- |||||||||| Review, Journal: Vascular dysfunction as a potential culprit of sarcopenia. (Pubmed Central) - Jun 3, 2021
Emerging findings suggest vascular calcification can impact skeletal muscle perfusion, negatively affecting nutrient and oxygen delivery to skeletal muscle, ultimately accelerating muscle loss and functional decline. The present review summarizes existing evidence on the biological mechanisms linking vascular calcification with sarcopenia during aging.
- |||||||||| piceatannol / New York Medical College, Kyushu University
Preclinical, Journal: Effect of antioxidant supplementation on skeletal muscle and metabolic profile in aging mice. (Pubmed Central) - Jun 3, 2021 In this study, we investigated the effect of 6-month supplementation of antioxidants, specifically piceatannol (PIC) and enzymatically modified isoquercitrin (EMIQ), on age-related physiological changes, including skeletal muscle weight and quality, in 25-month-old (OLD) mice, compared to in 4-month-old (young, YNG) C57BL/6J mice...Furthermore, EMIQ, but not PIC, increased locomotor activity, the expression of genes encoding antioxidant enzymes, and suppressed the carbonylated protein in the skeletal muscle of OLD mice. These results suggested that chronic antioxidant intake could alleviate aging-related muscle function changes.
- |||||||||| Journal: From mitochondria to sarcopenia: Role of inflammaging and RAGE-ligand axis implication. (Pubmed Central) - Jun 3, 2021
In this review, after a brief description of sarcopenia, we will describe how mitochondria and the pathways controlling mitochondrial population quality could participate to age-induced muscle mass and force loss. Finally, we will discuss the RAGE-ligand axis during aging and its possible connection with mitochondria to control inflammaging and sarcopenia.
- |||||||||| Clinical, Journal: Muscle mass and aerobic capacity in older women: Impact of regular exercise at middle age. (Pubmed Central) - Jun 3, 2021
Our findings highlight the importance of engaging in regular PA of at least moderate intensity during middle age years in order to promote benefits at the level of muscle mass and aerobic fitness. This clearly supports the potential of PA in delaying aerobic capacity impairment and the occurrence of clinically manifest sarcopenia at old age.
- |||||||||| Journal: Benchside to the bedside of frailty and cardiovascular aging: Main shared cellular and molecular mechanisms. (Pubmed Central) - Jun 3, 2021
The exacerbated rise in inflammatory biomarkers and impaired insulin resistance leads to worsening of the patient's general condition. The good news is that frailty is a dynamic syndrome, fluctuating between different states of seriousness but still has potential for reversibility based on physical activity, cognitive training, nutrition intervention, and a plethora of other approaches that can be performed by a multi-disciplinary team.
- |||||||||| Review, Journal: Chronic Kidney Disease as a Systemic Inflammatory Syndrome: Update on Mechanisms Involved and Potential Treatment. (Pubmed Central) - Jun 3, 2021
With our revision, we want to focus on and update the inflammatory mechanisms responsible for the pathologic conditions associated with CKD, with particular attention on the development of AKI and AKI-CKD de novo, the alteration of calcium-phosphorus metabolism with bone disease and CKD-MBD syndrome, the status of malnutrition and malnutrition-inflammation complex syndrome (MICS) and protein-energy wasting (PEW), uremic sarcopenia, the status of OS, and the different inflammatory pathways, highlighting a new approach to CKD. The depth comprehension of the mechanisms underlying the development of inflammation in CKD may present new possible therapeutic approaches in CKD and hopefully improve the management of correlated morbidities and provide a reduction in associated mortality.
- |||||||||| Preclinical, Journal: Skeletal Lipocalin-2 Is Associated with Iron-Related Oxidative Stress in ob/ob Mice with Sarcopenia. (Pubmed Central) - Jun 3, 2021
In addition to muscular iron accumulation in ob/ob mice, expressions of iron homeostasis-related divalent metal transporter 1, ferritin, and hepcidin proteins were increased in ob/ob mice compared to lean littermates, whereas expressions of transferrin receptor and ferroportin were reduced. Collectively, these findings demonstrate that LCN2 functions as a potent proinflammatory factor in skeletal muscle in response to obesity-related sarcopenia and is thus a therapeutic candidate target for sarcopenia treatment.
