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 57 Products   336 Diseases   57 Products   139 Trials   9562 News 

  • ||||||||||  Review, Journal:  Usage of Antifungal Agents in Pediatric Patients Versus Adults: Knowledge and Gaps. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 26, 2024   
    Despite the promising potential of novel antifungal drugs, their performance in heavily immunosuppressed patients remains unstudied. Until then, dedicated antifungal stewardship programs for high-risk patients are essential to optimize therapeutic outcomes, improve patient care, and limit the emergence of resistance.
  • ||||||||||  Fetroja (cefiderocol) / Shionogi, Zavicefta (ceftazidime/avibactam) / Pfizer, AbbVie
    Journal:  First report of a bla NDM-producing extensively drug resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae ST437 in Italy. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 26, 2024   
    An effective infection control system for the early detection and/or control of the transmission of NDM-producing Enterobacteriaceae is also needed. Further investigations are required to better understand the potential transmission routes and evolution of these clones.
  • ||||||||||  Cognex (tacrine) / Shionogi
    Journal:  Enhanced Recognition Memory through Dual Modulation of Brain Carbonic Anhydrases and Cholinesterases. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 26, 2024   
    A series of tacrine-based derivatives with amine/amino acid moieties were synthesized and evaluated for their dual activity on brain CA isoforms and ChEs (AChE and BChE)...Molecular modeling and ADMET predictions elucidated the compound binding modes and confirmed favorable pharmacokinetic and safety profiles. The findings suggest that dual modulation of CA and ChE activities is a promising strategy for treating cognitive deficits associated with neurodegenerative and psychiatric disorders.
  • ||||||||||  Xtampza ER (oxycodone) / Collegium Pharma, OxiFast (oxycodone immediate release) / Purdue, Shionogi, Mundipharma
    Clinical, Clinical data, Observational data, Journal, HEOR, Real-world evidence, Real-world:  Opioid-related clinical outcomes and associated healthcare costs following abuse/misuse of oxycodone formulations: A HEOR analysis from real-world data. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 25, 2024   
    The findings suggest that dual modulation of CA and ChE activities is a promising strategy for treating cognitive deficits associated with neurodegenerative and psychiatric disorders. This study is the first of its kind to synthesize clinical outcomes with opioid-related healthcare costs, suggesting that even when Xtampza ER is abused/misused, the rates of major effect/death, ED visits, and hospital admissions were significantly lower than those for other oxycodone-containing medications, resulting in relatively low downstream opioid-related healthcare costs.
  • ||||||||||  Paxlovid (nirmatrelvir/ritonavir) / Pfizer, Xocova (ensitrelvir) / Shionogi
    Journal:  Miniaturized Modular Click Chemistry-enabled Rapid Discovery of Unique SARS-CoV-2 Mpro Inhibitors With Robust Potency and Drug-like Profile. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 25, 2024   
    This study is the first of its kind to synthesize clinical outcomes with opioid-related healthcare costs, suggesting that even when Xtampza ER is abused/misused, the rates of major effect/death, ED visits, and hospital admissions were significantly lower than those for other oxycodone-containing medications, resulting in relatively low downstream opioid-related healthcare costs. C5N17B shows superior potency to nirmatrelvir (EC50 = 1.95
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  Occurrence and environmental fate of anti-influenza drugs in a subcatchment of the Yodo River Basin, Japan. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 25, 2024   
    Additionally, their presence in urban rivers and a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in the Yodo River basin was investigated and compared with those of the major anti-influenza drugs used to date (favipiravir (FAV), peramivir (PER), laninamivir (LAN), and its active metabolite, laninamivir octanoate (LANO), oseltamivir (OSE), and its active metabolite, oseltamivir carboxylate (OSEC), and zanamivir (ZAN)) to comprehensively assess their environmental fate in the aquatic environment...Notably, all anti-influenza drugs were effectively removed by ozonation (>90-99.9?% removal) after biological treatment at a WWTP. Thus, these findings suggest the importance of introducing ozonation to reduce pollution loads in rivers and the environmental risks associated with drug-resistant viruses in aquatic environments, thereby promoting safe river environments.
