Showing Site Results 237801 - 238000 of about 261982  
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University Hospital of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy / Bern, , 3000, Switzerland  (12 Trials)

University Hospital of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Bern / Bern, , 3008, Switzerland  (7 Trials)

University Hospital of Psychiatry Zurich / Zurich, ZH, 8032, Switzerland  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Psychiatry, University of Bern / Bern, , 3008, Switzerland  (8 Trials)

University Hospital of Psychiatry, University of Bern / Bern 60, , 3000, Switzerland  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Quebec / Quebec, , G1J 1Z4, Canada  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Rangueil / Toulouse, , , France  (8 Trials)

University Hospital of Regensburg / Regensburg, , D-93042, Germany  (9 Trials)

University Hospital of regions Zealand / Køge, , 4600, Denmark  (4 Trials)

University Hospital of Reims / Reims, , 51092, France  (18 Trials)

University Hospital of René Dubos / Pontoise, , , France  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Rennes / Rennes, , 35000, France  (136 Trials)

University Hospital of Rennes (Pontchaillou) / Rennes, Bretagne, 35000, France  (3 Trials)

University Hospital of Rennes, Centre Hospitalier de Rennes / Rennes, , , France  (14 Trials)

University Hospital of Reunion Island / Saint Denis, Reunion Island, 97400, France  (3 Trials)

University Hospital of Reunion Island - Cardiac reanimation department / Saint-Denis, , 97400, Réunion  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Reunion Island - Neurosurgery department / St Pierre, Reunion, 97410, France  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Ribeirao Preto Medical School, University of São Paulo / Ribeirao Preto, SP, 14090042, Brazil  (3 Trials)

University Hospital of Robert Debré / Paris, , , France  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Robert Debre (Paris) / Paris, , 75935, France  (5 Trials)

University Hospital of Rostock / Rostock, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, 18057, Germany  (5 Trials)

University Hospital of Rouen / Rouen Cedex, , 76031, France  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Rouen / Rouen, , 76031, France  (86 Trials)

University Hospital of Saarland / Homburg, , , Germany  (8 Trials)

University Hospital of Saint Denis de La Reunion / Saint-Denis, , , Réunion  (13 Trials)

University Hospital of Saint Etienne / Saint Etienne, , , France  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Saint Etienne / Saint-Étienne, , 42055, France  (10 Trials)

University hospital of Saint-Etienne / Saint-Etienne, , 42055, France  (19 Trials)

University Hospital of Saint-Etienne / St Etienne, , 42055, France  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Saint-Etienne / Saint-Étienne, , , France  (4 Trials)

University Hospital of Saint-Etienne / Saint-priest-en-jarez, , 42270, France  (3 Trials)

University hospital of Saint-Etienne - Department of dermatology / Saint-Étienne, , , France  (5 Trials)

University Hospital of Saint-Louis / Paris, , 75475, France  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Salamanca / Salamanca, , 37007, Spain  (14 Trials)

University Hospital of Salzburg, Paracelsus Medical University / Salzburg, , 5020, Austria  (9 Trials)

University Hospital of Santa Maria / Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, , Brazil  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Santa Maria / Lisbon, , 1649-035, Portugal  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Santiago de Compostela / Santiago De Compostela, , , Spain  (6 Trials)

University Hospital of São Jose do Rio Preto Medical School / Sao Jose do Rio Preto, São Paulo, 15090000, Brazil  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Sart Tilman / Liège, , 4000, Belgium  (7 Trials)

University Hospital of Schleswig Holstein, Campus Luebeck, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology / Luebeck, Schleswig-Holstein, 23538, Germany  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Schleswig-Holstein / Luebeck, , 23562, Germany  (4 Trials)

University Hospital of Schleswig-Holstein / Lubeck, Schleswig-Holstein, 23538, Germany  (4 Trials)

University Hospital of Schleswig-Holstein / Lübeck, , 23538, Germany  (2 Trials)

University Hospital of Schleswig-Holstein / Kiel, , , Germany  (2 Trials)

University Hospital of Schleswig-Holstein (Campus Kiel) / Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, 24105, Germany  (12 Trials)

University Hospital of Schleswig-Holstein, Department of Haematology and Oncology / Lübeck, , , Germany  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of School of Medical Sciences UNICAMP / Campinas, São Paulo, 13083888, Brazil  (2 Trials)

University Hospital of Siena / Siena, , 53100, Italy  (18 Trials)

University Hospital of South Manchester / Manchester, , M23 9LT, United Kingdom  (26 Trials)

University Hospital of South Manchester / Wythenshawe, Manchester, M23 9LT, United Kingdom  (6 Trials)

