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  • ||||||||||  Triglide (fenofibrate) / Vectura, Shionogi
    Journal:  Partial impairment of insulin receptor expression mimics fasting to prevent diet-induced fatty liver disease. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 30, 2020   
    Consistently, and unlike in control mice, the PPARα activator fenofibrate fails to further affect hepatic lipid accumulation in PerIRKO mice. Taken together, and opposing previously established diabetogenic features of insulin resistance, incomplete impairment of insulin signaling may mimic central aspects of calorie restriction to limit hepatic lipid accumulation during conditions of metabolic stress.
  • ||||||||||  Enerzair Breezhaler (glycopyrrolate/indacaterol/mometasone) / Novartis, Trelegy Ellipta (fluticasone furoate/umeclidinium bromide/vilanterol) / GSK, Innoviva
    Clinical, Journal:  A potential role of triple therapy for asthma patients. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 29, 2020   
    We believe that it is appropriate to treat with triple therapy asthmatic patients who have smoked and remain symptomatic or suffer from frequent exacerbations despite initial inhaler therapy with ICS/LABA. However, we must establish when to step up or mainly step down triple therapy especially in patients who are well controlled, and what will be the cost of these combinations in the management of asthma.
  • ||||||||||  Triglide (fenofibrate) / Vectura, Shionogi, risperidone / Generic mfg., Egis, doxorubicin hydrochloride / Generic mfg.
    [VIRTUAL] Predicting Drugs and Drug Targets Associated With Dilated Cardiomyopathy Using a Gene Expression-based Systems Medicine Platform () -  Jul 26, 2020 - Abstract #BCVS2020BCVS_144;    
    Our approach also recapitulated the roles of drugs, genes, and pathways that hold prognostic and therapeutic significance for DCM, such as the abilities of sulforaphane and fenofibrate to prevent DCM in animal models of type 2 diabetes. This platform can be used to predict a wide array of adverse drug reactions and their underlying mechanisms based on bioactivity data.
  • ||||||||||  Enerzair Breezhaler (glycopyrrolate/indacaterol/mometasone) / Novartis, Trelegy Ellipta (fluticasone furoate/umeclidinium bromide/vilanterol) / GSK, Innoviva
    Journal, HEOR:  Healthcare costs of the SATisfaction and adherence to COPD treatment (SAT) study follow-up. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 22, 2020   
    The results of the random effects log-linear panel data regression model may help clinicians estimate INHS costs when managing COPD patients. ID# NCT02689492.
  • ||||||||||  Triglide (fenofibrate) / Vectura, Shionogi
    Journal:  Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-α agonist and all-trans retinoic acid induce epithelial differentiation of subcutaneous adipose-derived stem cells from debrided burn skin. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 21, 2020   
    This study demonstrates that adipose-derived stem cells from debrided skin (dsASCs) of burn patients can be isolated in sufficient quantities and differentiated into cytokeratin-expressing cells by treating them with all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) and the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-α (PPARα) specific activator fenofibrate...Collectively this study shows that dsASCs can be differentiated to skin epithelial cells, without the requirement for exogenous growth factors. This differentiation protocol using dsASCs in combination with an appropriate biocompatible scaffold can be adapted to develop epithelial skin substitute for burn wound treatment.
  • ||||||||||  Triglide (fenofibrate) / Vectura, Shionogi
    Journal:  Fenofibrate induces PPARα and BMP2 expression to stimulate osteoblast differentiation. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 21, 2020   
    Taken together, we suggest that fenofibrate has a stimulatory effect on osteoblast differentiation via the elevation of PPARα levels and the PPARα-mediated BMP2 expression. Our findings provide fenofibrate as a useful agent for controlling hypercholesterolemic patients with osteoporosis.
  • ||||||||||  Enerzair Breezhaler (glycopyrrolate/indacaterol/mometasone) / Novartis
    [VIRTUAL] IND/GLY/MF: synergism in medium and small human hyperresponsive airways (Pre-congress content) -  Jul 15, 2020 - Abstract #ERS2020ERS_2158;    
    Conclusion IND/GLY/MF synergistically relaxed hyperresponsive human isolated medium and small airways in ex vivo models of bronchial asthma. Funding This study was supported by Novartis Pharma AG, Basel, Switzerland.
