Skin Diseases, Infectious
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 74 Companies   57 Products   57 Products   42 Mechanisms of Action   2 Trials   680 News 

  • ||||||||||  Trial termination:  Herpevac Neonatal Substudy ( -  Aug 28, 2013   
    P=N/A,  N=6, Terminated, 
    Recruiting --> Completed Completed --> Terminated
  • ||||||||||  amphotericin b liposome / Generic mfg.
    Trial withdrawal, Combination therapy:  SCH708980 With and Without AmBisome for Visceral Leishmaniasis ( -  Aug 25, 2013   
    P1/2,  N=0, Withdrawn, 
    N=339 --> 420 Not yet recruiting --> Withdrawn
  • ||||||||||  amphotericin b liposome / Generic mfg.
    Enrollment change, Combination therapy:  SCH708980 With and Without AmBisome for Visceral Leishmaniasis ( -  Aug 25, 2013   
    P1/2,  N=0, Withdrawn, 
    Not yet recruiting --> Withdrawn N=90 --> 0
  • ||||||||||  Trial termination:  Sonographic Features of Cellulitis and Failure of Therapy ( -  Jul 22, 2013   
    P=N/A,  N=3, Terminated, 
    Recruiting --> Terminated; This protocol terminated prematurely on July 8, 2013 due to slow enrollment, not because of any safety issues or concerns. Not yet recruiting --> Terminated; Unable to enroll significant number of patients.
  • ||||||||||  Enrollment change:  Sonographic Features of Cellulitis and Failure of Therapy ( -  Jul 22, 2013   
    P=N/A,  N=3, Terminated, 
    Not yet recruiting --> Terminated; Unable to enroll significant number of patients. N=153 --> 3
  • ||||||||||  Trial completion:  The Healthcare Professionals and the Leishmaniasis ( -  Jul 7, 2013   
    P=N/A,  N=228, Completed, 
    Active, not recruiting --> Completed Not yet recruiting --> Completed
  • ||||||||||  Kineret (anakinra) / SOBI
    Trial completion:  Anakinra as a Treatment for Hydradenitis Suppurativa ( -  Jul 4, 2013   
    P2,  N=6, Completed, 
    Not yet recruiting --> Completed Recruiting --> Completed
  • ||||||||||  Altabax (retapamulin) / GSK, Almirall
    Trial completion:  United States Pharmacovigilence Retapamulin-Prescribing ( -  Jun 5, 2013   
    P=N/A,  N=1, Completed, 
    N=100 --> 150 Active, not recruiting --> Completed
  • ||||||||||  isotretinoin oral / Generic mfg.
    New P1 trial:  Bioequivalence Study for an Isotretinoin ( -  May 27, 2013   
    P1,  N=36, Completed, 
  • ||||||||||  Enrollment closed:  The Role of Genital Warts in HIV Acquisition in Peru ( -  May 9, 2013   
    P=N/A,  N=600, Active, not recruiting, 
    Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting
  • ||||||||||  tigecycline / Generic mfg.
    Enrollment open:  TIGER: Tygacil Drug Use Investigation ( -  Apr 28, 2013   
    P4,  N=100, Enrolling by invitation, 
    N=466 --> 583 Active, not recruiting --> Enrolling by invitation
  • ||||||||||  Cresemba (isavuconazonium sulfate) / Astellas, Basilea, Pfizer, Laboratoire Riva, Asahi Kasei
    Trial completion:  SECURE: Isavuconazole (BAL8557) for Primary Treatment of Invasive Aspergillosis ( -  Apr 25, 2013   
    P3,  N=527, Completed, 
    Active, not recruiting --> Enrolling by invitation Active, not recruiting --> Completed
  • ||||||||||  Enrollment change:  Herpevac Neonatal Substudy ( -  Apr 24, 2013   
    P=N/A,  N=6, Terminated, 
    Terminated --> Withdrawn N=50 --> 6
  • ||||||||||  mupirocin / Generic mfg.
    Trial initiation date:  HOME2DS: Individualized vs. Household MRSA Decolonization ( -  Mar 20, 2013   
    P=N/A,  N=600, Enrolling by invitation, 
    Recruiting --> Completed Initiation date: Jan 2013 --> Apr 2013