||||||||||Trial completion: D-Ribose for Fatigue in Subjects With Fibromyalgia (clinicaltrials.gov) - Jan 8, 2013 P2, N=110, Completed, Sponsor: RiboCor, Inc. Active, not recruiting --> Completed Active, not recruiting --> Completed
||||||||||quetiapine / Generic mfg. Enrollment closed: Quetiapine Compared With Placebo in the Management of Fibromyalgia (clinicaltrials.gov) - Dec 3, 2012 P4, N=42, Active, not recruiting, Sponsor: East Tennessee State University N=60 --> 0 Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting
||||||||||Zaditor (ketotifen) / Novartis Enrollment closed: Novel Use of (Oral) Ketotifen for the Treatment of Fibromyalgia: A Pilot Study (clinicaltrials.gov) - Oct 10, 2012 P3, N=46, Active, not recruiting, Sponsor: Indiana University Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting
||||||||||Savella (milnacipran) / AbbVie, Pierre Fabre Trial completion: Drug and Talk Therapy for Fibromyalgia (clinicaltrials.gov) - Oct 10, 2012 P4, N=48, Completed, Sponsor: Indiana University Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting Active, not recruiting --> Completed
||||||||||Clinical: CuFib: Cupping in Fibromyalgia (clinicaltrials.gov) - Jul 5, 2012 P=N/A, N=141, Recruiting, Sponsor: Universität Duisburg-Essen
||||||||||etoricoxib / Generic mfg. Trial termination: Etoricoxib in Acute Soft Tissue Rheumatism Affecting the Shoulder (clinicaltrials.gov) - Jun 28, 2012 P3, N=45, Terminated, Sponsor: Clinica Virgen Milagrosa N=80 --> 0 Not yet recruiting --> Terminated; Change in current areas of research interest of the collaborator
||||||||||etoricoxib / Generic mfg. Trial initiation date: Etoricoxib in Acute Soft Tissue Rheumatism Affecting the Shoulder (clinicaltrials.gov) - Jun 28, 2012 P3, N=45, Terminated, Sponsor: Clinica Virgen Milagrosa Not yet recruiting --> Terminated; Change in current areas of research interest of the collaborator Initiation date: Aug 2009 --> Nov 2009
||||||||||etoricoxib / Generic mfg. Enrollment change: Etoricoxib in Acute Soft Tissue Rheumatism Affecting the Shoulder (clinicaltrials.gov) - Jun 28, 2012 P3, N=45, Terminated, Sponsor: Clinica Virgen Milagrosa Initiation date: Aug 2009 --> Nov 2009 N=300 --> 45
||||||||||duloxetine / Generic mfg. Enrollment closed: Double Blind Trial of Duloxetine in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (clinicaltrials.gov) - Jun 28, 2012 P2/3, N=60, Active, not recruiting, Sponsor: University of Cincinnati N=300 --> 45 Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting
||||||||||Trial completion: Health Promotion for Women With Fibromyalgia (clinicaltrials.gov) - Apr 23, 2012 P=N/A, N=177, Completed, Sponsor: University of Texas at Austin Initiation date: Apr 2012 --> Jul 2012 Active, not recruiting --> Completed
||||||||||Enrollment open: Tai Chi and Aerobic Exercise for Fibromyalgia (FMEx) (clinicaltrials.gov) - Apr 19, 2012 P=N/A, N=216, Recruiting, Sponsor: Tufts Medical Center Active, not recruiting --> Completed Not yet recruiting --> Recruiting