Modesto, Anouchka |
| Terminated | 3 | 166 | Europe, Canada, Japan, US, RoW | Xevinapant (Debio 1143), IMRT, Placebo | EMD Serono Research & Development Institute, Inc., Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany | Head and Neck Cancer | 08/24 | 08/24 | | |
PembroMetaRT, NCT04747054: Study on the Efficacy of Treatment by Radiotherapy and Pembrolizumab in Newly Diagnosed Metastatic Head & Neck Cancers |
| Recruiting | 3 | 102 | Europe | Pembrolizumab, KEYTRUDA, Loco-regional radiotherapy, Chemotherapy | UNICANCER, GORTEC, National Cancer Institute, France | Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Head and Neck | 10/25 | 10/29 | | |
| Active, not recruiting | 2 | 112 | Europe | Durvalumab, IMRT 50 Gy + FOLFOX4 simplifIed (oxaliplatin, leucovorin, 5-FU) | UNICANCER | Esophagus Cancer, Unresectable Malignant Neoplasm | 09/25 | 09/25 | | |
SURVEILLE-HPV, NCT05582122: Evaluation of HPV16 Circulating DNA as Biomarker to Detect the Recurrence, in Order to Improve Post Therapeutic Surveillance of HPV16-driven Oropharyngeal Cancers |
| Recruiting | 2 | 420 | Europe | HPV16 Ct-DNA dosing | UNICANCER | Oropharynx Squamous Cell Carcinoma | 04/28 | 04/31 | | |
| Active, not recruiting | N/A | 280 | Europe | SBRT | Centre Oscar Lambret, Canceropôle Nord Ouest | Liver Cancer, Liver Metastases | 12/26 | 12/27 | | |
BURGY, Mickaël |
| Completed | 2 | 104 | Europe | Durvalumab with Carboplatin/Paclitaxel, Combination of Durvalumab with Carboplatin/Paclitaxel | Centre Leon Berard | Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck | 05/20 | 03/24 | | |
MOST plus, NCT02029001: Adapting Treatment to the Tumor Molecular Alterations for Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors: MyOwnSpecificTreatment |
| Recruiting | 2 | 900 | Europe | Nilotinib (400 mg BID), Open cohort, Everolimus (10 mg QD), Closed cohort, Sorafenib (400 mg BID), Lapatinib (1500 mg QD), Pazopanib (800 mg QD), Olaparib (300 mg BID), Durvalumab + Tremelimumab | Centre Leon Berard, National Cancer Institute, France | Malignant Solid Neoplasms | 01/26 | 10/27 | | |
IMMUNONET, NCT05605496: NP137 Clinical and Biological Activities Assessment in Patients with Advanced/Metastatic Solid Tumors Treated by Standard Anti PD-1/PD-L1 Immunotherapies |
| Recruiting | 2 | 87 | Europe | NP137, anti-PD-1/PD-L1 | Centre Leon Berard, NETRIS Pharma | Advanced Solid Tumors, Metastatic Solid Tumors | 02/26 | 11/26 | | |
SURVEILLE-HPV, NCT05582122: Evaluation of HPV16 Circulating DNA as Biomarker to Detect the Recurrence, in Order to Improve Post Therapeutic Surveillance of HPV16-driven Oropharyngeal Cancers |
| Recruiting | 2 | 420 | Europe | HPV16 Ct-DNA dosing | UNICANCER | Oropharynx Squamous Cell Carcinoma | 04/28 | 04/31 | | |
IPRICE, NCT05328024: Identification of Predictive Factors for the Response to Anti-Programmed Cell Death Protein 1 (PD1) Immunotherapy in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma |
| Recruiting | N/A | 60 | Europe | Immunotherapy | Institut de cancérologie Strasbourg Europe, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France, Institut National de la Santé Et de la Recherche Médicale, France | Head and Neck Cancer | 08/29 | 08/29 | | |