Showing Site Results 238201 - 238400 of about 261982  
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University Hospital Tsaritsa Yoanna (ISUL) (Queen Giovanna University Hospital) / Sofia, , 1527, Bulgaria  (1 Trials)

University Hospital TU Dresden / Dresden, , , Germany  (22 Trials)

University Hospital TU München / München, Bayern, , Germany  (3 Trials)

University Hospital Tubingen / Tubingen, BW, 72076, Germany  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Tübingen - Department for Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine / Tübingen, , , Germany  (8 Trials)

University Hospital Tübingen Medical clinic / Tubingen, , 72076, Germany  (6 Trials)

University Hospital Tübingen, Center for Neurology / Tubingen, , 72076, Germany  (13 Trials)

University Hospital Tübingen, Department for Neurology and Stroke / Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, 72076, Germany  (5 Trials)

University Hospital Tübingen, Department of Internal Medicine / Tübingen, , 72076, Germany  (2 Trials)

University Hospital Tübingen, Department of Radiation Oncology / Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, 72076, Germany  (15 Trials)

University Hospital Tübingen, Institute of Tropical Medicine / Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, 72074, Germany  (3 Trials)

University Hospital Tübingen, Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie / Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, 72076, Germany  (11 Trials)

University Hospital Tübingen, Med. Klinik und Poliklinik, Abt. II / Tübingen, , D-72076, Germany  (12 Trials)

University Hospital Tübingen, Neurooncology / Tübingen, , 72076, Germany  (12 Trials)

University Hospital Tübingen. / Tübingen, , , Germany  (3 Trials)

University Hospital Tuebigen, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy / Tuebingen, , 72076, Germany  (5 Trials)

University Hospital Tuebingen / Tubingen, , 72076, Germany  (6 Trials)

University Hospital Tuebingen / Tuebingen, , 72076, Germany  (153 Trials)

University Hospital Tuebingen / Tübingen, , , Germany  (17 Trials)

University Hospital Tuebingen - Institute for Diabetes Research and Metabolic Diseases (IDM) / Tuebingen, , 72076, Germany  (9 Trials)

University Hospital Tuebingen Medical Center / Tuebingen, , 72076, Germany  (16 Trials)

University Hospital Tuebingen, CCU Translational Immunology / Tuebingen, Bw, 72076, Germany  (6 Trials)

University Hospital Tuebingen, Center for Ophthalmology / Tuebingen, , 72076, Germany  (3 Trials)

University Hospital Tuebingen, Dep. of Neurosurgery (Functional Neurosurgery) and Neurology (Neurodegenerative Diseases) / Tuebingen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, 72076, Germany  (10 Trials)

University Hospital Tuebingen, Department of General Neurology / Tuebingen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, 72076, Germany  (8 Trials)

University Hospital Tuebingen, Department of Hematology, Oncology, Immunology and Rheumatology / Tuebingen,, , 72076, Germany  (11 Trials)

University Hospital Tuebingen, Department of Women's Health / Tübingen, , 72076, Germany  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Tuebingen, Department of Women's Health / Tuebingen, , 72076, Germany  (14 Trials)

University Hospital Tuebingen, Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology / Tuebingen, Baden-Württemberg, 72076, Germany  (6 Trials)

University Hospital Tuebingen, Div. of Cardiology / Tuebingen, , 72076, Germany  (6 Trials)

University Hospital Tuebingen, Otfried-Mueller Str. 10 / Tuebingen, , 72076, Germany  (7 Trials)

University Hospital Tuebingen; Department of oncology, hematology, rheumatology, immunology and pulmology / Tuebingen, , 72076, Germany  (6 Trials)

University Hospital Tuebingen; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy / Tuebingen, BW, 72076, Germany  (15 Trials)

University Hospital Tulln / Tulln, Lower Austria, 3430, Austria  (3 Trials)

University Hospital Turin / Turin, , , Italy  (8 Trials)

University Hospital Ulm / Ulm, , 89081, Germany  (846 Trials)

University Hospital Ulm - Department for internal medicine III / Ulm, , 89081, Germany  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Ulm -Department of Gynecology / Ulm, Baden-Württemberg, 89075, Germany  (21 Trials)