  • ||||||||||  Fluzone (influenza vaccine) / Sanofi, Flucelvax (influenza virus trivalent vaccine) / CSL Behring, Flublok (influenza vaccine) / Sanofi, Ildong, Shionogi
    Enrollment open:  Immunogenicity of Influenza Vaccinations ( -  Sep 25, 2024   
    P4,  N=600, Recruiting, 
    Thus, these findings suggest the importance of introducing ozonation to reduce pollution loads in rivers and the environmental risks associated with drug-resistant viruses in aquatic environments, thereby promoting safe river environments. Not yet recruiting --> Recruiting
  • ||||||||||  Relenza (zanamivir) / GSK, Vaxart, Xofluza (baloxavir marboxil) / Roche
    Review, Journal:  Fighting the flu: a brief review on anti-influenza agents. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 24, 2024   
    The emergence of the drug-resistant strains of influenza, however, underscores the need for continuous innovation towards development and discovery of new anti-influenza agents with enhanced antiviral effects, greater safety, and improved tolerability. Here in this review, we highlighted commercially available antiviral agents besides those that are at different stages of development including under clinical trials, with a brief account of their antiviral mechanisms.
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  Antimicrobial susceptibility to last-resort antibiotics in carbapenemase-producing bacteria from Ukrainian patients. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 24, 2024   
    For most CPE, a low minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of <0.5 mg/L was measured for tigecycline and ceftazidime-avibactam-aztreonam...For CRAB, ampicillin-sulbactam MICs were ?128 mg/L; for sulbactam-durlobactam, 1-2 mg/L...Our research revealed that there was extensive phenotypic resistance to last-resort antibiotics. Healthcare professionals should be aware of multidrug-resistant microorganisms when treating patients recently admitted in Ukraine, suspected for Gram-negative bacterial infection.
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  Emerging therapies for opioid-induced constipation: what can we expect? (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 23, 2024   
    Other treatment options, including intestinal secretagogues like lubiprostone and linaclotide, selective 5-HT receptor agonists such as prucalopride, and emerging adjunctive therapies like transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) and electroacupuncture were mentioned...Emerging therapies and adjunctive treatments offer promising results but require further validation through rigorous studies. Future research should focus on long-term outcomes, cost-effectiveness, and comparative effectiveness to better address the complex needs of patients with OIC and refine treatment protocols.
  • ||||||||||  VH4524184 / ViiV Healthcare, GSK
    Trial completion, Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  VH4524184 Proof-of-Concept in Treatment-Na ( -  Sep 23, 2024   
    P2,  N=22, Completed, 
    Future research should focus on long-term outcomes, cost-effectiveness, and comparative effectiveness to better address the complex needs of patients with OIC and refine treatment protocols. Recruiting --> Completed | Trial completion date: Sep 2024 --> Jun 2024 | Trial primary completion date: Sep 2024 --> Jun 2024
  • ||||||||||  Zurzuvae (zuranolone) / Sage Therapeutics, Biogen
    Clinical, Journal:  Effects of zuranolone on next-day simulated driving in healthy adults. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 21, 2024   
    Recruiting --> Completed | Trial completion date: Sep 2024 --> Jun 2024 | Trial primary completion date: Sep 2024 --> Jun 2024 Zuranolone impaired simulated driving and reduced cognitive function versus placebo 9
  • ||||||||||  micronized fenofibrate / Generic mfg., fenofibrate / Generic mfg.
