| Active, not recruiting | 3 | 314 | Europe, Canada, US, RoW | Standard surgery, Intraoperative radiotherapy, IORT, Radiochemotherapy, Temozolomide | Universitätsmedizin Mannheim, Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, University of California, Los Angeles | Glioblastoma | 06/24 | 06/26 | | |
| Recruiting | 3 | 500 | Europe, Canada, Japan, US, RoW | NBTXR3, Functionalized hafnium oxide nanoparticles, Cetuximab, Erbitux, Radiation Therapy | Nanobiotix, Nanobiotix SA | Locally Advanced Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Aged | 06/26 | 06/27 | | |