University Hospital of South Manchester - Wythenshawe Hospital, / Manchester, , M23 9LT, United Kingdom  (5 Trials)

University Hospital of South Manchester & Manchester Royal Infirmary / Wythenshawe, Manchester, M23 9LT, United Kingdom  (17 Trials)

University Hospital of South Manchester Foundation Trust / Manchester, , M23 9QZ, United Kingdom  (3 Trials)

University Hospital of South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust / Manchester, Greater Manchester, M23 9LT, United Kingdom  (18 Trials)

University Hospital of South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust / Wythenshawe, Manchester, M23 9LT, United Kingdom  (5 Trials)

University Hospital of South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust (UHSM) - Wythenshawe Hospital / Manchester, Greater Manchester, M23 9LT, United Kingdom  (7 Trials)

University Hospital of South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust, Wythenshawe Hospital / Manchester, , M23 9LT, United Kingdom  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Southampton / Southampton, , SO16 6YD, United Kingdom  (2 Trials)

University Hospital of Southampton NHS Foundation Trust / Southampton, , , United Kingdom  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Southern Denmark / Aabenraa, , 6200, Denmark  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Southern Denmark / Esbjerg, , , Denmark  (7 Trials)

University Hospital of Southern Denmark - Lillebælt Hospital, Kolding / Kolding, , 6000, Denmark  (2 Trials)

University Hospital of Southern Denmark - Odense University Hospital / Odense C, , 5000, Denmark  (7 Trials)

University Hospital of Southern Denmark, Esbjerg / Esbjerg, South Denmark Region, 6700, Denmark  (4 Trials)

University Hospital of Split / Split, Split-Dalmatia County, 21000, Croatia  (60 Trials)

University Hospital of Split (KBC Split) / Split, , , Croatia  (2 Trials)

University Hospital of Split Department of Oral surgery / Split, , 21000, Croatia  (3 Trials)

University Hospital of Split, 21000 Croatia / Split, , , Croatia  (2 Trials)

University Hospital of Split, Department of Ophthalmology / Split, , 21000, Croatia  (1 Trials)

University hospital of Splity / Split, Splitsko-dalmatinska, 21000, Croatia  (6 Trials)

University Hospital of St Olav / Trondheim, , 7006, Norway  (2 Trials)

University Hospital of St-Etienne / Saint-Etienne, , , France  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Strasbourd / Strasbourg, , , France  (4 Trials)

University Hospital of Strasbourg / Strasbourg, , F-67091, France  (90 Trials)

University Hospital of Strasbourg - HUS / Strasbourg, , 67098, France  (6 Trials)

University Hospital of Strasbourg, Department of Digestive and Endocrine Surgery / Strasbourg, , , France  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Sumy State University / Sumy, , 40000, Ukraine  (3 Trials)

University Hospital of Tübingen / Tubingen, , 72076, Germany  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Tampere / Tampere, , , Finland  (5 Trials)

University Hospital of the Bergmannsheil gGmbH / Bochum, NRW, 44789, Germany  (13 Trials)

University hospital of the Canary Islands / Santa Cruz De Tenerife, , , Spain  (3 Trials)

University Hospital of the Favaloro Foundation / Buenos Aires, , C1093AAS, Argentina  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora / Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, 36036-110, Brazil  (2 Trials)

University Hospital of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich / Munich, , 81377, Germany  (3 Trials)

University Hospital of the Saarland / Homburg, Saarland, 66421, Germany  (4 Trials)

university hospital of the State University of Londrina / Londrina, Paraná, 86038-350, Brazil  (3 Trials)

University Hospital of the Technical University Munich rechts der Isar / München, Bayern, 81675, Germany  (13 Trials)

University Hospital of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg / Erlangen, , , Germany  (11 Trials)

University Hospital of the West Indies / Kingston, , , Jamaica  (3 Trials)

University Hospital of the West Indies, Mona / Kingston, , Kgn 7, Jamaica  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Thessaloniki AHEPA / Thessaloniki, , 54636, Greece  (1 Trials)

University hospital of Torrejón / Madrid, , 28850, Spain  (3 Trials)

University Hospital of Toulouse / Toulouse, , 31000, France  (282 Trials)

University Hospital of Toulouse - geriatric pole / Toulouse, , 31059, France  (5 Trials)

University Hospital of Toulouse - Pierre Paul Riquet Hospital / Toulouse, Midi-Pyrénées, 31059, France  (6 Trials)

University Hospital of Toulouse - Purpan / Toulouse, , 31059, France  (3 Trials)

University Hospital of Toulouse - Rangueil Médecine interne / Toulouse, , 31059, France  (11 Trials)

University Hospital of Toulouse, Polyvalent Intensive Care / Toulouse, , 31059, France  (7 Trials)