  • ||||||||||  Enerzair Breezhaler (glycopyrrolate/indacaterol/mometasone) / Novartis, Trelegy Ellipta (fluticasone furoate/umeclidinium bromide/vilanterol) / GSK, Innoviva
    [VIRTUAL] Feasibility and benefits of an innovative airway clearance device in COPD patients hospitalized for acute exacerbation (Pre-congress content) -  Jul 15, 2020 - Abstract #ERS2020ERS_1319;    
    COPD with bronchiectasis benefited the most from device therapy (FEV1: +28±6%, CAT -38+9%). Conclusion These results confirmed the feasibility of this new technology to manage mucus problems in COPD and suggested that it may contribute to improve respiratory symptoms and quality of life in the most severe patients
  • ||||||||||  budesonide / Generic mfg., Flutiform (fluticasone/formoterol) / Kyorin, Mundipharma, Vectura, Sanofi
    [VIRTUAL] The effects of inhaled corticosteroids and a beta-2 agonist on C. pneumoniae-infected airway epithelial cells (Pre-congress content) -  Jul 15, 2020 - Abstract #ERS2020ERS_975;    
    A549 airway epithelial cell culture was pretreated and incubated for 24 hours with budesonide, formoterol or fluticasone alone or with their combinations. The current in vitro research highlights that inhaled drugs could affect C. pneumoniae growth in a different manner that could be in connection with pneumonia risk.
  • ||||||||||  Triglide (fenofibrate) / Vectura, Shionogi, sirolimus / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Fasting enhances cold resistance in fish through stimulating lipid catabolism and autophagy. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 10, 2020   
    Repression of mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway by rapamycin largely mimicked the beneficial effects of fasting in promoting cold resistance, suggesting mTOR signaling may be involved in the fasting-induced cold resistance in fish. Our study demonstrates that fasting may be a protective strategy for fish to survive under cold stress.
  • ||||||||||  Triglide (fenofibrate) / Vectura, Shionogi
    Journal:  Preparation and Characterization of Fenofibrate-Loaded PVP Electrospun Microfibrous Sheets. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 8, 2020   
    The dramatic increase in dissolution was attributed partially to the amorphous form of the originally crystalline active agent and the rapid disintegration of the electrospun microfibrous sheet due to its high surface area and porosity. The obtained results could pave the way for a formulation of the frequently used antihyperlipidemic agent with increased bioavailability.
  • ||||||||||  Enerzair Breezhaler (glycopyrrolate/indacaterol/mometasone) / Novartis, Trelegy Ellipta (fluticasone furoate/umeclidinium bromide/vilanterol) / GSK, Innoviva
    [VIRTUAL] Real-Life Treatment Patterns and Burden of Disease Among Patients with COPD - A Large Observational Study (ATS 2020 Virtual) -  Jul 6, 2020 - Abstract #ATSI2020ATS-I_4193;    
    CONCLUSIONS In this real-life study, including incident and prevalent cases with a registered COPD diagnosis, more than two thirds of patients had no claims of any maintenance treatment at index. Exacerbation frequency was considerable during the year post index, indicating a remaining unmet medical need in the diagnosis and management of COPD.
  • ||||||||||  Enerzair Breezhaler (glycopyrrolate/indacaterol/mometasone) / Novartis, Trelegy Ellipta (fluticasone furoate/umeclidinium bromide/vilanterol) / GSK, Innoviva
    [VIRTUAL] Trioptimize V: Improvement of Air Flow and Resistance in Patients with COPD Treated with Extrafine Single Inhaler Triple Therapy in a Real-World Setting (ATS 2020 Virtual) -  Jul 6, 2020 - Abstract #ATSI2020ATS-I_4184;    
    Summary and Conclusion This interim analysis reports that after 6 months of treatment with extrafine SITT (BDP/FF/G) in symptomatic patients with moderate to severe COPD, improvement in airflow obstruction and airway resistance was evident in those on prior ICS/LABA with expected limited improvement in those on MITT. These therapeutic benefits on efSITT are consistent with the results from two published RCTs, TRILOGY and TRINITY, respectively.