University Hospital Ulm Gynecology/Obstetrics / Ulm, , , Germany  (10 Trials)

University Hospital Ulm, Center for Internal Medicine, Clinic of Internal Medicine III, Department of Hematology, Oncology, Rheumatology, Infectious Diseases / Ulm, , 89081, Germany  (10 Trials)

University Hospital Ulm, Clinic of Internal Medicine II / Ulm, , 89081, Germany  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Ulm, ECTU - Early Clinical Trail Unit / Ulm, , 89081, Germany  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Ulm, Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery / Ulm, , 89070, Germany  (8 Trials)

University Hospital Umeå / Umea, , , Sweden  (6 Trials)

University Hospital UmeÃ¥ / UmeÃ¥, , , Sweden  (4 Trials)

University Hospital University Centre for Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery Dresden / Dresden, Sachsen, 01307, Germany  (2 Trials)

University Hospital University Hospital (2) / Cincinnati, Ohio, 45219-2316, United States  (8 Trials)

University Hospital Uppsala / Uppsala, , , Sweden  (6 Trials)

University Hospital Utrecht / Utrecht, , , Netherlands  (1 Trials)

University Hospital UZ Leuven / Leuven, , , Belgium  (5 Trials)

University hospital valencia / Valencia, , 46010, Spain  (8 Trials)

University Hospital Vall d´Hebron / Barcelona, , 08035, Spain  (27 Trials)

University Hospital Vall d'Hebron / Barcelona, Catalunya, 08035, Spain  (91 Trials)

University Hospital Vall d'Hebron - Vall d'Hebron Institute of Research / Barcelona, , 08035, Spain  (10 Trials)

University Hospital Vall d'Hebron (HUVH), Department of Hematology / Barcelona, , , Spain  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Vall d'Hebron, Barcelona / Barcelona, , , Spain  (6 Trials)

University Hospital Vall d'Hebron, Department of Medical Oncology / Barcelona, , 08035, Spain  (21 Trials)

University Hospital Vall d'Hebron, Institute of Oncology / Barcelona, , , Spain  (8 Trials)

University Hospital Vall dHebron / Barcelona, , 08035, Spain  (7 Trials)

University Hospital Vienna / Vienna, , , Austria  (7 Trials)

University Hospital Vienna (AKH) / Wien, , 1090, Austria  (8 Trials)

University Hospital Vinohrady / Prague, , 10034, Czechia  (3 Trials)

University hospital Vinohrady / Prague 10, , 100 34, Czechia  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca / Murcia, , 30120, Spain  (7 Trials)

University Hospital Virgen de la Victoria / Málaga, , 29010, Spain  (10 Trials)

University Hospital Virgen de las Nieves / Granada, Spain/Granada, 18012, Spain  (4 Trials)

University Hospital Virgen de Rocío / Sevilla, , 41013, Spain  (4 Trials)

University Hospital Virgen de Valme / Sevilla, , , Spain  (15 Trials)

University Hospital Virgen del Rocío / Sevilla, , 41013, Spain  (2 Trials)

University Hospital Virgen del Rocio / Sevilla, , 41013, Spain  (10 Trials)

University Hospital Virgen del Rocio (Adults and Pediatrics) / Sevilla, , 41013, Spain  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Virgen del Rocio (HUVR) / Seville, , , Spain  (2 Trials)

University Hospital Virgen del Rocio (HUVR) / Sevilla, , 41013, Spain  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Virgen del Rocio (HUVR), Department of Hematology / Seville, , , Spain  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Virgen Del Rocio S.L. / Sevilla, , 41013, Spain  (21 Trials)

University Hospital Virgen Macarena / Seville, Andalucia,, , , Spain  (3 Trials)

University Hospital Virgen Macarena / Sevilla, , 41009, Spain  (4 Trials)

University Hospital Virgen Macarena / Seville, , 41007, Spain  (12 Trials)

University Hospital Virgen Macarena (Sevilla). / Sevilla, , , Spain  (11 Trials)

University Hospital Würzburg / Würzburg, Bayern, 97080, Germany  (81 Trials)

University Hospital Wales / Cardiff, , , United Kingdom  (11 Trials)

