- |||||||||| Clinical, Review, Journal: Uremic Sarcopenia: Clinical Evidence and Basic Experimental Approach. (Pubmed Central) - Mar 2, 2021
This review highlights molecular mechanisms and promising interventions for uremic sarcopenia that were revealed through basic research. Extensive study is still needed to cast light on the many aspects of locomotive organ impairments in CKD and explore the ways that diet and exercise therapies can improve both outcomes and quality of life at every level.
- |||||||||| Journal: Exercise Intolerance in Kidney Diseases: Physiological Contributors and Therapeutic Strategies. (Pubmed Central) - Mar 2, 2021
Current and prospective pharmaceutical and nutraceutical strategies to improve exertional fatigue are also broached. An extensive understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms of exercise intolerance will allow for the development of more targeted therapeutic approached to improve exertional fatigue and health related quality of life in CKD and ESRD.
- |||||||||| Journal: Inhibition of prostaglandin-degrading enzyme 15-PGDH rejuvenates aged muscle mass and strength. (Pubmed Central) - Feb 27, 2021
These physiological benefits arise from rejuvenated PGE2 levels which augment mitochondrial function and autophagy and decrease TGF-beta and ubiquitin-proteasome pathways. Our studies demonstrate a previously unrecognized role for PGE2 signaling in countering muscle atrophy and identify 15-PGDH as a promising therapeutic target to counter sarcopenia.
- |||||||||| Journal: Thyroid Function and Sarcopenia: Results from the ELSA-Brasil Study. (Pubmed Central) - Feb 26, 2021
The analyses that informed these position statements are summarized in this article and discussed in accompanying articles in this issue of the journal. Subtle thyroid hormone alterations are associated with sarcopenia or its defining components in middle-aged and older adults without overt thyroid dysfunction.
- |||||||||| Clinical, Journal: Malnutrition as Key Predictor of Physical Frailty among Malaysian Older Adults. (Pubmed Central) - Feb 26, 2021
Results suggested that frailty and malnutrition shared considerable overlap, which emphasised the interrelated but discrete concepts. Therefore, the assessment of malnutrition is imperative and could be used as a practical implication in assessing frailty syndrome.
- |||||||||| Journal: Usefulness of Carnitine Supplementation for the Complications of Liver Cirrhosis. (Pubmed Central) - Feb 26, 2021
In conclusion, carnitine deficiency is not always rare in liver cirrhosis, and it requires constant attention in the daily medical care of this disease. Carnitine supplementation might be an important strategy for improving the quality of life of patients with liver cirrhosis.
- |||||||||| Clinical, Journal: Correlation of Body Composition and Nutritional Status with Functional Recovery in Stroke Rehabilitation Patients. (Pubmed Central) - Feb 26, 2021
Multiple regression analysis revealed that a high muscle rate (skeletal muscle mass/body weight) (odds ratio OR = 2.43), high phase angle (OR = 3.32), and high GNRI (OR = 2.57) were significantly associated with motor FIM items at four weeks in male and female patients. Muscle mass maintenance through nutritional management and early rehabilitation in the acute period of stroke is essential for functional recovery in stroke patients.
- |||||||||| Journal: Dreadful Consequences of Sarcopenia and Osteoporosis due to COVID-19 Containment. (Pubmed Central) - Feb 26, 2021
The study was approved by the local ethics committee (Ethikkommission an der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Rostock, A2019-0174), registered at the German Clinical Trials Register (DRKS00021184), and results will be published following standard guidelines. No abstract available
- |||||||||| Review, Journal: Regulation of microRNAs in Satellite Cell Renewal, Muscle Function, Sarcopenia and the Role of Exercise. (Pubmed Central) - Feb 25, 2021
miRNAs modulate key steps of skeletal myogenesis including satellite cells renewal, skeletal muscle plasticity, and regeneration. Here, we provide an overview of the general aspects of muscle regeneration and miRNAs role in skeletal mass homeostasis and plasticity with a special interest in their expression in sarcopenia and skeletal muscle adaptation to exercise in the elderly.