NCT03894631: Effect of Intra-subject Phaco/Trabectome vs. Phaco/Kahook Dual Blade on Intraocular Pressure |
| Completed | N/A | 80 | US | KDB/Phacoemulsification, Trabectome/Phacoemulsification | State University of New York at Buffalo | Glaucoma | 11/23 | 11/23 | | |
| Completed | N/A | 80 | US | Baerveldt 350 vs. Ahmed ClearPath 250 tube shunt implantation | State University of New York at Buffalo | Glaucoma | 07/24 | 07/24 | | |
| Recruiting | N/A | 226 | Canada, US | Sulcus tube placement, Anterior chamber (AC) tube placement | University of Pennsylvania, National Eye Institute (NEI), University of California, San Francisco, Stanford University | Glaucoma | 12/26 | 12/27 | | |