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  • ||||||||||  Journal:  Structure of pediatric ophthalmic pathology in Uzbekistan (Pubmed Central) -  May 18, 2024   
    The revealed age aspects of nosologies are due to the timing of clinical manifestations of the pathology, late seeking ophthalmic care of parents, presence of a concomitant pathology in the child, which prevents surgical treatment. The results of the study will help optimize planned and emergency ophthalmological care for children in the regions of the republic.
  • ||||||||||  cyclopentolate/phenylephrine / Generic mfg., tropicamide / Generic mfg.
    Observational data, Retrospective data, Journal:  Changes in ocular biometrics following cycloplegic refraction in strabismic and amblyopic children. (Pubmed Central) -  May 17, 2024   
    Refractive error shifts hyperopically in esotropia subgroup (ET) and myopically in high myopia subgroup (HM), eldest subgroup (G3) relating more to anterior segment changes than AL/Km. Understanding cycloplegic effects on biometry is important for optimizing refractive correction in these patients.
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  Incidence of Strabismus Post Plaque Brachytherapy in Patients with Uveal Melanoma. (Pubmed Central) -  May 16, 2024   
    The incidence of strabismus after plaque brachytherapy treatment for uveal melanoma was low and primarily classified as late-onset sensory strabismus. Previous studies may underestimate the long-term incidence of strabismus after plaque brachytherapy by focusing primarily on strabismus present immediately postoperatively.
  • ||||||||||  Tepezza (teprotumumab-trbw) / Roche, Amgen
    Journal, Surgery:  Outcomes of Strabismus Surgery Following Teprotumumab Therapy. (Pubmed Central) -  May 16, 2024   
    Previous studies may underestimate the long-term incidence of strabismus after plaque brachytherapy by focusing primarily on strabismus present immediately postoperatively. Most patients requiring surgery for strabismic diplopia following teprotumumab achieve good outcomes with success rates comparable to series published before the availability of teprotumumab.
  • ||||||||||  cyclopentolate hydrochloride / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Test-Retest of the Spot Vision Screener among Children with Ophthalmological Diseases including Strabismus. (Pubmed Central) -  May 14, 2024   
    29 patients aged 15?years or younger who visited our hospital for refraction examinations with SVS before and at least 60?minutes after administration of 2 drops of 1% cyclopentolate ophthalmic solution (before and after cycloplegia) were included in this study...Two consecutive SVS refraction measurements have a high degree of reproducibility for spherical and SE values but a low degree for cylindrical, J0, and J45 values. From these results, multiple measurements are required to obtain reliable results for cylindrical values.
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  VASCULAR OPHTHALMIC MANIFESTATIONS IN COVID-19 PATIENTS (Pubmed Central) -  May 12, 2024   
    Awareness should be drawn to uncommon signs especially in young adults. Clotting issues can arise and should be treated quickly as they might be life and vision threatening.
  • ||||||||||  Alternating Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism Complicated by Thyroid Eye Disease (ENDOExpo PosterArea - BCEC) -  May 5, 2024 - Abstract #ENDO2024ENDO_2897;    
    Of note, she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2021 and is now status post mastectomy and on anastrozole therapy...It is presumed that she had a predominance of TSH receptor blocking antibodies that caused her previous hypothyroidism, and then shifted to a predominance of TSH receptor stimulating antibodies causing thyrotoxicosis. Clinician awareness and further research into this disease entity is crucial to elucidate its pathogenic basis and identify risk factors and potential treatment options.
  • ||||||||||  A Case of Wolfram Syndrome Accompanied by Growth Hormone Deficiency (ENDOExpo PosterArea - BCEC) -  May 5, 2024 - Abstract #ENDO2024ENDO_1369;    
    This case underscores the importance of increasing clinical awareness regarding Wolfram syndrome, as early intervention through timely diagnosis may lead to improved patient outcomes. This case also suggests that although GH deficiency is uncommon in Wolfram syndrome, growth assessment is important in patients with Wolfram syndrome in addition to managing diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus.
  • ||||||||||  HoC09 Bedside examination of the vestibular and ocular motor system, including patient history (Hoc Room) -  May 3, 2024 - Abstract #EAN2024EAN_643;    
    Each of the four stations covers a cardinal aspect of the examination: (1) history taking, (2) vestibular and ocular motor testing, (3) testing of binocular control (strabismus), and (3) diagnostic and therapeutic manoeuvres for BPPV. Each station (equipped with 2 examination beds) is staffed by experts, which will stimulate the discussion, highlight possible variations of tests, and allow better interaction with the participants, who are encouraged to practice the demonstrated tests.This session will neither be livestreamed nor recorded and can only be attended onsite.
