Fassnacht, Martin |
| Recruiting | 4 | 573 | Europe | Prednisone, Placebo Arm | University Hospital, Basel, Switzerland, Kantonsspital Baselland Bruderholz, Swiss National Science Foundation, HEMMI Stiftung Switzerland | Inflammatory Disorder, Autoimmune | 12/26 | 12/26 | | |
| Active, not recruiting | 2 | 37 | Europe | Cabozantinib-s-malate | Wuerzburg University Hospital | Adrenocortical Carcinoma | 12/24 | 04/25 | | |
| Terminated | 1/2 | 70 | Europe, US | EO2401, Nivolumab | Enterome | Adrenocortical Carcinoma, Pheochromocytoma, Paraganglioma | 05/24 | 10/24 | | |
| Active, not recruiting | N/A | 3656 | Europe | 1mg Dexamethasone test | Wuerzburg University Hospital, European Network for the Study of Adrenal Tumors | Adrenal Incidentaloma | 08/19 | 12/24 | | |
| Completed | N/A | 108 | Europe | Cardiovascular status and quality of life | Wuerzburg University Hospital | Endogenous Cushing's Syndrome | 10/22 | 10/22 | | |
| Active, not recruiting | N/A | 586 | Europe | early aftercare, mid-term to late aftercare | Wuerzburg University Hospital, Deutsche Stiftung für chronisch Kranke, Deutschen Gesellschaft für Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie e.V. (DGAV), AOK Bayern, Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Bayern, symeda GmbH, AMC Wolfartklinik Gräfelfing, Schön Klinik Nürnberg Fürth, Dr. Lubos Kliniken Bogenhausen, Klinikum Memmingen, Klinikum Passau, Klinikum Nürnberg, Helmholtz Zentrum München | Patients After Metabolic-bariatric Surgery, Obesity, Morbid | 11/22 | 12/24 | | |
NCT00457587: Preclinical Study Towards an Immunotherapy in Adrenocortical Carcinoma |
| Recruiting | N/A | 200 | Europe | | University of Wuerzburg, Deutsche Krebshilfe e.V., Bonn (Germany) | Adrenocortical Carcinoma, Cushing's Syndrome | 12/25 | 12/26 | | |
| Active, not recruiting | N/A | 400 | Europe | | University of Wuerzburg | Adrenocortical Carcinoma | 12/24 | 12/25 | | |
| Recruiting | N/A | 500 | Europe | | University of Wuerzburg, Deutsche Krebshilfe e.V., Bonn (Germany), German Federal Ministry of Education and Research | Adrenal Tumors, Adrenocortical Carcinoma, Cushing Syndrome, Conn Syndrome, Pheochromocytoma | 12/30 | 12/30 | | |
| Recruiting | N/A | 1000 | Europe | | University of Wuerzburg, Deutsche Krebshilfe e.V., Bonn (Germany) | Adrenocortical Carcinoma | 12/30 | 12/30 | | |
Walles, Thorsten |
WOPP, NCT01855464: Wedge Resection or Parietal Pleurectomy for the Treatment of Recurrent Pneumothorax |
| Active, not recruiting | N/A | 360 | Europe | wedge resection, parietal pleurectomy | Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, German Research Foundation | Pneumothorax, Recurrent Pneumothorax | 07/24 | 08/24 | | |
Heinz, Werner J |
IDHIRA, NCT06607302: Ivosidenib in Locally Advanced or Metastatic Cholangiocarcinoma With IDH1 R132 Mutation After at Least One Prior Systemic Treatment - an Observational Study |
| Recruiting | N/A | 100 | Europe | | iOMEDICO AG, Servier Deutschland GmbH | Cholangiocarcinoma | 12/27 | 12/27 | | |
Koschker, Ann-Cathrin |
| Active, not recruiting | N/A | 586 | Europe | early aftercare, mid-term to late aftercare | Wuerzburg University Hospital, Deutsche Stiftung für chronisch Kranke, Deutschen Gesellschaft für Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie e.V. (DGAV), AOK Bayern, Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Bayern, symeda GmbH, AMC Wolfartklinik Gräfelfing, Schön Klinik Nürnberg Fürth, Dr. Lubos Kliniken Bogenhausen, Klinikum Memmingen, Klinikum Passau, Klinikum Nürnberg, Helmholtz Zentrum München | Patients After Metabolic-bariatric Surgery, Obesity, Morbid | 11/22 | 12/24 | | |
| Completed | N/A | 36 | Europe | | Wuerzburg University Hospital | Bariatric Surgery Status in Childbirth, Puerperal Depression | 02/23 | 02/23 | | |
BESmart, NCT06061406: BE Smart - Bariatric Patient - Empowerment in the Preparation and Follow-up of Bariatric Surgery Using the Smartvisit App |
| Active, not recruiting | N/A | 100 | Europe | smart visit app | Wuerzburg University Hospital, aycan Medical Systems LTD, Innere Aumuehlstr. 5, 97076 Wuerzburg , Germany | Obesity, Bariatric Surgery Candidate | 10/23 | 06/24 | | |