University Hospital Wales, Cardiff / Cardiff, , , United Kingdom  (4 Trials)

University Hospital Waterford / Waterford, , , Ireland  (340 Trials)

University Hospital Wishaw / Wishaw, Scotland, , United Kingdom  (6 Trials)

University Hospital Wishaw, NHS Lanarkshire / Wishaw, , , United Kingdom  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Wroclaw / Wrocław, , , Poland  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Wuerzburg / Würzburg, Bavaria, 97080, Germany  (20 Trials)

University Hospital Wuerzburg / Wuerzburg, , 97080, Germany  (670 Trials)

University Hospital Wuerzburg - Department of Medicine II / Wurzburg, , , Germany  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Wuerzburg, Dept. of medicine I / Wuerzburg, , 97080, Germany  (3 Trials)

University Hospital Wuerzburg, Endocrinology / Wurzburg, , 97080, Germany  (10 Trials)

University Hospital Wurzburg / Wurzburg, , 97080, Germany  (2 Trials)

University Hospital Würzburg (UniversitätsKlinikum Würzburg) / Würzburg, , , Germany  (2 Trials)

University Hospital Wurzburg, Department of General Practice / Würzburg, Bavaria, 97080, Germany  (4 Trials)

University Hospital Würzburg, Department of Neurology / Würzburg, , 97080, Germany  (4 Trials)

University Hospital Zürich / Zurich, , 8091, Switzerland  (42 Trials)

University Hospital Zürich / Zürich, , 8091, Switzerland  (139 Trials)

University Hospital Zürich, Cardiology Department / Zurich, , 8091, Switzerland  (8 Trials)

University hospital Zagreb / Zagreb, , 10000, Croatia  (2 Trials)

University Hospital Zagreb-Rebro / Zagreb, Grad Zagreb, 10000, Croatia  (2 Trials)

University Hospital Zealand, Køge / Køge, , 4600, Denmark  (2 Trials)

University Hospital Zealand, Roskilde / Roskilde, , 4000, Denmark  (3 Trials)

University Hospital Zuerich / Zuerich, , , Switzerland  (4 Trials)

University Hospital Zuerich (USZ) / Zürich, , , Switzerland  (9 Trials)

University Hospital Zuerich, Children's Hospital / Zuerich, , , Switzerland  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Zuirch / Zurich, , 8091, Switzerland  (5 Trials)

University Hospital Zürich / Zürich, , , Switzerland  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich / Zuerich, , 8006, Switzerland  (7 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich / Zurich, , , Switzerland  (992 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich / Zürich, , 8091, Switzerland  (295 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich - Diagnostic Radiology / Zurich, , 8091, Switzerland  (6 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich (Site 562) / Zurich, , 8091, Switzerland  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich (USZ) / Zürich, , , Switzerland  (12 Trials)

University Hospital Zürich / Department of Neurosurgery / Zürich, , 8091, Switzerland  (5 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich & University of Zurich / Zürich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (14 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich Brain Tumor Center / Zurich, , 8091, Switzerland  (8 Trials)

University Hospital Zürich Cardiology / Zürich, , 8006, Switzerland  (6 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich Irchel / Zürich, , , Switzerland  (3 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich USZ / Zürich, , 8091, Switzerland  (10 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, / Zurich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (3 Trials)

