- |||||||||| Clinical, Review, Journal: Targeting the Gut Microbiota to Improve Dietary Protein Efficacy to Mitigate Sarcopenia. (Pubmed Central) - Jul 9, 2021
This review focuses on the putative links between the gut microbiota and skeletal muscle in the context of sarcopenia. We also address the issue of plant protein digestibility because plant proteins are increasingly important from an environmental sustainability perspective, yet they are less efficient at stimulating muscle protein synthesis than animal proteins.
- |||||||||| Observational data, Journal: Irisin is a predictor of sarcopenic obesity in type 2 diabetes mellitus: A cross-sectional study. (Pubmed Central) - Jul 9, 2021
The optimal cut-off value for irisin to predict SO was 9.49 ng/mL (specificity = 78.1%, sensitivity = 75.8%). In addition, A1c was an independent risk factor for SO development (OR:1.358, P = .055).This study showed that low irisin levels (<9.49ng/mL) and poor glycemic control in T2DM patients were an independent risk factor, especially for SO.
- |||||||||| Journal: Characteristics of sarcopenia by European consensuses and a phenotype score. (Pubmed Central) - Jul 8, 2021
The findings suggest a probable resilience of the older population to Covid-19, despite the association of loneliness with many diseases in times of a pandemic. A new SPS might be used to classify sarcopenic burden in older adults to resolve possible inconsistencies in phenotype correlation and outcome prediction of EWGSOP 2 criteria.
- |||||||||| Journal: Grip strength mediates the relationship between muscle mass and frailty. (Pubmed Central) - Jul 8, 2021
A new SPS might be used to classify sarcopenic burden in older adults to resolve possible inconsistencies in phenotype correlation and outcome prediction of EWGSOP 2 criteria. In this study on Korean older adults, muscle mass did not have a direct effect on frailty but had an indirect effect through altered muscle function.
- |||||||||| chymotrypsin / Generic mfg.
Biomarker, Clinical, Journal: Biomarkers of sarcopenia in very old patients with hip fracture. (Pubmed Central) - Jul 8, 2021 The prevalence of sarcopenia in patients with hip fracture varies according to the definition and the muscle mass reference cut-off points used. We did not find differences in most neuromuscular, pro-inflammatory, or oxidative stress markers, except for lower peripheral tumour necrosis factor-α levels and catalase activity in sarcopenic participants, which may be markers of an early inflammatory reaction that is hampered in sarcopenic patients.
- |||||||||| Review, Journal: Nutrition interventions to treat low muscle mass in cancer. (Pubmed Central) - Jul 8, 2021
It is anticipated that this will, in turn, improve overall health and prognostication including tolerance to treatment and survival. However, oncology-specific interventions with more robust study designs are needed to facilitate these goals.
- |||||||||| Journal: Paediatric reference values for total psoas muscle area. (Pubmed Central) - Jul 8, 2021
We provide novel paediatric age-specific and sex-specific growth curves for tPMA at intervertebral L3-4 and L4-5 levels for children between the ages of 1-16 years. Together with an online tool (https://ahrc-apps.shinyapps.io/sarcopenia/), these tPMA curves should serve as a reference enabling earlier identification and targeted intervention of sarcopenia in children with chronic medical conditions.
- |||||||||| Review, Journal: The mechanisms and treatments for sarcopenia: could exosomes be a perspective research strategy in the future? (Pubmed Central) - Jul 8, 2021
Dietary strategies and exercise represent the interventions that can also alleviate the progression of sarcopenia. At last, building on recent studies pointing to exosomes with the roles in increasing muscle regeneration, mediating the beneficial effects of exercise, and serving as messengers of intercellular communication and as carriers for research strategies of many diseases, we propose that exosomes could be a potential research direction or strategies of sarcopenia in the future.
- |||||||||| Journal: A counterintuitive perspective for the role of fat-free mass in metabolic health. (Pubmed Central) - Jul 8, 2021
However, accumulating evidence now suggests that a large FFM may be deleterious to metabolic health, at least in some populations. The objective of this article is thus to raise awareness surrounding these results and to explore possible explanations and mechanisms underlying this counterintuitive association.
- |||||||||| Clinical, Clinical guideline, Journal: Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for liver cirrhosis 2020. (Pubmed Central) - Jul 7, 2021
Finally, this guideline covers prognosis prediction and liver transplantation, especially focusing on several new findings since the last version. Since this revision is a joint guideline by both societies, the same content is published simultaneously in the official English journal of JSGE and JSH.