University Hospital of Toulouse, Rangueil / Toulouse, , 31059, France  (6 Trials)

University Hospital of Tour / Tours, , 37000, France  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Tours / Chambray-lès-Tours, , , France  (10 Trials)

University Hospital of TOURS / Tours, , 37044, France  (130 Trials)

University Hospital of Tours, CMRR / Tours, , 37044, France  (2 Trials)

University Hospital of Tours, Service de Dermatologie / Tours, , 37044, France  (8 Trials)

University Hospital of Tours; INSERM CIC 1415 / Tours, , 37044, France  (2 Trials)

University Hospital of Trauma / Tirana, , 1000, Albania  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Trieste / Trieste, , , Italy  (5 Trials)

University Hospital of Trousseau / Paris, , , France  (8 Trials)

University Hospital of Trousseau (Paris) / Paris, , 75571, France  (10 Trials)

University Hospital of Tübingen / Tübingen, , 72076, Germany  (16 Trials)

University Hospital of Tuebingen / Tuebingen, , 72076, Germany  (92 Trials)

University hospital of Tuebingen, Internal Medicine II / Tübingen, , , Germany  (7 Trials)

University Hospital of Turin / Turin, , , Italy  (15 Trials)

University Hospital of Turku / Turku, Varsinais-Suomi, 20521, Finland  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Turku, Hospital Distric of Southwest Finland / Turku, Southwest Finland, 20521, Finland  (18 Trials)

University Hospital of UCL Namur / Yvoir, , , Belgium  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Ulm / Ulm, , 89081, Germany  (56 Trials)

University Hospital of Ulm (Site 694) / Ulm, , 89081, Germany  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Ulm, Department of Internal Medicine III / Ulm, , 89081, Germany  (6 Trials)

University Hospital Of Ulm, Universitatsklinikum Ulm / Ulm, , 89081, Germany  (674 Trials)

University Hospital of Umea / UmeÃ¥, , 90185, Sweden  (19 Trials)

University Hospital of UMEA / Umea, , 907 37, Sweden  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of UmeÃ¥ / UmeÃ¥, , , Sweden  (42 Trials)

University Hospital of University of Campania "L. Vanvitelli" / Naples, , , Italy  (2 Trials)

University Hospital of Uppsala / Uppsala, , , Sweden  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Uppsala, Department of Oncology / Uppsala, , 75185, Sweden  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Vaud (CHUV) / Lausanne, , 1011, Switzerland  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Verona / Verona, , , Italy  (11 Trials)

University Hospital of Vienna / Vienna, , 1090, Austria  (3 Trials)

University Hospital of Vigo / Vigo, , , Spain  (2 Trials)

University Hospital of Wales / Wales, , , United Kingdom  (4 Trials)

University Hospital of Wales / Cardiff, South Glamorgan, CF14 4XW, United Kingdom  (326 Trials)

University Hospital of Wales - PPDS / Cardiff, , CF14 4XW, United Kingdom  (623 Trials)

University Hospital of Wales Adult Unit / Cardiff, , CF14 4XW, United Kingdom  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Wales Cardiff and Vale University Local Health / Cardiff, , CF14 4XW, United Kingdom  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff / Cardiff, , , United Kingdom  (11 Trials)

University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff & Vale University Health Board / Cardiff, , CF14 4XW, United Kingdom  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff & Vale University Local Health Board / Cardiff, , CF14 4XW, United Kingdom  (7 Trials)

University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust / Cardiff, , CF64 2XX, United Kingdom  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board / Cardiff, Wales, , United Kingdom  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Wales, Heath Park / Cardiff, Wales, CF14 4XW, United Kingdom  (177 Trials)

University Hospital of Wales, Llandough Hospital / Penarth, Wales, CF64 2XX, United Kingdom  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Wales,Cardiff / Cardiff, , CF14 4XN, United Kingdom  (2 Trials)

University Hospital of Wales/ /University Hospital Llandough / Cardiff, , CF14 4XW, United Kingdom  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Whales Health Park / Cardiff, , CF14 4XW, United Kingdom  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Wuerzburg / Wuerzburg, , 97080, Germany  (3 Trials)

University Hospital of Wuerzburg / Würzburg, , 97080, Germany  (9 Trials)

University Hospital of Wuerzburg, ZIM / Wuerzburg, Bayern, 97080, Germany  (5 Trials)

University Hospital of Würzburg / Würzburg, Bavaria, 97070, Germany  (72 Trials)

University Hospital of Zürich / Zürich, , 8091, Switzerland  (190 Trials)

University Hospital of Zaragoza / Zaragoza, , 28046, Spain  (2 Trials)