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  Lateral rectus pulley concerning the orbital wall. Area of a stereotyped bony insertion. (Pubmed Central) -  May 2, 2024   
    Each station (equipped with 2 examination beds) is staffed by experts, which will stimulate the discussion, highlight possible variations of tests, and allow better interaction with the participants, who are encouraged to practice the demonstrated tests.This session will neither be livestreamed nor recorded and can only be attended onsite. The anterior margin of the pulley sleeve was found at 21.0
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  Diplopia management in a patient with stiff person syndrome. (Pubmed Central) -  Apr 30, 2024   
    However, the data from individuals with amblyopia suggest that continuing vision care and access to glasses benefits children, especially children from lower socioeconomic class. No abstract available
  • ||||||||||  Clinical, Observational data, Retrospective data, Journal:  Infantile nystagmus syndrome: An observational, retrospective, multicenter study. (Pubmed Central) -  Apr 29, 2024   
    The psychological and quality-of-life impact was instead significantly greater in the IINS group. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first multicenter study investigating the clinical features of IIN and comparing the two main subgroups, IINS and INSOD.
  • ||||||||||  Review, Journal, Surgery:  Strabismus Surgery for Psychosocial Reasons-A Literature Review. (Pubmed Central) -  Apr 29, 2024   
    A core outcome set for strabismus has been suggested and there is potential to add to the available evidence by investigating which outcome measures are most relevant to those with strabismus and psychosocial symptoms. There is a growing need for robust evidence in this specific subgroup of patients due to a lack of evidence specifically reporting postoperative outcomes in adults with strabismus and psychosocial symptoms.
  • ||||||||||  Review, Journal:  Schizophrenia and Orthoptic Conditions: A Literature Review. (Pubmed Central) -  Apr 29, 2024   
    Orthoptists and eye care professionals should be aware that a higher incidence of strabismus, reduced visual acuity, reduced stereoacuity, and eye movement abnormalities are reported in patients with schizophrenia. Further research is required to determine whether, or to what extent, ocular abnormalities and visual disturbances influence or exacerbate the symptoms of schizophrenia, and whether there is an effect of schizophrenia medication on these orthoptic conditions.
  • ||||||||||  vigabatrin / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Ophthalmic manifestations in children with tuberous sclerosis complex. (Pubmed Central) -  Apr 26, 2024   
    None of the patients in this cohort had undergone investigation for cerebral visual impairment. The general awareness of cerebral visual impairment among ophthalmologists is poor and constitutes an important area for improvement.
  • ||||||||||  Retrospective data, Review:  Association between Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and vision problems. A systematic review and meta-analysis. (Pubmed Central) -  Apr 24, 2024   
    ASD is associated with some self-reported and objectively measured functional vision problems, and structural alterations of the eye, even though we observed several methodological limitations in the individual studies included in our meta-analyses. Further research should clarify the causal relationship, if any, between ASD and problems of vision during early life.
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  Mechanisms for Positive Bielschowsky Head Tilt Testing in Horizontal Strabismus. (Pubmed Central) -  Apr 24, 2024   
    These diametrical results are not attributable to any preexistent alteration of neurologic output inherent to these two forms of horizontal strabismus or to associated torsion. Rather, they arise directly from the altered anatomical positions of the two eyes, which cause the eyes to approximate their visual axes more closely to the vertical rectus muscles (in exotropia) and the oblique muscles (in esotropia), enabling the vertical actions of specific cyclovertical muscles to predominate in response to altered utricular output generated by the BHTT.
  • ||||||||||  Review, Journal:  Efficacy of Amblyopia Treatments in Children Up to Seven Years Old: A Systematic Review. (Pubmed Central) -  Apr 23, 2024   
    Future studies should consider prescribing these treatments to larger cohorts while also performing a cost-benefit analysis for each treatment. In addition, more needs to be learned about the potential adverse side effects of these treatments, especially for pharmaceutical therapy.
  • ||||||||||  Review, Journal:  Intermittent Exotropia: The Effect of Alternating Occlusion Therapy on Control of Strabismus. (Pubmed Central) -  Apr 22, 2024   
    Healthcare providers should carefully weigh the benefits and limitations of this intervention to make informed decisions through shared decision-making with the patients and their families. This review offers diverse insights into the clinical management of intermittent exotropia and provides an evidence-based alternative to surgical interventions.