NCT04938869: Continuous Glucose Monitor Application After Hospital Discharge for the Improvement of Outcomes in Patients With Poorly Controlled Type 2 Diabetes and Active Cancer |
| Completed | N/A | 3 | US | Educational Intervention, Education for Intervention, Intervention by Education, Intervention through Education, Intervention, Educational, Medical Device Usage and Evaluation, Survey Administration | Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center | Hematopoietic and Lymphoid System Neoplasm, Malignant Solid Neoplasm, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus | 02/22 | 02/22 | | |
| Completed | N/A | 343 | US | Omnipod 5 Automated Glucose Control System | Insulet Corporation, Jaeb Center for Health Research | Type2 Diabetes | 03/24 | 03/24 | | |