University Hospital of Zealand / Roskilde, , 4000, Denmark  (6 Trials)

University Hospital of Zurich / Zurich, , CH8091, Switzerland  (124 Trials)

University Hospital of Zurich / Zürich, , 8091, Switzerland  (54 Trials)

University Hospital of Zürich (Universitätsspital Zürich) / Zürich, , 8091, Switzerland  (11 Trials)

University Hospital of Zurich (USZ) / Zurich, , 8091, Switzerland  (3 Trials)

University Hospital of Zurich, clinic for gynaecology / Zurich, , 8091, Switzerland  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Zurich, Clinic for Gynaecology / Zürich, , 8091, Switzerland  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Zurich, Department of Neurology / Zurich, , 8091, Switzerland  (13 Trials)

University Hospital of Zurich, Departmente of Visceral and Transplantation Surgery / Zurich, , 8091, Switzerland  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Zurich, Dept. OB/Gyn / Zurich, , 8091, Switzerland  (1 Trials)

University Hospital of Zurich, Internal Medicine / Zürich, , , Switzerland  (32 Trials)

University Hospital of Zurich, Pulmonary Division / Zurich, , CH-8091, Switzerland  (9 Trials)

University Hospital of Zurich, Pulmonary Division and Sleep Disorders Centre / Zurich, , CH-8091, Switzerland  (9 Trials)

University Hospital Olomou / Olomouc, , 77900, Czechia  (7 Trials)

University Hospital Olomouc / Olomouc, , 775 20, Czech Republic  (14 Trials)

University Hospital Olomouc / Olomouc, , 775 20, Czechia  (111 Trials)

University Hospital Olomouc (Oncology Clinic) / Olomouc, , 775 20, Czechia  (23 Trials)

University Hospital Olomouc, Clinic of Hemato-Oncology / Olomouc, , , Czechia  (3 Trials)

University Hospital Olomouc, Clinic of Oncology / Olomouc, , 77520, Czech Republic  (23 Trials)

University Hospital Olomouc, Clinic of Urology / Olomouc, , 779 00, Czech Republic  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Olomouc, Second Department of Internal Medicine - Gastroenterology and Geriatrics / Olomouc, , 77900, Czechia  (1 Trials)

University hospital Opole / Opole, , , Poland  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Örebro / Örebro, , 70185, Sweden  (36 Trials)

University Hospital Osijek / Osijek, Slavonsko-Baranjska, 31000, Croatia  (9 Trials)

University Hospital Oslo / Oslo, , , Norway  (16 Trials)

University Hospital Ostrava / Ostrava Poruba, , 708 52, Czechia  (21 Trials)

University Hospital Ostrava / Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic, 708 52, Czechia  (32 Trials)

University Hospital Ostrava / Ostrava-Poruba, , 708 52, Czech Republic  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Ostrava / Ostrava, , 708 52, Czechia  (275 Trials)

University Hospital Ostrava / Ostrava, , 708 52, Czech Republic  (59 Trials)

University Hospital Ostrava (2018-ongoing) / Ostrava, , , Czechia  (2 Trials)

University Hospital Ostrava (oncology department) / Ostrava-Poruba, , 570852, Czechia  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Ostrava Poruba / Ostrava Poruba, , , Czechia  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Ostrava-Poruba / Ostrava-Poruba, , , Czechia  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Ostrava, - Department of Internal Medicine and Cardiology / Ostrava, Czech Republic, 70852, Czechia  (45 Trials)

University Hospital Ostrava, Clinic of Hematooncology / Ostrava, , , Czechia  (4 Trials)

University Hospital Ostrava, Department of Hematooncology / Ostrava Poruba, , 708 52, Czechia  (4 Trials)

University Hospital Ostrava, Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery / Ostrava, Czech Republic, 70852, Czechia  (46 Trials)

University Hospital P. Vall d'Hebron / Barcelona, , 08035, Spain  (20 Trials)

University Hospital Padoua / Padova, , , Italy  (7 Trials)

University Hospital Padova / Padova, , 351278, Italy  (19 Trials)

University Hospital Padua / Padua, , , Italy  (9 Trials)

University Hospital Pasteur / Nice, , , France  (8 Trials)

University Hospital Patras / Patras, , , Greece  (6 Trials)

University Hospital Pellegrin / Bordeaux, Cedex, 33076, France  (3 Trials)

University Hospital Philipps-Universität Marburg, University Hospital of Giessen and Marburg / Marburg, , 35037, Germany  (1 Trials)

University Hospital Pilsen / Pilsen, , 304 60, Czechia  (9 Trials)

University Hospital Pilsen / Pilsen, , , Czech Republic  (1 Trials)