Contained intestinal perforation was assumed and started therapy with cefotaxime, gentamicin and metronidazole...Due to lack of improvement after 23 days, levofloxacin was added...Learning Points/ Diagnosis of disseminated TB can be difficult, and a high index of suspicion on a severely debilitated patient allows prompt initiation of empirical therapy. The resolution of disseminated tuberculosis is slow, however the prognosis is excellent with early diagnosis and adequate therapy.
- |||||||||| Biomarker, Journal: Identification of biomarkers for physical frailty and sarcopenia through a new multi-marker approach: results from the BIOSPHERE study. (Pubmed Central) - Jun 1, 2021
Gender-specific SO-CovSel models identified a "core" biomarker profile of PF&S, characterized by higher serum levels of aspartic acid and Hsp72 and lower concentrations of macrophage inflammatory protein 1β, with peculiar signatures in men and women.SO-CovSel analysis allowed identifying a set of potential biomarkers for PF&S. The adoption of such an innovative multivariate approach could help address the complex pathophysiology of PF&S, translate biomarker discovery from bench to bedside, and unveil novel targets for interventions.
- |||||||||| Biomarker, Journal: Sarcopenia as a prognostic factor for outcomes after isolated tricuspid valve surgery. (Pubmed Central) - Jun 1, 2021
However, up-front surgical resection may be associated with improved survival outcomes for patients with sarcopenia. Our study demonstrates a significant association between preoperative total skeletal muscle index and major 30-day postoperative complications in patients undergoing isolated tricuspid valve surgery.
- |||||||||| Clinical, Journal: Factors associated with measures of sarcopenia in pre and postmenopausal women. (Pubmed Central) - Jun 1, 2021
Further studies are warranted to extend the present findings. Factors that are associated with different measures of sarcopenia are not uniform and vary widely from anthropometry to nutrient intake indicating that these measures are somewhat independent and are governed by different factors.
- |||||||||| Journal: Recent advances and future avenues in understanding the role of adipose tissue cross talk in mediating skeletal muscle mass and function with ageing. (Pubmed Central) - Jun 1, 2021
In this review, we provide evidence that adiposity may exacerbate age-related sarcopenia and outline some emerging concepts of adipose-skeletal muscle communication including the secretion and processing of novel myokines and adipokines and the role of extracellular vesicles in mediating inter-tissue cross talk via lncRNAs and miRNAs in the context of sarcopenia, ageing, and obesity. Further research using advances in proteomics, transcriptomics, and techniques to investigate extracellular vesicles, with an emphasis on translational, longitudinal human studies, is required to better understand the physiological significance of these factors, the impact of obesity upon them, and their potential as therapeutic targets in combating muscle wasting.
- |||||||||| Biomarker, Clinical, Review, Journal: Measuring and Monitoring Skeletal Muscle Mass after Stroke: A Review of Current Methods and Clinical Applications. (Pubmed Central) - Jun 1, 2021
Further research using advances in proteomics, transcriptomics, and techniques to investigate extracellular vesicles, with an emphasis on translational, longitudinal human studies, is required to better understand the physiological significance of these factors, the impact of obesity upon them, and their potential as therapeutic targets in combating muscle wasting. We summarized the features of each measurement and proved the recent evidence to properly measure and monitor skeletal muscle mass after stroke.
- |||||||||| Trial completion: Eating Habits and Lifestyle Profile of an Italian Aging Cohort (clinicaltrials.gov) - Jun 1, 2021
P=N/A, N=600, Completed, We summarized the features of each measurement and proved the recent evidence to properly measure and monitor skeletal muscle mass after stroke. Recruiting --> Completed
- |||||||||| Retrospective data, Review, Journal: The Prevalence of Sarcopenia in Chinese Older Adults: Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression. (Pubmed Central) - Jun 1, 2021
This study yielded pooled estimates of sarcopenia prevalence in Chinese older adults not only from communities, but also from clinical settings and nursing homes. This study added knowledge to the current epidemiology literature about sarcopenia in older Chinese populations, and could provide background information for future preventive strategies, such as nutrition and physical activity interventions, tailored to the growing older population.