University Hospital Zürich, Cardiology Department / Zürich, , 8091, Switzerland  (10 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Center for Reconstructive Surgery / Zurich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Centre on Aging and Mobility / Zurich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (6 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Clinic for Radio-Oncology, Competence Centre Palliative Care / Zürich, , , Switzerland  (7 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Clinic of Dermatology / Zürich, , 8058, Switzerland  (8 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Clinic of Reconstructive Surgery / Zurich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology / Zurich, , , Switzerland  (2 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Departement of Neuroradiology / Zürich, , 8091, Switzerland  (3 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Department of Dermatology / Zurich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (18 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Department of Internal Medicince / Zurich, , 8032, Switzerland  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Department of Neurosurgery / Zürich, , 8091, Switzerland  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Department of Obstetrics / Zurich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Department of Oncology / Zurich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Department of Otorhinolaryngology / Zurich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (4 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Department of Psychiatry / Zurich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy / Zurich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Department of Pulmonology / Zurich, , 8091, Switzerland  (3 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Department of Surgery / Zurich, , CH-8091, Switzerland  (8 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Department of Surgery and Transplantation / Zurich, , 8091, Switzerland  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Department of Urology / Zürich, , 8091, Switzerland  (3 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Department of Visceral Surgery and Transplantation / Zurich, , 8091, Switzerland  (5 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Dept of Ophthalmology / Zurich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Dept. of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology / Zurich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (2 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Dept. of Dermatology / Zurich, , 8091, Switzerland  (8 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Dept. of Neurology / Zurich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (3 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Dermatology / Zürich, , 8091, Switzerland  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Dermatology / Zurich, , 8091, Switzerland  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Div of Infectious Diseases and Hospital Epidemiology / Zurich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Division of Anaesthesiology / Zurich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (5 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Division of Cardiology / Zurich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (3 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Division of Cardiovascular Surgery / Zurich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (7 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Division of Dermatology / Zurich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (15 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Clinical Nutrition / Zurich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (3 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Division of Internal Medicine / Zurich, , , Switzerland  (2 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Division of Neonatology / Zurich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (5 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Division of Nephrology / Zurich, ZH, , Switzerland  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Division of Neurology / Zurich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (8 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Division of Oncology / Zurich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (14 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Division of Otorhinolaryngology ORL / Zurich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Division of Pneumology / Zürich, , 8091, Switzerland  (5 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Division of Pneumology / Zurich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (52 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Division of Rheumatology / Zurich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Division of Thoracic Surgery / Zurich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (3 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Division of Visceral and Transplantation Surgery / Zurich, , 8091, Switzerland  (6 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Divisions of Visceral Surgery and Nucelar Medicine / Zurich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (5 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Divison of Neurology / Zurich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (3 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Endocrinology and Diabetology / Zurich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (7 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Gastroenterology and Hepatology / Zurich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Gynecology / Zurich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Hämatologie / Zürich, , 8091, Switzerland  (10 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Infectiology / Zurich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Institue of Anesthesiology / Zurich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (2 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Institute for Anesthesiology / Zurich, , , Switzerland  (3 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Institute of Anaesthesiology / Zurich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (2 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Institute of Anesthesiology / Zurich, ZH, CH-8091, Switzerland  (3 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Institute of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University Hospital Zurich / Zurich, , 8091, Switzerland  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Internal Medicine / Zurich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (7 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Medical intensive care unit / Zurich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Nephrology / Zurich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Neurology / Zurich, , 8091, Switzerland  (13 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Neurology department / Zurich, , 8050, Switzerland  (5 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Neurology department / Zürich, Zurich, 8091, Switzerland  (4 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Neurosurgery / Zurich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (11 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Ophthalmology/Neurology Department / Zurich, , 8091, Switzerland  (3 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Pneumology / Zurich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (12 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Pneumology / Zürich, , 8091, Switzerland  (7 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Pulmonary Division / Zurich, , CH-8091, Switzerland  (17 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, University of Zurich / Zurich, , 8091, Switzerland  (6 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, University Zurich / Zurich, , 8091, Switzerland  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Zurich, Visceral Surgery / Zurich, ZH, 8091, Switzerland  (15 Trials)

University Hospital- London Health Sciences Centre / London, Ontario, N6A 5A5, Canada  (22 Trials)

University Hospital-Newark / Newark, New Jersey, 07112, United States  (13 Trials)

University Hospital, / Lille, , , France  (16 Trials)

University Hospital, / Clermont Ferrand, , 63011, France  (4 Trials)

University Hospital, Aachen / Aachen, , , Germany  (4 Trials)

University Hospital, Akershus / Lørenskog, Akershus, 1478, Norway  (7 Trials)

University Hospital, Alexandroupolis / Alexandroupolis, , , Greece  (1 Trials)

University Hospital, Amiens / Amiens, , , France  (2 Trials)

University Hospital, Angers / Angers, , , France  (18 Trials)

University Hospital, Antwerp / Edegem, Antwerp, 2650, Belgium  (2 Trials)