug conjugate  (0 Products)
ROR1-targeted antibody-drug conjugate  (0 Products)
PTK7-targeted antibody-drug conjugate  (0 Products)
TNK2 inhib  (0 Products)
DDR2 inhib  (0 Products)
BCR inhib  (0 Products)
Lyn protein-tyrosine kinase stim  (0 Products)
pan-TRK inhib  (0 Products)
EZR inhib  (0 Products)
TNK1 inhib  (0 Products)
PIM-3 inhib  (0 Products)
BTK degrader  (0 Products)
PIM-2 inhib  (0 Products)
SRMS inhib  (0 Products)
FGR inhib  (0 Products)
ALK degrader  (0 Products)
TRK degrader  (0 Products)
KIT exon 13 inhib  (0 Products)
BLK inhib  (0 Products)
EGF mod  (0 Products)
EphA2 inhib  (0 Products)
DDR1 mod  (0 Products)
FLT3LG mod  (0 Products)
mtRTK inhib  (0 Products)
EGFR C797S inhib  (0 Products)
TYRP1 inhib  (0 Products)

UBA1 inhib  (0 Products)

UBE3A protein expression inhib  (0 Products)

Ubiquitin pathway mod  (0 Products)

UCHL1 inhib  (0 Products)

UCHL5 inhib  (0 Products)

ULK kinase inhib  (0 Products)

Undefined mechanism  (631 Products)

Unfolded protein response activator  (0 Products)

uPARP-targeted antibody-drug conjugate  (0 Products)

Urate oxidase stim  (0 Products)

US28 inhib  (0 Products)

USP inhib  (1 Products)

USP1 inhib  (0 Products)

USP10 inhib  (0 Products)

USP14 inhib  (0 Products)

USP30 inhib  (0 Products)

USP47 inhib  (0 Products)

USP8 inhib  (0 Products)

Vaccinia growth factor inhib  (0 Products)

Vasopressin receptor agon  (0 Products)

Vasopressin V1a receptor antag  (0 Products)

Vasoprotective agent  (0 Products)

Vav3 inhib  (0 Products)

VCAM antag  (0 Products)

VDAC-2 inhib  (0 Products)

VDAC-3 inhib  (0 Products)

VE-PTP inhib  (0 Products)

VEGF  (487 Products)
Neuropilin inhib  (2 Products)
VEGF-targeted antibody biopolymer conjugate  (0 Products)
VEGF-A-targeted antibody-drug conjugate  (0 Products)
VEGFR-1 inhib  (13 Products)

VIPR1 agon  (0 Products)

VIPR2 agon  (1 Products)

Viral core protein inhib  (0 Products)

Viral entry inhib  (0 Products)

Viral protein inhib  (22 Products)

Viral replication inhib  (0 Products)

VKOR inhib  (1 Products)

VLA-2 antag  (0 Products)

VPS4A inhib  (0 Products)

VRAC mod  (0 Products)

WASp activator  (0 Products)

WDR5 inhib  (0 Products)

Wnt ligand inhib  (0 Products)

Wnt Signaling Inhibitors  (108 Products)
Sclerostin inhib  (5 Products)
Wnt antag  (1 Products)
Wnt signalling pathway inhib  (18 Products)
DKK1 protein inhib  (3 Products)
β-catenin inhib  (11 Products)
Hedgehog cell-signalling pathway inhib  (10 Products)
Wnt-3a inhib  (0 Products)
Wntβ-catenin pathway activator  (1 Products)
Wnt signalling pathway activator  (0 Products)
PORCN inhib  (1 Products)
Wnt-5a activator  (1 Products)
DYRK1A inhib  (0 Products)
LRP5 antag  (0 Products)
LRP6 antag  (0 Products)
SFRP2 antag  (0 Products)
WISP1 inhib  (0 Products)
DYRK1B inhib  (0 Products)
DYRK inhib  (0 Products)
ZNRF3 inhib  (0 Products)
β-catenin antag  (0 Products)
Wnt signalling pathway mod  (0 Products)
XIAP antag  (1 Products)

YAP1 inhib  (0 Products)

ZG16B inhib  (0 Products)

α glucosidase II inhib  (0 Products)

α-2 macroglobulin inhib  (0 Products)

α-KGDH inhib  (1 Products)

α-MSH analog  (0 Products)

α1-proteinase mod  (0 Products)

α3-β4 neuronal nicotinic receptor antag  (0 Products)

α4-β2 neuronal nicotinic receptor antag  (2 Products)

α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor partial agon  (0 Products)

α9α10 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor antag  (0 Products)

β-lactamase stim  (0 Products)

γ-secretase inhib  (15 Products)

γ-secretase mod  (1 Products)

σ-1R receptor activator  (0 Products)