- |||||||||| Enbrel (etanercept) / Pfizer, Amgen, Humira (adalimumab) / Eisai, AbbVie
Clinical, Review, Journal: Adalimumab-induced myasthenia gravis: case-based review. (Pubmed Central) - Aug 4, 2021 A 42-year-old woman with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) refractory to methotrexate, was treated with adalimumab (ADA), a human monoclonal antibody against the TNF, in a dosage scheme of 40 mg every 14 days subcutaneously...This is the first report making an association of ADA and ocular MG. Thus, rheumatologists dealing with patients treated with TNF inhibitors should be aware of the possible development of neurological adverse events, among them MG.
- |||||||||| [VIRTUAL] Neurocognitive Effects of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors; A Literature Review. () - Aug 2, 2021 - Abstract #AAIC2021AAIC_3562;
Although few clinical studies have targeted ICI immunotherapy for associated neurological sequelae, it appears that cognitive decline is not a common adverse effect for ICI. However, over time and with longer use of ICI, there will be a need for more rigorous studies to explore possible long-term neurological complications.
- |||||||||| Journal: Immune-mediated Neuromuscular Complications of Graft-versus-host disease. (Pubmed Central) - Aug 1, 2021
Myositis is the most common immune-mediated neuromuscular complication of GVHD while peripheral neuropathy and myasthenic syndromes appear less common. The macrophage-predominant infiltration on muscle biopsy deserves further study to better clarify the role of macrophages in GVHD pathogenesis.
- |||||||||| Journal: Thymoma pathology and Myasthenia Gravis outcomes. (Pubmed Central) - Aug 1, 2021
The WHO pathological subtype of thymoma did not correlate with MG outcomes. However, positive acetylcholine antibody serology, presence of TFH and non-recurrence of thymoma, predict a favourable outcome.
- |||||||||| Rituxan (rituximab) / Biogen, Zenyaku Kogyo, Roche
Review, Journal: Myasthenia gravis and pregnancy. (Pubmed Central) - Jul 31, 2021 To minimise the effects of myasthenia gravis on pregnancy and the newborn, and to avoid myasthenia crisis in the post-partum, the pregnancy must be planned as far as possible. During pregnancy, treatment must be reviewed due to the threat of teratogenic effects (mycophenolate mofetil, rituximab), and the follow-up must be multidisciplinary.
- |||||||||| Clinical, Journal: Epidemiology of neurologic disease in pregnancy. (Pubmed Central) - Jul 30, 2021
Some diseases, such as epilepsy and multiple sclerosis, have a high enough prevalence in the young female population to support robust epidemiologic data while many other neurologic diseases, such as specific myopathies and muscular dystrophies, have a low prevalence, with data limited to case reports and small case series. This chapter features epidemiologic information regarding a breadth of neurologic conditions, including stroke, epilepsy, demyelinating disease, peripheral neuropathies, migraine, sleep-disordered breathing, and meningioma, in women in the preconception, pregnancy, and postpartum stages.
- |||||||||| [VIRTUAL] Subclinical myasthenia gravis in thymomas () - Jul 29, 2021 - Abstract #ERS2021ERS_3961;
One in four patients who experienced no neurological symptoms before thymectomy, appeared to have anti-AChR-antibodies and 91% of these patients developed clinical MG within six years after the thymectomy. Analyzing anti-AChR-antibodies in the serum is recommended in all suspected thymomas before a thymectomy is performed.
- |||||||||| efgartigimod IV (ARGX-113 IV) / argenx, Broteio
Clinical, P3 data, Journal: Safety, efficacy, and tolerability of efgartigimod in patients with generalised myasthenia gravis (ADAPT): a multicentre, randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial. (Pubmed Central) - Jul 28, 2021 P3 Efgartigimod was well tolerated and efficacious in patients with generalised myasthenia gravis. The individualised dosing based on clinical response was a unique feature of ADAPT, and translation to clinical practice with longer term safety and efficacy data will be further informed by the ongoing open-label extension.
- |||||||||| Retrospective data, Journal: Thromboembolic complications following intravenous immunoglobulin therapy in immune-mediated neurological disorders. (Pubmed Central) - Jul 28, 2021
The individualised dosing based on clinical response was a unique feature of ADAPT, and translation to clinical practice with longer term safety and efficacy data will be further informed by the ongoing open-label extension. The risk of developing TEC upon receiving IVIg infusions is generally low in patients with immune-mediated neurological disorders; however, IVIg-related TEC should be cautiously monitored for in critically ill elderly patients with vascular risk factors, especially those suffering from myasthenic crisis.
- |||||||||| Review, Journal: Narrative review of immunotherapy in thymic malignancies. (Pubmed Central) - Jul 28, 2021
The high rate of AIDs and distribution of autoimmune events among TET's histological subtypes may have an influence on the decision regarding a treatment based on ICI due to the increased risk of toxicity. We summarize the current evidence for the efficacy of ICI in thymoma and TC and discuss several unresolved challenges and concerns for the use of this agents in TETs.
- |||||||||| Review, Journal: Caspase-9: A Multimodal Therapeutic Target With Diverse Cellular Expression in Human Disease. (Pubmed Central) - Jul 27, 2021
However, the mechanistic implications of caspase-9 expression and activation remain indeterminate in many pathologies. By assembling clinical reports of caspase-9 genetics, signaling and cellular localization in human tissues, this review identifies gaps between experimental and clinical studies on caspase-9, and presents opportunities for further investigations to examine the consequences of caspase activity in human disease.
- |||||||||| Rystiggo (rozanolixizumab) / UCB
Enrollment closed, Enrollment change: A Study to Investigate the Long-term Safety, Tolerability, and Efficacy of Rozanolixizumab in Adult Patients With Generalized Myasthenia Gravis (clinicaltrials.gov) - Jul 26, 2021 P3, N=71, Active, not recruiting, By assembling clinical reports of caspase-9 genetics, signaling and cellular localization in human tissues, this review identifies gaps between experimental and clinical studies on caspase-9, and presents opportunities for further investigations to examine the consequences of caspase activity in human disease. Enrolling by invitation --> Active, not recruiting | N=276 --> 71
- |||||||||| Clinical, Journal: Risk of incident autoimmune diseases in patients with thymectomy. (Pubmed Central) - Jul 24, 2021
Enrolling by invitation --> Active, not recruiting | N=276 --> 71 In conclusion, based on a retrospective cohort study throughout Taiwan, patients with Tx have a higher risk of new onset ADs than patients without Tx.
- |||||||||| Journal: Evaluation of extended thymectomy approaches based on residual fat tissue. (Pubmed Central) - Jul 23, 2021
MG is an immune-mediated disorder caused by molecular mimicry and autoantibodies against the neuromuscular junction. Considering the amount of the residual fat tissue, the SX approach allows an adequate dissection area for extended thymectomy compared with the MS approach.
- |||||||||| Rystiggo (rozanolixizumab) / UCB
Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date: A Study to Evaluate Rozanolixizumab in Study Participants With Generalized Myasthenia Gravis (clinicaltrials.gov) - Jul 22, 2021 P3, N=200, Enrolling by invitation, Patients with a worse disease condition tend to present a better clinical outcome after tacrolimus therapy. Trial completion date: Mar 2023 --> Jun 2023 | Trial primary completion date: Mar 2023 --> Jun 2023