- |||||||||| Journal: Mitochondrial DNA deletion mutations increase exponentially with age in human skeletal muscle. (Pubmed Central) - Jul 7, 2021
The exponential increase in mtDNA deletion frequency is concomitant with the known muscle fiber loss and accelerating mortality that occurs with age. The improved assay permits the accurate and sensitive quantification of deletion mutations from DNA samples and is sufficient to measure changes in mtDNA deletion mutation frequency in healthy individuals across the lifespan and, therefore, patients with suspected mitochondrial diseases.
- |||||||||| Journal: Advanced cancer is also a heart failure syndrome - an hypothesis. (Pubmed Central) - Jul 7, 2021
Broader ethical considerations must be taken into account when aiming to target cardiovascular problems in cancer patients. We suggest that focused attention to evaluating cardiac wasting and arrhythmias in cancer will herald a further evolution in the rapidly expanding field of cardio-oncology.
- |||||||||| Clinical, Journal: Association between serum FGF21 level and sarcopenia in older adults. (Pubmed Central) - Jul 7, 2021
Further refinement of screening for sarcopenia with the use of SARC-F seems needed. Higher circulating FGF21 was associated with the likelihood of sarcopenia, lower muscle mass, and worse grip strength in older adults, supporting a potential catabolic role of FGF21 on human muscle health.
- |||||||||| Clinical, Journal: Static one-leg standing balance test as a screening tool for low muscle mass in healthy elderly women. (Pubmed Central) - Jul 7, 2021
Higher circulating FGF21 was associated with the likelihood of sarcopenia, lower muscle mass, and worse grip strength in older adults, supporting a potential catabolic role of FGF21 on human muscle health. OLST, which can be performed easily in community settings without the need for more complex muscle mass measurement, may help identify women at risk of developing sarcopenia.
- |||||||||| Preclinical, Journal: Skeletal muscle-specific Keap1 disruption modulates fatty acid utilization and enhances exercise capacity in female mice. (Pubmed Central) - Jul 7, 2021
We also observed that female mice with NRF2 pathway activation in their skeletal muscles exhibited enhanced exercise-induced mobilization and β-oxidation of fatty acids. These results indicate that NRF2 activation in skeletal muscles promotes communication with adipose tissues via humoral and/or neuronal signaling and facilitates the utilization of fatty acids as an energy source, resulting in increased mitochondrial activity and efficient energy production during exercise, which leads to improved exercise endurance.
- |||||||||| Clinical, Journal: Sarcopenic dysphagia in institutionalised older adults. (Pubmed Central) - Jul 6, 2021
Our study disclosed the potential of PPIX as a valuable indicator of sarcopenia. Sarcopenic dysphagia has a high prevalence in institutionalised older adults; and functional dependence and poor nutritional status were associated with sarcopenic dysphagia.
- |||||||||| Actemra IV (tocilizumab) / Roche, JW Pharma
Clinical, Review, Journal: Body composition in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a narrative literature review. (Pubmed Central) - Jul 6, 2021 In the few studies published, (a) creatine supplementation and progressive resistance training induce a slight and temporary increase in lean mass, (b) exposure to corticosteroids induces a gain in fat mass and (c) tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) inhibitors might be associated with a gain in fat mass, while tocilizumab might be associated with a gain in lean mass. The available data clearly demonstrate that alterations in BC occur in RA patients, but data on the effect of treatments, especially bDMARDs, are inconsistent and further studies are needed in this area.
- |||||||||| Journal: ACTN3 genotype influences skeletal muscle mass regulation and response to dexamethasone. (Pubmed Central) - Jul 4, 2021
We also show that α-actinin-3 deficiency reduces the atrophic and anti-inflammatory response to the glucocorticoid dexamethasone in muscle and protects against dexamethasone-induced muscle wasting in female but not male mice. The effects of α-actinin-3 deficiency on muscle mass regulation and response to muscle wasting provide an additional mechanistic explanation for the positive selection of the ACTN3 577X allele in recent human history.
- |||||||||| Clinical, Journal: Utilisation of Post-Activation Performance Enhancement in Elderly Adults. (Pubmed Central) - Jul 4, 2021
The post-activation performance enhancement effect underpinning complex training might be an approach that will allow for the development of both muscle strength and velocity of movement, which will result in an increase in muscle power and improve the ability to perform daily activities and decrease injury risk. This article briefly introduces a complex training model adapted to the elderly with its potential benefits and proposes a direction for further studies.
- |||||||||| Journal: Rectus Femoris Mimicking Ultrasound Phantom for Muscle Mass Assessment: Design, Research, and Training Application. (Pubmed Central) - Jul 4, 2021
Study 2 in vitro showed that using the phantom for training improved the accuracy of the measurements taken within the phantom, and Study 2 in vivo showed the phantom training had a short-term effect on improving the measurement accuracy in a human volunteer. The new ultrasound phantom model revealed that various conditions affected ultrasound measurements, and phantom training improved the measurement accuracy.