    Trial completion date, Trial initiation date, Trial primary completion date:  Fenofibrate in Patients with Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia and Invasive Cervical Carcinoma ( -  Sep 21, 2024   
    P1,  N=24, Not yet recruiting, 
    Higher VL pre-ART and incomplete suppression on oral therapy increased the risk, independent of PK parameters. Trial completion date: May 2025 --> Nov 2026 | Initiation date: Aug 2024 --> Nov 2024 | Trial primary completion date: Jan 2025 --> Jun 2026
  • ||||||||||  Quviviq (daridorexant) / Idorsia, Syneos Health, Nxera Pharma, Simcere
    Enrollment open, Real-world evidence, Patient reported outcomes, Real-world:  Real-World Observational Study on Patient-Reported Outcomes in the Treatment of Insomnia with Daridorexant in Canada ( -  Sep 20, 2024   
    P=N/A,  N=100, Recruiting, 
    Baloxavir treatment resulted in the fewest influenza cases and was cost-effective versus oseltamivir or no antiviral treatment from a UK National Health Service perspective. Not yet recruiting --> Recruiting
  • ||||||||||  Paxlovid (nirmatrelvir/ritonavir) / Pfizer, Xocova (ensitrelvir) / Shionogi
    Journal:  A comprehensive study of SARS-CoV-2 mfigain protease (Mpro) inhibitor-resistant mutants selected in a VSV-based system. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 17, 2024   
    Moreover, we showed the putative molecular mechanism of resistance based on in silico molecular modelling. These findings have implications on the development of future generation Mpro inhibitors, will help to understand SARS-CoV-2 protease inhibitor resistance mechanisms and show the relevance of specific mutations, thereby informing treatment decisions.
  • ||||||||||  oseltamivir / Generic mfg.
    Preclinical, Journal:  Synergistic activity of an RNA polymerase PA-PB1 interaction inhibitor with oseltamivir against human and avian influenza viruses in cell culture and in ovo. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 17, 2024   
    In this short communication, we investigated the effects of combinations of the PA-PB1 interaction inhibitor 54 with oseltamivir carboxylate (OSC), zanamivir (ZA), favipiravir (FPV), and baloxavir marboxil (BXM) on the inhibition of influenza A and B virus replication in vitro...Finally, we observed that 54 enhances OSC protective effect against avian IV replication in the embryonated eggs model. Our findings represent an advance in the development of alternative therapeutic strategies against both human and avian IV infections.
  • ||||||||||  GC376 / Anivive, Paxlovid (nirmatrelvir/ritonavir) / Pfizer, Xocova (ensitrelvir) / Shionogi
    Journal:  SARS-CoV-2 Mpro inhibitor identification using a cellular gain-of-signal assay for high-throughput screening. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 15, 2024   
    Our findings represent an advance in the development of alternative therapeutic strategies against both human and avian IV infections. The SARS2 main protease enzyme, Mpro (also called 3C-like protease, 3CLpro), is a bona fide drug target as evidenced by potent inhibition with nirmatrelvir and ensitrelvir, the active components of the drugs Paxlovid and Xocova, respectively...In this assay, Mpro inhibits expression of a luciferase reporter, and 8,777 small molecules were considered hits by causing a gain in luciferase activity 3x SD above the sample field activity (6.8% gain-of-signal relative to 100
  • ||||||||||  Xofluza (baloxavir marboxil) / Roche
    Journal:  Antivirals for monkeypox virus: Proposing an effective machine/deep learning framework. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 12, 2024   
    To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first work to study deep learning methods for the prediction of MPXV antivirals. The screening results confirm that Tilorone, Valacyclovir, Ribavirin, Favipiravir, and Baloxavir marboxil are effective drugs for MPXV treatment.
  • ||||||||||  Quviviq (daridorexant) / Idorsia, Syneos Health, Nxera Pharma, Simcere
    Journal:  Long-term safety and efficacy of daridorexant in Japanese patients with insomnia disorder. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 10, 2024   
    Maintenance lisdexamfetamine, relative to placebo, did not provide further benefit for binge-eating but was associated with significantly better eating-disorder psychopathology outcomes and greater weight-loss. Up to 52-weeks, daridorexant was well tolerated with sustained improvement in sleep onset, sleep maintenance and daytime functioning, supporting its long-term use in Japanese patients with insomnia disorder.